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Chiang, R.C
Goldshtein, E
Galzki, J
Grafton, M.Q
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Grafton, M.Q
McVeagh, P.J
Pullanagari, R.R
Yule, I.J
Kantipudi, K
Lai, C
Min, C
Chiang, R.C
Wilson, G.L
Mulla, D.J
Galzki, J
Laacouri, A
Vetsch, J
Goldwasser, Y
Alchanati, V
Goldshtein, E
Cohen, Y
Gips, A
Nadav, I
Katz, L
Ben-Gal, A
Litaor, I
Naor, A
Peeters, A
Goldshtein, E
Alchanatis, V
Cohen, Y
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
In-Season Nitrogen Management
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
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Filter results5 paper(s) found.

1. Exploiting The Variability In Pasture Production On New Zealand Hill Country.

New Zealand has about four million hectares in medium to steep hill country pasture to which granular solid fertiliser is applied by airplane.  On most New Zealand hill country properties where cultivation is not possible the only means of influencing pasture production yield is through the addition of fertilizers and paddock subdivision to control grazing and pasture growth rates. Pasture response to fertilizer varies in production zones within the farm which can be modelled... M.Q. Grafton, P.J. Mcveagh, R.R. Pullanagari, I.J. Yule

2. Weed Detection Among Crops by Convolutional Neural Networks with Sliding Windows

One of the primary objectives in the field of precision agriculture is weed detection. Detecting and expunging weeds in the initial stages of crop growth with deep learning technique can minimize the usage of herbicides and maximize the crop yield for the farmers. This paper proposes a sliding window approach for the detection of weed regions using convolutional neural networks. The proposed approach involves two processes: (1) Image extraction and labelling, (2) building and training our neural... K. Kantipudi, C. Lai, C. Min, R.C. Chiang

3. Predicted Nitrate-N Loads for Fall, Spring, and VRN Fertilizer Application in Southern Minnesota

Nitrate-N from agricultural fields is a source of pollution to fresh and marine waters via subsurface tile drainage.  Sensor-based technologies that allow for in-season monitoring of crop nitrogen requirements may represent a way to reduce nitrate-N loadings to surface waters by allowing for fertilizer application on a more precise spatial and temporal resolution.  However, little research has been done to determine its effectiveness in reducing nitrate-N losses.  In this study,... G.L. Wilson, D.J. Mulla, J. Galzki, A. Laacouri, J. Vetsch

4. The Use of Spatial and Temporal Measures to Enhance the Sensitivity of Satellite-based Spectral Vegetation Indices to (Water) Stress in Maize Fields

Climate change and water scarcity are reducing the available irrigation water for agriculture thus turning it into a limited resource. Today calculating and estimating crop water requirements are achieved through the ETc FAO-56 model where the effect of climate on crop water requirement is determined through the water evaporation from the soil and plant (ETref), and a calendar crop coefficient (Kc). Models that... Y. Goldwasser, V. Alchanati, E. Goldshtein, Y. Cohen, A. Gips, I. Nadav

5. Comparison of Canopy Extraction Methods from UAV Thermal Images for Temperature Mapping: a Case Study from a Peach Orchard

Canopy extraction using thermal images significantly affects temperature mapping and crop water status estimation. This study aimed to compare several canopy extraction methodologies by utilizing a large database of UAV thermal images from a precision irrigation trial in a peach orchard. Canopy extraction using thermal images can be attained by purely statistical analysis (S), a combination of statistical and spatial analyses (SS), or by synchronizing thermal and RGB images, following RGB statistical... L. Katz, A. Ben-gal, I. Litaor, A. Naor, A. Peeters, E. Goldshtein, V. Alchanatis, Y. Cohen