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Bernardi, A.C
Batbayar, B
Belasque Jr., J
Delgadillo, C.A
Dynes, R
Berger, A.G
Marmette, M
Bedwell, E
Mendez, L
Maxton, C
Molin, J.P
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Lund, E
Maxton, C
Kweon, G
Bettiol, G.M
Inamasu, R.Y
Rabello, L.M
Bernardi, A.C
Campana, M
Oliveira, P.P
Molin, J.P
Colaço, A.F
Colaço, A.F
Rosa, H.J
Molin, J.P
de Oliveira, R.P
Bernardi, A.C
Benites, V.D
Rabello, L.M
Inamassu, R.Y
Saraiva, A.M
Santos, R.T
Molin, J.P
Naime, J.D
Queiros, L.R
Resende, A.V
Vilela, M.D
Bassoi, L.H
Perez, N.B
Bernardi, A.C
Inamasu, R.Y
Pullanagari, R
Yule, I
Tuohy, M
Hedley, M
King, W
Dynes, R
Wetterich, C
Belasque Jr., J
Marcassa, L
Bernardi, A.C
Gimenez, L.M
Silva, C.A
Machado, P.L
Bernardi, A.C
Grego, C.R
Andrade, R.G
Vaz, C.M
Rabello, L.M
Inamasu, R.Y
Erdenee, B
Batbayar, B
Tateishi, R
Dennis, S.J
Clarke-Hill, W
Taylor, A
Dynes, R
O'Neill, K
Jowett, T
Archer, J.K
Delgadillo, C.A
Shen, F
Lund, E
Maxton, C
Lund, T
Maldaner, L
Molin, J
Tavares, T
Mendez, L
Corrêdo, L
Duarte, C
Berger, A.G
Hoffman, E
Fassana, N
Alfonso, F
King, W
Dynes, R
Laurenson, S
Zydenbos, S
MacAuliffe, R
Taylor, A
Manning, M
Roberts, A
White, M
Marmette, M
Adamchuk, V
Nault, J
Tabatabai, S
Cocciardi, R
Lund, E
Lund, T
Maxton, C
Bedwell, E
Lacerda, L
Felipe dos Santos, A
Bedwell, E
Jakhar, A
Costa Barboza, T.O
Ardigueri, M
Bedwell, E
Lacerda, L
McAvoy, T
Ortiz, B.V
Snider, J
Vellidis, G
Yu, Z
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
Precision Horticulture
Information Management and Traceability
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Food Security and Precision Agriculture
Global Proliferation of Precision Agriculture and its Applications
Precision Horticulture
Precision A-Z for Practitioners
Precision Nutrient Management
Global Proliferation of Precision Agriculture and its Applications
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Standards & Data Stewardship
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Geospatial Data
In-Season Nitrogen Management
Site-Specific Pasture Management
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
Education of Precision Agriculture Topics and Practices
Decision Support Systems
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Filter results23 paper(s) found.

1. Fluorescence Imaging Spectroscopy Applied To Citrus Diseases

Diseases are one of the most serious threats for citrus production worldwide. Sao Paulo, Brazil and Florida, USA, are the most important citrus producers and, both, are making efforts for citrus diseases control. Citrus canker is one of the serious diseases, caused by the Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri bacteria, that infects citrus trees and relatives, causing a large economic loss in the citrus juice production. Another important disease affecting the citrus production worldwide is the Huanglongbing... C. Wetterich, J. Belasque jr., L. Marcassa

2. Variable Rate Application Of Potassium Fertilizer For Soybean Crop Growth In A No-till System

Variable rate application of fertilizer has the potential to improve nutrient use efficiency, improve economic returns, and reduce negative environmental impacts. The objective of this study was to evaluate the variable rate application of potassium fertilizer to soybean crop in a no-till system. The study was conducted on a 13-ha soybean grain field in Carambeí, State of Paraná, Brazil in a Typic Hapludox. The area has been under no-tillage for more than 10 years growing grains... A.C. Bernardi, L.M. Gimenez, C.A. Silva, P.L. Machado

3. Spatial Variability Of Crop And Soil Properties In A Crop-livestock Integrated System

The knowledge of spatial variability soil properties is useful in the rational use of inputs, as in the site specific application of lime and fertilizer. The objective of this work was to map and evaluate the spatial variability of the crop, soil chemical and physical properties. The study was conducted in 2 areas of 6.9 and 11.7 ha of a Typic Haplustox in Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil. The summer crops corn and sorghum were sowed together to the forage crop Brachiaria brizantha in the system of crop-pasture... A.C. Bernardi, C.R. Grego, R.G. Andrade, C.M. Vaz, L.M. Rabello, R.Y. Inamasu

