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Salinity zoning and their impacts on land management practices at arid regions
1E. S. Mohamed, 2A. A. Hammam
1. National authority for remote sensing and space sciences (NA
2. Lecture

Soil salinization is one of the most serious problems facing sustainable agricultural development in arid region. Also salinization effects on crop growth in side quantity and quality, as well as their influences on soil microbial activity and soil biodiversity. The risk of salinization is present, when it leads to toxicity. Soil toxicity occurs when the cation and anion imbalances in the soil solution. This study focuses on evaluation of soil salinization east of Nile delta. Ninety two surface soil samples have been collected at depth 0 to 30 cm. Mapping of spatial distribution of salinity illustrates that, the northern part of the study area are characterized by high soil salinity due to the impact of groundwater near the surface, as well as poor administrative policies for irrigation and land uses. The study showed that salinity decreased from north to south, where the quality of irrigation water and good management had a significant impact on it. Accordingly, four salinity impact zones were identified in the region (sever, high, moderate, low). Soil toxicity and salinity were highly correlated. Soil toxicity is also associated with an imbalance between cations and anions. The spatial distribution of salinity zoning and soil toxicity factors is the most important step towards good land management practices

Keyword: Arid lands , Salinization , Soil toxicity ,GIS