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Winter Wheat Plant Nitrogen and Biomass Spatial and Temporal Variation Study
1X. Song, 1X. Gu, 2C. Yang, 1Y. Ma
1. Nercita

 Nitrogen (N) is likely the most critical nutrient factor of crops and it can be controlled during the growth season to promote crop productivity. In order to ensure productivity, farmers always supply more than less nitrogen. Excessive N in field not only results in environment pollution, but also reduces farmers’ profit. Thus, predicting crop N status accurately and applying appropriate rate N to crop are the focus of lots of studies in agriculture. Many studies have found Nitrogen Nutrition Index (NNI) can be used for this purpose. Calculation of NNI needs two parameters: plant N concentration and aboveground biomass. This study focuses on the temporal and spatial variation of winter wheat plant N and biomass in different growth stages. A variable rate fertilization experiment was carried out at National Precision Agriculture Experimental Station during the wheat growth season of 2013-2014 in order to learn the wheat growth spatial distribution pattern and provide references for field crop management decision in the future. Two research methods, including conventional statistics and geo-statistics, are respectively used to explore the temporal and spatial variation characteristics of plant N and biomass. The study results show that: the overall trend of plant N and biomass is upward in the growth stage of winter wheat, and their coefficient of variation are respectively 31.32% and 28.64% in wheat erecting stage while that are respectively 16.38% and 15.20% in harvest stage. Through the geo-statistics analysis: the ratio of C0/(C0+C) for plant N is 40.53% and range is 80m in flowering stage, it has highest spatial autocorrelation and its content is widely low throughout experiment area. In filling and harvest stage, the content of plant N in the west of experimental area is higher than that in the east and its spatial distribution is more continuous, ratio of C/Co+C for plant N are 45.84% and43.60 %,while the range are 62.9m and 67.0m, respectively. In erecting, jointing, flagging stage its spatial distribution exist larger difference but the plant N content in the south of experimental area is higher than that in the north. The spatial distribution of biomass shows great continuous in erecting, flowering, harvest stage and exists large difference in flagging stage, its spatial class and range are respectively 69.22% and the smallest value 10.4m, in jointing and filling stage its spatial class are respectively 64.59% and 72.04%, its range are respectively 34.5m and 27.3m, it has medium spatial autocorrelation. But biomass is higher in the south of experimental area than that in the north in up stage, and shows higher in the west of experimental area than that in the east in flowering, filling and harvest stage.

Keyword: Winter Wheat, Plant Nitrogen,Plant Biomass, Spatial Variation
X. Song    X. Gu    C. Yang    Y. Ma    In-Season Nitrogen Management    Oral    2018