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Ghansah, B
Chassen, E
Chavan, H
Carriedo, L
Castro, T
Coulter, J.A
Choi, J
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Chung, S
Kim, K
Kim, H
Choi, J
Zhang, Y
Kang, S
Han, K
Hur, S
Chung, S
Huh, Y
Choi, J
Ryu, D
Kim, K
Kim, H
Kim, H
Nguyen, T
Slaughter, D
Townsley, B
Carriedo, L
Maloof, J
Sinha, N
Denton, A.M
Chavan, H
Franzen, D.W
Nowatzki, J.F
Dallago, G.M
Figueiredo, D
Santos, R
Santos, D
Guimarães, L
Santos, C
Castro, T
Santos, A
Otoni, L
Andrade, J
Luck, B
Drewry, J
Chassen, E
Steffan, S
Mizuta, K
Miao, Y
Morales, A.C
Lacerda, L.N
Cammarano, D
Nielsen, R.L
Gunzenhauser, R
Kuehner, K
Wakahara, S
Coulter, J.A
Mulla, D.J
Quinn, D.
McArtor, B
Ghansah, B
Khuimphukhieo, I
Scott, J.L
Bhandari, M
Foster, J
Da Silva, J
Li, H
Starek, M
Bhandari, M
Landivar, J
Ghansah, B
Zhao, L
Landivar, J
Pal, P
Precision Horticulture
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
In-Season Nitrogen Management
Genomics and Precision Agriculture
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Agriculture
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Filter results9 paper(s) found.

1. Remote Control System for Greenhouse Environment Using Mobile Devices

Protected crop production facilities such as greenhouse and plant factory have drawn interest and the area is increasing in Korea as well as in other countries in the world. Remote... S. Chung, K. Kim, H. Kim, J. Choi, Y. Zhang, S. Kang, K. han, S. Hur

2. Determination of Sensor Locations for Monitoring of Soil Water Content in Greenhouse

 Monitoring and control of environmental condition is highly important for optimum control of the conditions, especially in greenhouse and plant factor, and the condition... S. Chung, Y. Huh, J. Choi, D. Ryu, K. Kim, H. Kim, H. Kim

3. In-field Plant Phenotyping Using Multi-view Reconstruction: an Investigation in Eggplant

Rapid methods for plant phenotyping are a growing need in agricultural research to help accelerate improvements in crop performance in order to facilitate more efficient utilization of plant genome sequences and the corresponding advancements in associated methods of genetic improvement. Manual plant phenotyping is time-consuming, laborious, frequently subjective, and often destructive. There is a need for building field-deployable systems with advanced sensors that have both high-speed and high-performance... T. Nguyen, D. Slaughter, B. Townsley, L. Carriedo, J. Maloof, N. Sinha

4. Window-based Regression Analysis of Field Data

High-resolution satellite and areal imagery enables multi-scale analysis that has previously been impossible.  We consider the task of localized linear regression and show that window-based techniques can return results at different length scales with very high efficiency.  The ability of inspecting multiple length scales is important for distinguishing factors that vary over different length scales.  For example, variations in fertilization are expected to occur on shorter length... A.M. Denton, H. Chavan, D.W. Franzen, J.F. Nowatzki

5. Time Series Analysis of Somatic Cell Count from Dairy Herds in Minas Gerais - Brazil

The objective of this study was to analyze the temporal variation of somatic cell count (SCC) in milk of dairy cows from the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The Holstein Livestock Breeders Association of Minas Gerais provided data collected from 128 dairy farms located in the state of Minas Gerais between the years of 2000 and 2016. The database contains the SCC average of a total of 91,851 305-day lactations of Holstein animals. The annual SCC average was calculated as well as the percentage of... G.M. Dallago, D. Figueiredo, R. Santos, D. Santos, L. Guimarães, C. Santos, T. Castro, A. Santos, L. Otoni, J. Andrade

6. Unmanned Aerial Systems and Remote Sensing for Cranberry Production

Wisconsin is the largest producer of Cranberries in the United States with 5.6 million barrels produced in 2017. To date, Precision Agriculture technologies adapted to cranberry production have been limited. The objective of this research was to assess the feasibility of the use of commercial remote sensing devices and Unmanned Aerial Systems in cranberry production. Two commercially available sensors were assessed for use in cranberry production: 1) MicaSense Red Edge and 2) Zenmuse XT. Initial... B. Luck, J. Drewry, E. Chassen, S. Steffan

7. Evaluating a Satellite Remote Sensing and Calibration Strip-based Precision Nitrogen Management Strategy for Corn in Minnesota and Indiana

Precision nitrogen (N) management (PNM) aims to match N supply with crop N demand in both space and time and has the potential to improve N use efficiency (NUE), increase farmer profitability, and reduce N losses and negative environmental impacts. However, current PNM adoption rate is still quite low. A remote sensing and calibration strip-based PNM strategy (RS-CS-PNM) has been developed by the Precision Agriculture Center at the University of Minnesota.... K. Mizuta, Y. Miao, A.C. Morales, L.N. Lacerda, D. Cammarano, R.L. Nielsen, R. Gunzenhauser, K. Kuehner, S. Wakahara, J.A. Coulter, D.J. Mulla, D. . Quinn, B. Mcartor

8. High Throughput Phenotyping of the Energy Cane Crop UAV-based LiDAR, Multispectral and RGB Data

Energy cane is a hybrid of sugarcane cultivated for their high biomass and fiber instead of sugar. It is used for production of biofuels and as feedstock for animals. As a relatively new crop, accurate knowledge of biophysical parameters such as height and biomass of different genotypes are pertinent to cultivar development. Such knowledge is also crucial to manage crop health, understand response to environmental effects, optimize harvest schedules, and estimate bioenergy yield. Nonetheless,... B. Ghansah, I. Khuimphukhieo, J.L. Scott, M. Bhandari, J. Foster, J. Da silva, H. Li, M. Starek

9. Cotton Yield Estimation Using High-resolution Satellite Imagery Obtained from Planet SkySat

Satellite images have been used to monitor and estimate crop yield. Over the years, significant improvements on spatial resolution have been made where ortho images can be generated at 30-centimeter resolution. In this study, we wanted to explore the potential use of Planet SKYSAT satellite system for cotton yield predictions. This system provided imagery data at 50 centimeters resolution, and we collected data 14 times during the season. The data were collected from two different cotton... M. Bhandari