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Web Application for Automatic Creation of Thematic Maps and Management Zones - AgDataBox-Fast Track
1J. Aikes Junior, 1E. G. Souza, 1C. Bazzi, 1R. Sobjak, 2A. Hachisuca, 1A. Gavioli, 1N. Betzek, 1K. Schenatto, 2W. Moreira, 1E. Mercante, 1M. Rodrigues
1. Federal University of Technology - Paraná
2. Western Paraná State University

Agriculture is challenging to produce more profitably, with the world population expected to reach some 10 billion people by 2050. Such a challenge can be achieved by adopting precision agriculture and digital agriculture (Agriculture 4.0). Digital agriculture (DA) has become a reality with the availability of cheaper and more powerful sensors, actuators and microprocessors, high-bandwidth cellular communication, cloud communication, and Big Data. DA enables information to flow from used agricultural equipment and new services that transform data into valuable intelligence. In this new paradigm, large amounts of data are available, and the challenge is to add value to them. The availability of platforms (data transformation is essential for precision and digital agriculture. Our free web platform, called AgDataBox (ADB, http://adb.md.utfpr.edu.br/map), aims to integrate data, software, procedures, and methodologies. This work presents a new module for ADB, called ADB-Map Fast-Track (ADB-MAP-FT), which allows creating thematic maps (TMs) and delineating management zones (MZs) automatically by a web-friendly interface platform, ideal for users who do not have all the technical knowledge in this area. The choice of the algorithms sequence and their parameters in each process was based on a literature search. ADB-MAP-FT allows changing the default values/algorithms for people with advanced knowledge or those who want to test other configurations or algorithms. Once the new settings are selected, the ADB-MAP-FT can execute the entire procedure sequentially without user intervention. The resulting TM or MZ is a new layer that can have its style personalized, such as changing color schemes, subtitle texts, and subtitle ranges. It can also be exported in CSV, TXT, and image formats. The platform stores all project information in the cloud, allowing for later consultations, and, as it is a web platform, it removes the processing cost on the client-side since the procedure is performed on the server-side. The only device restrictions are a web browser and an internet connection.

Keyword: digital agriculture, precision agriculture, variable-rate application, site-specific management
J. Aikes junior    E. G. Souza    C. Bazzi    R. Sobjak    A. Hachisuca    A. Gavioli    N. Betzek    K. Schenatto    W. Moreira    E. Mercante    M. Rodrigues    Decision Support Systems    Poster    2022