4. Land Information System Of Precision Farming In Mongolia Using Remote Sensing And Geographical Information System

    Remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) technologies have been of great use to planners in planning for efficient use of natural resources at national, sub region and rural levels.   RS can be used for precision farming in a number of ways for providing input supplies and variability management through decision support system.   GIS is the principal technology used to integrate spatial data... B. Erdenee, B. Batbayar, R. Tateishi

5. The Ultimate Soil Survey in One Pass: Soil Texture, Organic Matter, pH, Elevation, Slope, and Curvature

The goal of accurately mapping soil variability preceded GPS-aided agriculture, and has been a challenging aspect of precision agriculture since its inception.  Many studies have found the range of spatial dependence is shorter than the distances used in most grid sampling.  Other studies have examined variability within government soil surveys and concluded that they have limited utility in many precision applications.  Proximal soil sensing has long been envisioned as a method... E. Lund, C. Maxton, G. Kweon

6. Spatial Variability of Soil Properties in Intensively Managed Tropical Grassland in Brazil

For the intensification of tropical grass pastures systems the soil fertility building up by liming and balanced fertilization is necessary. The knowledge of spatial variability soil properties is useful in the rational use of inputs, as in the variable rate application of lime and fertilizers. PA requires methods to indicate the spatial variability of soil and plant parameters. The objective of this work was to map and evaluate the soil properties and maps the site specific liming and fertilizer... G.M. Bettiol, R.Y. Inamasu, L.M. Rabello, A.C. Bernardi, M. Campana, P.P. Oliveira

7. Variable Rate Fertilization for Citrus

To improve economic and environmental sustainability new management strategies has been considered to citrus production. Especially on grain crops, Precision Agriculture (PA) has proved to be a successful tool to manage crop fields according to their variability, mainly through variable rate (VRT) fertilization practice. Although VRT technology is already being used on commercial citrus orchards, few academic researches have approached... J.P. Molin, A.F. Colaço

8. A Model to Analyze “As-Applied” Reports of Variable Rate Applications

Variable rate technology enables users to access crop inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides, based on site specific information. This technology combines a variable rate control system, positioning system and GIS software to enable variable rate application. During operation some of these systems report information (“as-applied” files) about target rates and actual applied rates on georeferenced points along the tracks.... A.F. Colaço, H.J. Rosa, J.P. Molin

9. Spatial Variability Index Based On Soil Properties for Notill and Pasture Site-Specific Management in Brazil.

 Quantitative characterization of soil properties spatial variation has first been applied... R.P. De oliveira, A.C. Bernardi, V.D. Benites, L.M. Rabello, R.Y. Inamassu

10. Comparison of Algorithms for Delineating Management Zones

... A.M. Saraiva, R.T. Santos, J.P. Molin

11. Brazilian Precision Agriculture Research Network

The adoption of adequate technologies for food, biomass and fiber production can increase yield and quality and also reduce environmental impact through an efficient input application. Precision agriculture is the way to decisively contribute with efficient production with environment protection in Brazil. Based on this, recently Embrapa established the Brazilian Precision... J.D. Naime, L.R. Queiros, A.V. Resende, M.D. Vilela, L.H. Bassoi, N.B. Perez, A.C. Bernardi, R.Y. Inamasu

12. Proximal Sensing Tools to Estimate Pasture Quality Parameters.

To date systems for estimating pasture quality have relied on destructive sampling with measurement completed in a laboratory which was very time consuming and expensive. Results were often not received until after the pasture was grazed which defeated the point of the measurement, as farmers required the information to make decisions about grazing strategies to effectively... R. Pullanagari, I. Yule, M. Tuohy, M. Hedley, W. King, . Dynes

13. Estimating Spatial Variation In Annual Pasture Yield

Yield mapping is an essential tool for precision management of arable crops. Crop yields can be measured once, at harvest, automatically by the harvesting machinery, and be used to inform a wide range of activities. However yield mapping has had minimal adoption by pastoral farmers.   Yield mapping is also a potentially valuable tool for precision management of pastures. However it is difficult to practically map yields on pastures, as they... S.J. Dennis, W. Clarke-hill, A. Taylor, R. Dynes, K. O'neill, T. Jowett

14. Key Data Ownership, Privacy and Protection Issues and Strategies for the International Precision Agriculture Industry

Precision agriculture companies seek to leverage technology to process greater volumes of data, greater varieties of data, and at a velocity unfathomable to most. The promises of boundless benefits are coupled with risks associated with data ownership, stewardship and privacy. This paper presents some risks related to the management of farm data, in general, as well as those unique to operating in the international arena.  Examples of U.S. and international laws related to data protection... J.K. Archer, C.A. Delgadillo, F. Shen

