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GIS Web and Mobile Development with Interfaces in QGIS for Variable Rate Fertilization
1R. Cuitiva Baracaldo, 2G. Carrillo Romero, 3O. Munar Vivas
1. STGEO project Manager, Colombia
2. STGEO GIS Developer, Colombia
3. Riopaila Castilla Precision Agriculture Division Manager, Colombia

In this paper we described the implementation of a GIS for Precision Agriculture for sugarcane crop in Colombia. An spatial equation for Variable Rate Fertilization Model was defined using as inputs estimated harvest data, nutrients in soil and fertilizer efficiently. Models for soil and harvest variability are also defined. A personalized plugin for precision agriculture was developed into QGIS software, there is the option of upload maps to a Web and mobile app using the Desktop software and data import and export is also implemented to used with tractor and soil data. Processing time and costs was reduced in comparison with the initial project state.

Keyword: Precision Agriculture, Geographic Information Systems, Variable Rate Fertilization, Sugarcane Crop, QGIS