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Shiratsuchi, L
Streeter, C.R
Shrestha, S
Souza, E
Junior, C.S
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Junior, C.S
Hirakawa, A.R
Shiratsuchi, L
Lutz, C.C
Ferguson, R.B
Adamchuk, V.I
Zhang, X
Streeter, C.R
Kim, H
Olsen, D.R
Shiratsuchi, L
Ferguson, R.B
Shanahan, J.F
Adamchuk, V.I
Slater, G
Souza, E
Schenatto, K
Rodrigues, F
Rocha, D
Bazzi, C.L
Schenatto, K
Bazzi, C.L
Bier, V
Souza, E
Souza, E
Schenatto, K
Bazzi, C
Bazzi, C.L
Oliveira, W.K
Sobjak, R
Schenatto, K
Souza, E
Hachisuca, A
Franz, F
Barbosa, M
Duron, D
Rontani, F
Bortolon, G
Moreira, B
Oliveira, L
Setiyono, T
Shiratsuchi, L
Silva, R.P
Holland, K.H
Shrestha, S
Lacerda, L
Vellidis, G
Pilcon, C
Maktabi, S
Sysskind, M
Pereira de Souza, F
Shiratsuchi, L
tao, H
Acconcia Dias, M
Barbosa, M
Deri Setiyono, T
Campos, S
Pereira de Souza, F
Shiratsuchi, L
tao, H
Acconcia Dias, M
Barbosa, M
Deri Setiyono, T
Campos, S
Information Management and Traceability
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Precision Conservation Management
Education and Outreach in Precision Agriculture
Wireless Sensor Networks and Farm Connectivity
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Agriculture
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soils and Crops (including Phenotyping)
Data Analytics for Production Ag
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Filter results12 paper(s) found.

1. Near Real-time Meter-resolution Airborne Imagery For Precision Agriculture: Aerocam

Precision agriculture often relies on high resolution imagery to delineate the variability within a field. Airborne Environmental Research Observational Camera (AEROCam) was designed to meet the needs of agriculture producers, ranchers, and researchers, who require meter-solution imagery in a near real-time environment for rapid decision support. AEROCam was developed and operated through a unique collaboration... X. Zhang, C.R. Streeter, H. Kim, D.R. Olsen

2. Comparison Of Spectral Indices Derived From Active Crop Canopy Sensors For Assessing Nitrogen And Water Status

... L. Shiratsuchi, R.B. Ferguson, J.F. Shanahan, V.I. Adamchuk, G. Slater

3. Ontology for Data Representation in the Production of Cotton Fiber in Brazil

... C.S. Junior, A.R. Hirakawa

4. Integrated Crop Canopy Sensing System for Spatial Analysis of In-Season Crop Performance

Over the past decade, the relationships between leaf color, chlorophyll content, nitrogen supply, biomass and grain yield of agronomic crops have been studied widely.... L. Shiratsuchi, C.C. Lutz, R.B. Ferguson, V.I. Adamchuk

5. Comparison Of Management Zones Generated By The K-Means And Fuzzy C-Means Methods

The generation of Management Zones (MZ) is an economic alternative to make viable the precision agriculture (RODRIGUES & ZIMBACK, 2002) because they work as operation units for the inputs localized application and as soil and culture sample indicators. For the field division in... E. Souza, K. Schenatto, F. Rodrigues, D. Rocha, C. Bazzi

6. The Influence Of The Interpolation Method In The Management Zones Generation

The definition of management zones (MZ) allows the concepts of precision agriculture (PA) to be used even in small producers. Methods for defining these MZ were created and are being used, obtaining satisfactory results with different crops and parameters (FLEMING & WESTFALL, 2000; ORTEGA & SANTIBÁÑEZ, 2007; MILANI et al., 2006). Through methodologies, the attributes that are influencing the productivity are selected and thematic maps are generated with the... K. Schenatto, C. Bazzi, V. Bier, E. Souza

7. Creating Thematic Maps and Management Zones for Agriculture Fields

Thematic maps (TMs) are maps that represent not only the land but also a topic associated with it, and they aim to inform through graphic symbols where a specific geographical phenomenon occurs. Development of TMs is linked to data collection, analysis, interpretation, and representation of the information on a map, facilitating the identification of similarities, and enabling the visualization of spatial correlations. Important issues associated with the creation of TMs are: selection of the... E. Souza, K. Schenatto, C. Bazzi

8. AgDataBox-IoT - Managing IoT Data and Devices on Precision Agriculture

The increasing global population has resulted in a substantial demand for nourishment, which has prompted the agricultural sector to investigate ways to improve efficiency. Precision agriculture (PA) uses advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and sensor networks to collect and analyze field information. Although the advantages are numerous, the available data storage, management, and analysis resources are limited. Therefore, creating and providing a user-friendly web application... C.L. Bazzi, W.K. Oliveira, R. Sobjak, K. Schenatto, E. Souza, A. Hachisuca, F. Franz

9. Multi-sensor Remote Sensing: an AI-driven Framework for Predicting Sugarcane Feedstock

Predicting saccharine and bioenergy feedstocks in sugarcane enables stakeholders to determine the precise time and location for harvesting a better product in the field. Consequently, it can streamline workflows while enhancing the cost-effectiveness of full-scale production. On one hand, Brix, Purity, and total reducing sugars (TRS) can provide meaningful and reliable indicators of high-quality raw materials for industrial food and fuel processing. On the other hand, Cellulose, Hemicellulose,... M. Barbosa, D. Duron, F. Rontani, G. Bortolon, B. Moreira, L. Oliveira, T. Setiyono, L. Shiratsuchi, R.P. Silva, K.H. Holland

10. Field Mapping for Aflatoxin Assessment in Peanut Crops Using Thermal Imagery

Aflatoxin is a toxic carcinogenic compound produced by certain species of Aspergillus fungi, which has a significant impact on peanut production. Aflatoxin levels above a certain threshold (20 ppb in the USA and 4 ppb in Europe) make peanuts unsuitable for export, resulting in significant financial losses for farmers and traders. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are becoming increasingly popular for remote sensing applications in agriculture. Leveraging this advancement, UAV-based thermal imaging... S. Shrestha, L. Lacerda, G. Vellidis, C. Pilcon, S. Maktabi, M. Sysskind

11. Computer Vision by UAVs for Estimate Soybean Population Across Different Physiological Growth Stages and Sowing Speeds

Soybean (Glycine max (Linnaeus) Merrill) production in the United States plays a crucial role in agriculture, occupying a considerable amount of cultivated land. However, the costs associated with soybean production have shown a notable increase in recent years, with seed-related expenses accounting for a significant proportion of the total. This increase in costs is attributed to a number of factors, including the introduction of patented and protected genetic traits, as well as inflationary... F. Pereira de souza, L. Shiratsuchi, H. Tao, M. Acconcia dias, M. Barbosa, T. Deri setiyono, S. campos

12. Optimizing Soybean Management with UAV RGB and Multispectral Imagery: a Neural Network Method and Image Processing

Precision agriculture (PA) has emerged as a fundamental approach in contemporary agricultural management, aimed at maximizing efficiency in the use of resources and improving crop productivity. The transition to so-called "agriculture 4.0" represents a revolution in the way technology is applied in the field, with an emphasis on digital and automated solutions such as UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). These devices offer new capabilities for capturing high-resolution images, enabling... F. Pereira de souza, L. Shiratsuchi, H. Tao, M. Acconcia dias, M. Barbosa, T. deri setiyono, S. Campos