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Nze Memiaghe, J
Best, S
Wurbs, A
Dunn, D
Dhoubhadel, S
De Ketelaere, B
Whitney, S
Inamasu, R
Inamasu, R.Y
Roques, S
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Bettiol, G.M
Inamasu, R.Y
Rabello, L.M
Bernardi, A.C
Campana, M
Oliveira, P.P
Naime, J.D
Queiros, L.R
Resende, A.V
Vilela, M.D
Bassoi, L.H
Perez, N.B
Bernardi, A.C
Inamasu, R.Y
Bortolon, L
Borghi, E
Luchiari Junior, A
Bortolon, E.S
Freitas, A.A
Inamasu, R.Y
Avanzi, J.C
Dutra, R
Sousa, R
Porto, A
Inamasu, R
Lopes, W
Tronco, M
Lopes, W.C
Domingues, G
Sousa, R.V
Porto, A.J
Inamasu, R.Y
Pereira, R.R
Herold, L
Poelling, B
Wurbs, A
Werner, A
Borghi, E
Luchiari Junior, A
Bortolon, L
Bortolon, E.S
Inamasu, R.Y
Bernardi, A.C
Avanzi, J.C
Fragalle, C.V
Silva, J.C
Fragalle, E.P
Inamasu, R.Y
Bernardi, A.C
Inamasu, R.Y
Bernardi, A.C
Tabile, R
Porto, A
Inamasu, R
Sousa, R
Kolln, O.T
Sanches, G.M
Rossi Neto, J
Castro, S.G
Mariano, E
Otto, R
Inamasu, R
Magalhães, P.S
Braunbeck, O.A
Franco, H.C
Wouters, N
Van Beers, R
De Ketelaere, B
Deckers, T
De Baerdemaeker, J
Saeys, W
Larson, J.A
Stefanini, M
Lambert, D.M
Yin, X
Boyer, C.N
Varco, J.J
Scharf , P.C
Tubaña, B.S
Dunn, D
Savoy, H.J
Buschermohle, M.J
Tyler, D.D
Zebarth, B
Goyer, C
Neupane, S
Li, S
Mills, A
Whitney, S
Cambouris, A
Perron, I
Kindred, D
Sylvester-Bradley, R
Clarke, S
Roques, S
Hatley, D
Marchant, B
Dhoubhadel, S
Griffin, T.W
Balboa, G
Puntel, L
Melchiori, R
Ortega, R
Tiscornia, G
Bolfe, E
Roel, A
Scaramuzza, F
Best, S
Berger, A
Hansel, D
Palacios, D
Nze Memiaghe, J
Cambouris, A.N
Ziadi, N
Duchemin, M
Karam, A
Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
Global Proliferation of Precision Agriculture and its Applications
Profitability, Sustainability and Adoption
Guidance, Robotics, Automation, and GPS Systems
Profitability, Sustainability, and Adoption
Profitability, Sustainability and Adoption
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Precision Nutrient Management
Sensor Application in Managing In-season CropVariability
Profitability, Sustainability and Adoption
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
Profitability and Success Stories in Precision Agriculture
ISPA Community: Latin America
Decision Support Systems
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Filter results18 paper(s) found.

1. Typology Of Farms And Regions In EU States Assessing The Impacts Of Precision Farming-technologies

A typology is developed describing the typical farms and the agricultural regions in Europe which presumably would apply Precision Farming technologies (PFT) and how. The typology focuses on the potential agronomic (cropping practices) benefits of PFT in crop production. Precision Farming covers a wide range of technologies for different sectors in agriculture. They differ in techniques, equipment and procedures and form core elements of information oriented production of various crops .... L. Herold, B. Poelling, A. Wurbs, A. Werner

2. Spatial Variability of Soil Properties in Intensively Managed Tropical Grassland in Brazil

For the intensification of tropical grass pastures systems the soil fertility building up by liming and balanced fertilization is necessary. The knowledge of spatial variability soil properties is useful in the rational use of inputs, as in the variable rate application of lime and fertilizers. PA requires methods to indicate the spatial variability of soil and plant parameters. The objective of this work was to map and evaluate the soil properties and maps the site specific liming and fertilizer... G.M. Bettiol, R.Y. Inamasu, L.M. Rabello, A.C. Bernardi, M. Campana, P.P. Oliveira

