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Negrini, R.P
Nugent, P
Vanino, S
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Nino, P
Vanino, S
Lupia, F
Altobelli, F
Vuolo, F
Namdarian, I
De Michele, C
Nugent, P
Neupane, J
Negrini, R.P
Miao, Y
Mizuta, K
Stueve, K
Kaiser, D
Coulter, J.A
Mizuta, K
Miao, Y
Lu, J
Negrini, R.P
Pereira de Souza, F
Negrini, R.P
tao, H
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Agriculture
Site-Specific Nutrient, Lime and Seed Management
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
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Filter results5 paper(s) found.

1. Applications for Precision Agriculture: the Italian Experience of SIRIUS Project

    This paper reports the results of the project SIRIUS (Sustainable Irrigation water management and River-basin... P. Nino, S. Vanino, F. Lupia, F. Altobelli, F. Vuolo, I. Namdarian, C. De michele

2. Using Machine Vision to Build Field Maps of Forage Quality and the Need for Agriculture-specific Machine Vision Networks

Machine vision systems have truly come of age over the past decade. These networks are relatively simple to implement with systems such as YOLOv5 or the more recent YOLOv8. They are also relatively easy and computationally cheap to retrain to a custom data set, allowing for customization of these networks to new object detection and classification tasks. With this ease, it is no surprise that we are seeing an explosion of these networks and their application through all aspects of agriculture.... P. Nugent, J. Neupane

3. Within-field Spatial Variability in Optimal Sulfur Rates for Corn in Minnesota: Implications for Precision Sulfur Management

The ongoing decline in sulfur (S) atmospheric depositions and high yield crop production have resulted in S deficiency and the need for S fertilizer applications in corn cropping systems. Many farmers are applying S fertilizers uniformly across their fields. Little has been reported on the within-field spatial variability in optimal S rates and the potential benefits of variable rate S applications. The objectives of this study were to 1) assess within-field variability of optimal S rates (OSR),... R.P. Negrini, Y. Miao, K. Mizuta, K. Stueve, D. Kaiser, J.A. Coulter

4. Evaluating Different Strategies to Analyze On-farm Precision Nitrogen Trial Data

On-farm trials are being conducted by more and more researchers and farmers. On-farm trials are very different to traditional small plot experiments due to the existence of significant within-field variability in soil-landscape conditions. Traditional statistical techniques like analysis of variance (ANOVA) are commonly adopted for on-farm trial analysis to evaluate overall performance of different treatments, assuming uniform environmental and management factors within a field. As a result, the... K. Mizuta, Y. Miao, J. Lu, R.P. Negrini

5. Optimizing Chloride (Cl) Application for Enhanced Agricultural Yield

The optimization of chloride (Cl-) application rates is crucial for enhancing crop yields and reducing environmental impact in agricultural systems. This study investigates the relationship between chloride application rates and wheat yields, focusing on Club wheat cultivation in a 19.76-hectare field in Washington State. The target yield was set at 3765 kilograms per hectare, with seeding conducted at 67.24 kilograms per hectare using conservation tillage practices. Potassium chloride... F. Pereira de souza, R.P. Negrini, H. Tao