15. A Data Fusion Method for Yield and Soil Sensor Maps

Utilizing yield maps to their full potential has been one of the challenges in precision agriculture.  A key objective for understanding patterns of yield variation is to derive management zones, with the expectation that several years of quality yield data will delineate consistent productivity zones.  The anticipated outcome is a map that shows where soil productive potentials differ.  In spite of the widespread usage of yield monitors, commercial agriculture has found it difficult... E. Lund, C. Maxton, T. Lund

16. Identifying and Filtering Out Outliers in Spatial Datasets

Outliers present in the dataset is harmful to the information quality contained in the map and may lead to wrong interpretations, even if the number of outliers to the total data collected is small. Thus, before any analysis, it is extremely important to remove these errors. This work proposes a sequential process model capable of identifying outlier data when compared their neighbors using statistical parameters. First, limits are determined based on the median range of the values of all the... L. Maldaner, J. Molin, T. Tavares, L. Mendez, L. Corrêdo, C. Duarte

17. Active Canopy Sensors for the Detection of Non-Responsive Areas to Nitrogen Application in Wheat

Active canopy sensors offer accurate measurements of crop growth status that have been used in real time to estimate nitrogen (N) requirements. NDVI can be used to determine the absolute amount of fertilizer requirement, or simply to distribute within the field an average rate defined by decision models using other diagnostics. The objective of this work was to evaluate the capacity of active canopy sensors to determine yield and N application requirements within a site at jointing stage (Feeks... A.G. Berger, E. Hoffman, N. Fassana, F. Alfonso

18. Through the Grass Ceiling: Using Multiple Data Sources on Intra-Field Variability to Reset Expectations of Pasture Production and Farm Profitability

Intra-field variability has received much attention in arable and horticultural contexts. It has resulted in increased profitability as well as reduced environmental footprint. However, in a pastoral context, the value of understanding intra-field variability has not been widely appreciated. In this programme, we used available technologies to develop multiple data layers on multiple fields within a dairy farm. This farm was selected as it was already performing at a high level, with well-developed... W. King, R. Dynes, S. Laurenson, S. Zydenbos, R. Macauliffe, A. Taylor, M. Manning, A. Roberts, M. White

19. Comparison of the Performance of Two Vis-NIR Spectrometers in the Prediction of Various Soil Properties

Spectroscopy has shown capabilities of predicting certain soil properties. Hence, it is a promising avenue to complement traditional wet chemistry analysis that is costly and time-consuming. This study focuses on the comparison of two Vis-NIR instruments of different resolution to assess the effect of the resolution on the ability of an instrument to predict various soil properties. In this study, 798 air dried and compressed soil samples representing different agro-climatic conditions across... M. Marmette, V. Adamchuk, J. Nault, S. Tabatabai, R. Cocciardi

20. Measuring Soil Carbon with Intensive Soil Sampling and Proximal Profile Sensing

Soils have a large carbon storage capacity and sequestering additional carbon in agricultural fields can reduce CO2 levels in the atmosphere, helping to mitigate climate change. Efforts are underway to incentivize agricultural producers to increase soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in their fields using various conservation practices.  These practices and the increased SOC provide important additional benefits including improved soil health, water quality and – in some cases –... E. Lund, T. Lund, C. Maxton

21. Increasing Precision Irrigation Efficacy for Row Crop Agriculture Through the Use of Artificial Intelligence

The agricultural sector is the largest consumer of the world’s available fresh water resources. With fresh water scarcity increasing worldwide, more efficient use for irrigation water is necessary. Precision irrigation is described as the application of water to meet crop needs of a specific area, at the right amount and at the time that is optimum for crop health and management objectives. Irrigation becomes increasingly efficient through the use of precision irrigation tools. However,... E. Bedwell

22. Fostering Student Engagement and Leadership Development in Integrative Precision Agriculture Across Borders

Efforts to advance integrative precision agriculture technologies are growing exponentially across the globe with the common interest of upholding food security and developing more sustainable food and fiber production systems. Countries such as the United States and Brazil are among the biggest crop producers in the world and will play an even bigger role in food security in the next decades. It is of utmost importance that countries can advance together to overcome future food production challenges... L. Lacerda, A. Felipe dos santos, E. Bedwell, A. Jakhar, T.O. Costa barboza, M. Ardigueri

23. Using Remote Sensing to Benchmark Crop Coefficient Curves of Sweet Corn Grown in the Southeastern United States

Irrigation is responsible for over 75% of global freshwater use, making it the largest consumer of the world’s freshwater resources. With freshwater scarcity increasing worldwide, increased efficient irrigation water use is necessary. Smart irrigation is described as ‘the linking of technology and fundamental knowledge of crop physiology to significantly increase irrigation water use efficiency'. Irrigation scheduling tools such as smartphone applications have become... E. Bedwell, L. Lacerda, T. Mcavoy, B.V. Ortiz, J. Snider, G. Vellidis, Z. Yu