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Sorensen, C
Sherrod, L.A
Shi, Y
Sun, Z
Smith, J
Shahzad, M.A
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Nisa, M.U
Babar, I
Sarwar, M
Tauqir, N.A
Shahzad, M.A
Shi, Y
Wang, N
Bedard, F
Reichert, G
Dobbins, R
Pantel, M
Smith, J
Sun, Z
Wang, N
Shi, Y
Taylor, R.K
Fountas, S
Bochtis, D
Sorensen, C
Green, O
J, R
Bartzanas, T
Peterson, G
Westfall, D
Sherrod, L.A
Shi, Y
Islam, M
Steele, K
Luck, J.D
Pitla, S
Ge, Y
Jhala, A
Knezevic, S
Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Precision Carbon Management
Drone Spraying
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Filter results8 paper(s) found.

1. Timely, Objective, And Accurate Crop Area Estimations And Mapping Using Remote Sensing And Statistical Methods For The Province Of Prince Edward Island, Canada

The provincial government of Prince Edward Island, Canada, required timely, objective, and accurate annual crop area statistics and mapping for 2006 to 2008. Consequently, Statistics Canada conducted a survey incorporating medium- resolution satellite imagery (10 to 30 m) and statistical survey methods. The objective was to produce crop area estimates with a coefficient of variation (CV) as a measure of accuracy, and to produce maps showing the distribution and location of different crops and... F. Bedard, G. Reichert, R. Dobbins, M. Pantel, J. Smith

2. Primary Framework Of Diagnosis And Management For Wheat Production Based On The Online Telemonitoring Networks

  PRIMARY FRAMEWORK OF DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT FOR WHEAT PRODUCTION BASED ON THE ONLINE TELEMONITORING NETWORKS   Sun Zhong-fu, Du Ke-ming, Zhang Yan, Liang Ju-bao   Inst. of Environ. & Sustainable Develop. in Agriculture£¨IEDA£© Chinese... Z. Sun, ,

3. Performance Evaluation Of Off-shelf Range Sensors For In-field Crop Height Measurement

Abstract: In-season plant height is a good predictor of yield potential, which needs to be measured with techniques of high spatial resolution and accuracy. In this study, systematic performance evaluations were conducted on three types of commercial range sensors, an ultrasonic sensor, a laser range finder and a range camera on plant height measurement, under laboratory and field conditions. Results showed that the average errors between the measured heights... N. Wang, Y. Shi, R.K. Taylor

4. Spatial-temporal Management Zones For Biomass Moisture

 Biomass handling operations (harvesting, raking, collection, and transportation) are critical operations within the agricultural production system since they constitute the first link in the biomass supply chain, a fact of substantial importance considering the increasingly involvement of biomass in bio-refinery and bio-energy procedures. Nevertheless, the inherent uncertainty, imposed by the interaction between environmental, biological, and machinery factors, makes the available scheduling... S. Fountas, D. Bochtis, C. Sorensen, O. Green, R. J, T. Bartzanas

5. Landscape Position And Climatic Gradient Impacts On Carbon Turnover in Dryland Cropping Systems in Colorado

  Soil organic carbon has decreased in cultivated wheat-fallow systems due to increased carbon oxidation, low carbon input and soil erosion.  Implementation of more intensive cropping with no-till management has reversed the trend in soil carbon loss.  Our objective in this presentation is to review the effects of landscape position on soil carbon status as related to intensification of cropping system.  Our analysis will... G. Peterson, D. Westfall, L.A. Sherrod

6. Influence Of Phosphorus Application With Or Without Nitrogen On Oat (Avena Sativa) Grass Nutritive Value And In Situ Digestion Kinetics In Buffalo Bulls

Fodder is the mainstay of ruminant production in majority of developing countries. However, its low yield and poor quality are considered considerable constrains which impede ruminant productivity. Fodder production and its nutritive value can be enhanced by ensuring adequate supply and utilization of nutrients... M.U. Nisa, I. Babar, M. Sarwar, N.A. Tauqir, M.A. Shahzad

7. In-Field Corn Stalk Location Using Rapid Line-Scan Technique

... Y. Shi, N. Wang

8. Onboard Weed Identification and Application Test with Spraying Drone Systems

Commercial spraying drone systems nowadays have the ability to implement variable rate applications according to pre-loaded prescription maps. Efforts are needed to integrate sensing and computing technologies to realize on-the-go decision making such as those on the ground based spraying systems. Besides the understudied subject of drone spraying pattern and efficacy, challenges also exist in the decision making, control, and system integration with the limits on payload and flight endurance... Y. Shi, M. Islam, K. Steele, J.D. Luck, S. Pitla, Y. Ge, A. Jhala, S. Knezevic