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Spatial Variability of Inceptisol and Entisol Soils and Their Effect on Merlot Grape Must Composition
1C. Flores, 1J. Filippini A., 2A. Miele
1. Embrapa Clima Temperado
2. Embrapa Uva e Vinho

Technologies associated to precision agriculture are being used in some crops in Brazil, mainly soybean, wheat, corn and sugarcane. However, information on its use in viticulture is scarce. Thus, a research was carried out during the vegetative cycle of 2010/2011 in a clone 347 Merlot vineyard, where the scions were grafted on the rootstock Paulsen 1103. Among the technologies related to precision agriculture, a subset of them was used in the current work to establish a) soil profiles and soil analyses, which were performed to determine the taxonomic classes of soils and their characteristics, and b) basic physicochemical analyses of the grapes must. Soil analyses showed that there are two taxonomic classes of soil in the vineyard, i.e. Inceptisol and Entisol. Applying geo-statistical procedures such as kriging, the maps show that Inceptisol had lower values of P, K and Ca, but there were no differences on organic matter, N and Mg contents. Considering the physicochemical analyses of the must from grapes cultivated on each soil, it was shown that grapes grown on Inceptisol had higher values of ºBrix, pH and the ºBrix/titratable acidity ratio and, lower figures for  titratable acidity. These observations could indicate that grapevines cultivated on Inceptisol produce grapes more suitable for higher quality wines. These results are interesting, because the vineyard is located in a slope and the Inceptisol is situated lower than  the Entisol. Although differences in sugar concentration and acidity parameters were found on the must of grapes from both soils, where grapes from Inceptisol had more sugar and less acidity, only physicochemical and sensory analyses of wine made from grapes grown on both taxonomic classes of soil will reveal the best place to produce high-quality wine.

Keyword: Grape, Sugar, Inceptisol, Entisol