3. Brazilian Precision Agriculture Research Network

The adoption of adequate technologies for food, biomass and fiber production can increase yield and quality and also reduce environmental impact through an efficient input application. Precision agriculture is the way to decisively contribute with efficient production with environment protection in Brazil. Based on this, recently Embrapa established the Brazilian Precision... J.D. Naime, L.R. Queiros, A.V. Resende, M.D. Vilela, L.H. Bassoi, N.B. Perez, A.C. Bernardi, R.Y. Inamasu

4. Adoption and Tendencies of Precision Agriculture Technologies in the Tocantins State, Brazil

Although precision agriculture is widely used throughout Brazilian crop production, it has not been used to increase the efficiency use of agricultural inputs. Besides, technologies available have not been... L. Bortolon, E. Borghi, A. Luchiari junior, E.S. Bortolon, A.A. Freitas, R.Y. Inamasu, J.C. Avanzi

5. Architecture and Model of Data Integration between Management Systems and Agricultural Machines for Precision Agriculture

 The development of robotic systems has challenges as the high degree of interdisciplinarity, the difficulty of integration between the various robotic control... R. Dutra, R. Sousa, A. Porto, R. Inamasu, W. Lopes, M. Tronco

6. Compatible ISOBUS Applications Using a Computational Tool for Support the Phases of the Precision Agriculture Cycle

... W.C. Lopes, G. Domingues, R.V. Sousa, A.J. Porto, R.Y. Inamasu, R.R. Pereira

7. Adoption Level Of Precision Agriculture For Brazilian Farmers - 2011/12 Crop Year

Although Precision Agriculture (PA) concepts and technologies are widespread in Brazil, its application still little used in some important crop production regions. The purpose of this study was to survey the current adoption level of PA by printed and online questionnaire. We started making a specific questionnaire to farmers and PA service companies using some technology related to PA. The questionnaires were developed based on the methodology of Whipker and Akridge (2009),... E. Borghi, A. Luchiari junior, L. Bortolon, E.S. Bortolon, R.Y. Inamasu, A.C. Bernardi, J.C. Avanzi

8. Strategies For Scientific Communication Of Precision Agriculture In Brazil

Scientific knowledge popularization is the way to the society access technical scientific advances. The challenge is to increase the means, channels and processes of information and relationship with society and decode scientific issues into a format that makes knowledge accessible. The Embrapa Precision Agriculture Network has been used scientific communication strategies at the traditional and new media, as a way of approach with various stakeholders, contributing to the construction... C.V. fragalle, J.C. Silva, E.P. fragalle, R.Y. Inamasu, A.C. Bernardi

9. Precision Agriculture Use In Selected Agricultural Regions In Brazil

Investment in technology brought Brazil to the position among the top agricultural producers in the world. Brazilian agricultural production has increased drastically as a result of productivity growth instead expansion in area. In this scenario the use of Precision Agriculture (PA) in the farm management, considering the spatial variability for maximizing economic return and minimizing the risk of damage to the environment can be decisive. However, the adoption of PA by Brazilian... R.Y. Inamasu, A.C. Bernardi

10. Agribot: Development Of A Mobile Robotic Platform To Support Agricultural Data Collection

Precision Agriculture and agricultural practices that take into account environment protection, leads to several research challenges. Sampling scale and the precision required by these new agricultural practices are often greater than those required by traditional agriculture, raising the costs of production. This whole process requests an expressive number of researches in developing automation instruments. Amongst them, the use of remote sensing techniques based on On-the-Go sensors... R. Tabile, A. Porto, R. Inamasu, R. Sousa

11. Optical Sensors To Predict Nitrogen Demand By Sugarcane

The low effectiveness of nitrogen (N) from fertilizer is a substantial concern in worldwide which has been threatening the sustainability of sugarcane production. The increment of nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) by sugarcane genotypes associated to the best practices of fertilizer management and nutritional diagnosis methods have higher potential to reduce environment impacts of nitrogen fertilization. Due to the difficult to determine N status in soil test as well as there is not... O.T. Kolln, G.M. Sanches, J. Rossi neto, S.G. Castro, E. Mariano, R. Otto, R. Inamasu, P.S. Magalhães, O.A. Braunbeck, H.C. Franco

