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Reusch, S
Rachow-Autrum, T
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Betz, A
Benny, H
Jens, M
Özyurtlu, M
Pflanz, M
Rachow-Autrum, T
Schischmanow, A
Scheele, M
Schrenk, J
Schrenk, L
Zude, M
Gebbers, R
Reusch, S
Jasper, J
Link, A
Vollmar, J
Gnyp, M.L
Panitzki, M
Reusch, S
Jasper, J
Bolten, A
Bareth, G
Portz, G
Reusch, S
Jasper, J
Precision Horticulture
Precision A-Z for Practitioners
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Small Holders and Precision Agriculture
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Filter results4 paper(s) found.

1. Estimating Crop Biomass And Nitrogen Uptake Using Cropspectm, A Newly Developed Active Crop-canopy Reflectance Sensor

  In-season variable rate nitrogen fertilizer application needs efficient determination of the nitrogen nutrition status of crops with high spatial and temporal resolution. A suitable approach to get this information fast and at low cost is proximal sensing of the light that is reflected from the crop canopy. CropSpecTM is an active vehicle mounted crop canopy sensor. Using pulsed laser diodes as light source, the sensor is designed to look at the crop at an oblique... S. Reusch, J. Jasper, A. Link, J. Vollmar

2. OptiThin - Precision Fruiticulture by Tree-Specific Mechanical Thinning

Apple cultivars show biennial fluctuations in yields (alternate bearing). The phenomenon is induced by reduced yields in one year due to freeze damage, low pollination rate or other reasons. Consequently, trees develop many flower buds that blossom in the following year. The many flowers lead to a high number of small fruits that won’t be accepted on the market. Endogenous factors (phytohormones and carbohydrate allocation) subsequently establish the biennial cycle. The alternate bearing... A. Betz, H. Benny, M. Jens, M. Özyurtlu, M. Pflanz, T. Rachow-autrum, A. Schischmanow, M. Scheele, J. Schrenk, L. Schrenk, M. Zude, R. Gebbers

3. Comparison Between Tractor-based and UAV-based Spectrometer Measurements in Winter Wheat

In-season variable rate nitrogen fertilizer application needs a fast and efficient determination of nitrogen status in crops. Common sensor-based monitoring of nitrogen status mainly relies on tractor mounted active or passive sensors. Over the last few years, researchers tested different sensors and indicated the potential of in-season monitoring of nitrogen status by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in various crops. However, the UAV-platforms and the available sensors are not yet accepted to... M. Gnyp, M. Panitzki, S. Reusch, J. Jasper, A. Bolten, G. Bareth

4. Low Cost Smartphone Camera Accessory to Digitally Measure Leaf Color for Crop Nitrogen Status Assessment

Crop nitrogen (N) status is a desirable information for crop nutrition management. In addition to the traditional leaf sampling with subsequent laboratory analysis, the use of chlorophyll meters is a well-studied and accepted practice to indirectly measure crop N status. Nevertheless, chlorophyll meters are dedicated devices that still cost at least a few hundred dollars, thus being unsuitable to large scale use among low budget smallholders. Aiming to address this issue, a new low cost smartphone... G. Portz, S. Reusch, J. Jasper