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Ansari, M
Antunes de Almeida, L.F
Allen, M
Aldridge, K
Abdalla, K
Asenso, E
Aliabadi Farahani, H
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Aliabadi Farahani, H
Sani, B
Villalobos, J.E
Perret, J.S
Abdalla, K
Fuentes, C.L
Rodriguez, J.C
Novais, W
Bhandari, S
Raheja, A
Chaichi, M.R
Green, R.L
Do, D
Ansari, M
Wolf, J.G
Espinas, A
Pham, F.H
Sherman, T.M
Issaka, F
Yongtao, L
Jiuhao, L
Buri, M.M
Asenso, E
Sheka Kanu, A
Zhao, Z
Ha, T
Aldridge, K
Johnson, E
Shirtliffe, S.J
Ryu, S
Carcedo, A
Antunes de Almeida, L.F
Horbe, T
Corassa, G
Pott, L.P
Ciampitti, I
Hintz, G.D
Hefley, T
Schwalbert, R.A
Prasad, V
Zhang, Y
Bailey, J
Balmos, A
Castiblanco Rubio, F.A
Krogmeier, J
Buckmaster, D
Love, D
Zhang, J
Allen, M
Precision Crop Protection
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Land Improvement and Conservation Practices
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Weather and Models for Precision Agriculture
Edge Computing and Cloud Solutions
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Filter results7 paper(s) found.

1. Monitoring Soybean Root Development under Till-System Management (TSM) at Dry-Farming Conditions

Root system development is very importance for highest soybean (Glycine max L.) grain yield, especially under arid and semiarid conditions. In order to tillage system management (TSM) for achieved to the optimum yield of soybean in dry-farming conditions... H. Aliabadi farahani, B. Sani

2. Delineation of Site-Specific Nutrient Management Zones to Optimize Rice Production Using Proximal Soil Sensing and Multispectral Imaging

Evaluating nutrient uptake and site-specific nutrient management zones in rice in Costa Rica from plant tissue and soil sampling is expensive because of the time and labor involved.  In this project, a range of measurement techniques were implemented at different vintage points (soil, plant and UAVs) in order to generate and compare nutrient management information.  More precisely, delineation of site-specific nutrient management zones were determined using 1) georeferenced soil/tissue... J.E. Villalobos, J.S. Perret, K. Abdalla, C.L. Fuentes, J.C. Rodriguez, W. Novais

3. Effectiveness of UAV-Based Remote Sensing Techniques in Determining Lettuce Nitrogen and Water Stresses

This paper presents the results of the investigation on the effectiveness of UAV-based remote sensing data in determining lettuce nitrogen and water stresses. Multispectral images of the experimental lettuce plot at Cal Poly Pomona’s Spadra farm were collected from a UAV. Different rows of the lettuce plot were subject to different level of water and nitrogen applications. The UAV data were used in the determination of various vegetation indices. Proximal sensors used for ground-truthing... S. Bhandari, A. Raheja, M.R. Chaichi, R.L. Green, D. Do, M. Ansari, J.G. Wolf, A. Espinas, F.H. Pham, T.M. Sherman

4. Characterization of Soil Properties, Nutrient Distribution and Rice (Oryza Sativa.) Productivity As Influenced by Tillage Methods in a Typical Gleysols

Global emphasis and interest in conservation Tillage in agricultural soils has tremendously increased in the last few years, especially no tillage with its potential to improve soil physicochemical properties, reduce nutrient leaching as well as improve crop productivity in a more sustainable manner.  Several questions still exist with regard to the true role of no tillage in improving soil fertility. A two year field study was conducted to characterize the effects of different tillage methods... F. Issaka, L. Yongtao, L. Jiuhao, M.M. Buri, E. Asenso, A. Sheka kanu, Z. Zhao

5. Knowledge-based Approach for Weed Detection Using RGB Imagery

A workflow was developed to explore the potential use of Phase One RGB for weed mapping in a herbicide efficacy trial in wheat. Images with spatial resolution of 0.8 mm were collected in July 2020 over an area of nearly 2000 square meters (66 plots). The study site was on a research farm at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. Wheat was seeded on June 29, 2020, at a rate of 75 seeds per square meter with a row spacing of 30.5 cm. The weed species seeded in the trial were kochia, wild oat, wild... T. Ha, K. Aldridge, E. Johnson, S.J. Shirtliffe, S. Ryu

6. Assessing Soybean Water Stress Patterns and ENSO Occurrence in Southern Brazil: an in Silico Approach

Water stress (WS) is one of the most important abiotic stresses worldwide, responsible for crop yield penalties and impacting food supply. The frequency and intensity of weather stresses are relevant to delimitating agricultural regions. In addition, El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has been employed to forecast the occurrence of seasonal WS. Lastly, planting date and cultivar maturity selection are key management strategies for boosting soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) yield... A. Carcedo, L.F. Antunes de almeida, T. Horbe, G. Corassa, L.P. Pott, I. Ciampitti, G.D. Hintz, T. Hefley, R.A. Schwalbert, V. Prasad

7. Enabling Field-level Connectivity in Rural Digital Agriculture with Cloud-based LoRaWAN

The widespread adoption of next-generation digital agriculture technologies in rural areas faces a critical challenge in the form of inadequate field-level connectivity. Traditional approaches to connecting people fall short in providing cost-effective solutions for many remote agricultural locations, exacerbating the digital divide. Current cellular networks, including 5G with millimeter wave technology, are urban-centric and struggle to meet the evolving digital agricultural needs, presenting... Y. Zhang, J. Bailey, A. Balmos, F.A. Castiblanco rubio, J. Krogmeier, D. Buckmaster, D. Love, J. Zhang, M. Allen