12. Towards Automated Pneumatic Thinning Of Floral Buds On Pear Trees

Thinning of pome and stone fruit is an important horticultural practice that is used to enhance fruit set and quality by removing excess floral buds. As it is still mostly conducted through manual labor, thinning comprises a large part of a grower’s production costs. Various thinning machines developed in recent years have clearly demonstrated that mechanization of this technique is both feasible and cost effective. Generally, these machines still lack sufficient selectivity... N. Wouters, R. Van beers, B. De ketelaere, T. Deckers, J. De baerdemaeker, W. Saeys

13. Net Returns and Production Use Efficiency for Optical Sensing and Variable Rate Nitrogen Technologies in Cotton Production

This research evaluated the profitability and N use efficiency of real time on-the-go optical sensing measurements (OPM) and variable-rate technologies (VRT) to manage spatial variability in cotton production in the Mississippi River Basin states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee. Two forms of OPM and VRT and the existing farmer practice (FP) were used to determine N fertilizer rates applied to cotton on farm fields in the four states. Changes in yields and N rates due to OPM... J.A. Larson, M. Stefanini, D.M. Lambert, X. Yin, C.N. Boyer, J.J. Varco, P.C. Scharf , B.S. Tubaña, D. Dunn, H.J. Savoy, M.J. Buschermohle, D.D. Tyler

14. Soil Microbial Communities Have Distinct Spatial Patterns in Agricultural Fields

Soil microbial communities mediate many important soil processes in agricultural fields, however their spatial distribution at distances relevant to precision agriculture is poorly understood. This study examined the soil physico-chemical properties and topographic features controlling the spatial distribution of soil microbial communities in a commercial potato field in eastern Canada using next generation sequencing. Soil was collected from a transect (1100 m) with 83 sampling points in a landscape... B. Zebarth, C. Goyer, S. Neupane, S. Li, A. Mills, S. Whitney, A. Cambouris, I. Perron

15. Supporting and Analysing On-Farm Nitrogen Tramline Trials So Farmers, Industry, Agronomists and Scientists Can LearN Together

Nitrogen fertilizer decisions are considered important for the agronomic, economic and environmental performance of cereal crop production. Despite good recommendation systems large unpredicted variation exists in measured N requirements. There may be fields and farms that are consistently receiving too much or too little N fertilizer, therefore losing substantial profit from wasted fertilizer or lost yield. Precision farming technologies can enable farmers (& researchers) to test appropriate... D. Kindred, R. Sylvester-bradley, S. Clarke, S. Roques, D. Hatley, B. Marchant

16. The Impact of Precision Agriculture Technologies on Farm Profitability in Kansas

Even with more than a decade long adoption of the precision agriculture (PA) technologies in the United States, its impact on farm profitability is still not clear. This paper uses farm level data from Kansas Farm Management Association (KFMA) to conduct the ex-post evaluation of PA technologies on farm profitability in Kansas. The analysis of the data using propensity score matching method indicates that there is on an average $60,000 difference in net returns of the farm with at least one PA... S. Dhoubhadel, T.W. Griffin

17. How Digital is Agriculture in South America? Adoption and Limitations

A rapidly growing population in a context of land and water scarcity, and climate change has driven an increase in healthy, nutritious, and affordable food demand while maintaining the current cropping area. Digital agriculture (DA) can contribute solutions to meet the demands in an efficient and sustainable way. South America (SA) is one of the main grain and protein producers in the world but the status of DA in the region is unknown. This article presents the results from a systematic review... G. Balboa, L. Puntel, R. Melchiori, R. Ortega, G. Tiscornia, E. Bolfe, A. Roel, F. Scaramuzza, S. Best, A. Berger, D. Hansel, D. Palacios

18. Impacts of Interpolating Methods on Soil Agri-environmental Phosphorus Maps Under Corn Production

Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient for crops production including corn. However, the excessive P application, tends to P accumulation at the soil surface under crops systems. This may contribute to increase water and groundwater pollution by surface runoff. To prevent this, an agri-environmental P index, (P/Al)M3, was developed in Eastern Canada and USA. This index aims to estimate soil P saturation for accurate P fertilizer recommendations, while integrating agronomical aspects... J. Nze memiaghe, A.N. Cambouris, N. Ziadi, M. Duchemin, A. Karam