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Tsipris, J
Tian'en, C
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Tian'en, C
Meron, M
Tsipris, J
Orlov, V
Alchnatis, V
Cohen, Y
Remote Sensing Application / Sensor Technology
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Multi-objective Optimization Analysis Model for County Range Soil Nutrients Sampling Point Layout Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm

The layout of soil nutrients sampling points directly influence on the representative of soil samples and the precision of fertilization, also on sampling efficiency and sampling costs. By analyzing the various factors of county range farmland soil nutrients sampling, and setting the boundary conditions and objective function, the paper  established multi-objective optimization... C. Tian'en

2. Crop Water Stress Mapping for Site Specific Irrigation by Thermal Imagery and Artificial Reference Surfaces

Variable rate irrigation machines or solid set systems have become technically feasible; however, crop water status mapping is necessary as a blueprint to match irrigation quantities to site-specific crop water demands. Remote thermal sensing can provide these maps in sufficient detail and at a timely delivery. In a set of aerial and ground scans at the Hula Valley, Israel, digital crop water stress maps were generated using geo-referenced high- resolution thermal imagery and artificial reference... M. Meron, J. Tsipris, V. Orlov, V. Alchnatis, Y. Cohen