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Spatial Variability Analyse And Correlation Between Physical Chemical Soil Attributes And Sugarcane Quality Parameters
1F. Rodrigues Jr, 1P. S. Maglh, 1D. G. Cerri

With the high increment in the ethanol demand, the trend is that the planted area with sugar cane in Brazil will increase from the actual 7 million ha up to 12 million ha in 15 years. The sugar cane expansion demands, beyond the enlargement of the boundaries with the installation of new industrial units, better use of the production areas and improvement of the yield and quality, together with production costs reduction. In such a way, the adoption of Precision Agriculture (PA) can be an important tool in the management of the sugar cane industries. The objective of this work was to study the Pearson’s correlation between physical and chemical soil attributes with sugarcane quality parameters, as well as verifying the spatial variability of these attributes. This work was carried out in an area of 10 ha located in Araras/SP - Brazil, in November 2008. A grid of 30x30 m was made totalizing 117 sample points. To measure sugar cane juice quality samples were taken from each point, constituted by 10 plants in the same row, just before harvesting. Laboratory analyzes of Brix, Pol, Purity and Total Reduction Sugar (TRS) were made. Soil samples were collected immediately after harvesting in the same grid points. The chemical soil attributes analyzed were macro and micro nutrients and soil physical attributes were the soil texture. The correlation obtained between sugarcane quality parameters and soil physical attributes ranged from -0.28 to 0.27 and for soil chemical attributes between 0.21 to 0.30. Spatial dependence was detected for the majority of the attributes in studied.

Keyword: precision agriculture, linear correlation, geostatistics