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Green, R.L
Cheema, M
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Zaman, Q
Chang, Y
Farooque, A.A
Schumann, A
Percival, D
Cheema, M
Esau, T.J
Bhandari, S
Raheja, A
Chaichi, M.R
Green, R.L
Do, D
Ansari, M
Wolf, J.G
Espinas, A
Pham, F.H
Sherman, T.M
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Spot- Application of Pre-Emergence Herbicide Using a Variable Rate Sprayer in Wild Blueberry

Wild blueberry producers apply herbicides uniformly to control grasses and weeds without considering the significant weed density variability and bare spots within fields. The repeated and excessive use of herbicides... Q. Zaman, Y. Chang, A. Farooque, A. Schumann, D. Percival, M. Cheema, T. Esau

2. Effectiveness of UAV-Based Remote Sensing Techniques in Determining Lettuce Nitrogen and Water Stresses

This paper presents the results of the investigation on the effectiveness of UAV-based remote sensing data in determining lettuce nitrogen and water stresses. Multispectral images of the experimental lettuce plot at Cal Poly Pomona’s Spadra farm were collected from a UAV. Different rows of the lettuce plot were subject to different level of water and nitrogen applications. The UAV data were used in the determination of various vegetation indices. Proximal sensors used for ground-truthing... S. Bhandari, A. Raheja, M.R. Chaichi, R.L. Green, D. Do, M. Ansari, J.G. Wolf, A. Espinas, F.H. Pham, T.M. Sherman