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Costa, O.P
Cendrero Mateo, M.P
Cristancho Rojas, O.Y
Crawford, K
Chen, N
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Dhillon, R
Upadhyaya, S
Roach, J
Crawford, K
Lampinen, B
Metcalf, S
Rojo, F
Chen, N
Liu, F
Jiang, L
Feng, L
He, Y
Bao, Y
Crawford, K
Upadhyaya, S
Dhillon, R
Rojo, F
Roach, J
Muller, O
Cendrero Mateo, M.P
Albrecht, H
Pinto, F
Mueller-Linow, M
Pieruschka, R
Schurr, U
Rascher, U
Schickling, A
Keller, B
Felipe dos Santos, A
Silva, J.E
Costa, O.P
Inácio , F.D
Oliveira, R
Silva, W
Lacerda, L
Orlando Costa Barboza, T
Rubaino Sosa, S.A
Cristancho Rojas, O.Y
Leon Rueda, W.A
Montero Pinilla, O.G
Roa Bello, J.C
Lizarazo Salcedo, I.A
Martinez Martinez, L.J
Sensor Application in Managing In-season CropVariability
Precision Crop Protection
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Precision Agriculture and Climate Change
Drone Spraying
Scouting and Field Data collection with Unmanned Aerial Systems
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Filter results6 paper(s) found.

1. Modeling Canopy Light Interception For Estimating Yield In Almond And Walnut Trees

A knowledge of spatio-temporal variability in potential yield is essential for site-specific nutrient management in crop production. The objectives of this project were to develop a model for photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) intercepted by almond and walnut trees based on data obtained from respective tree(s) and estimate potential crop yield in individual trees or in blocks of five trees. This project uses proximally sensed PAR interception data measured using a lightbar... R. Dhillon, S. Upadhyaya, J. Roach, K. Crawford, B. lampinen, S. Metcalf, F. Rojo

2. Diagnosis Of Sclerotinia Infected Oilseed Rape (Brassica Napus L) Using Hyperspectral Imaging And Chemomtrics

 Abstract: Brassica napus L leaf diseases could cause seriously reduction in crop yield and quality. Early diagnosis of Brassica napus L leaf diseases plays a vital role in Brassica napus L growth. To explore an effective methodology for diagnosis of Sclerotinia infected Brassica napus L plants, healthy Brassica napus L leaves and Brassica napus L leaves infected by Sclerotinia were prepared in a controlled circumstance. A visible/short-wave near infrared hyperspectral... N. Chen, F. Liu, L. Jiang, L. Feng, Y. He, Y. Bao

3. An Inexpensive Aerial Platform For Precise Remote Sensing Of Almond And Walnut Canopy Temperature

Current irrigation practices depend largely on imprecise applications of water over fields with varying degrees of heterogeneity. In most cases, the amount of water applied over a given field is determined by the amount the most water-stressed part of the field needs. This equates to over-watering most of the field in order to satisfy the needs of one part of the field. This approach not only wastes resources, but can have a detrimental effect on the value of that crop. A system to... K. Crawford, S. Upadhyaya, R. Dhillon, F. Rojo, J. Roach

4. Field Phenotyping Infrastructure in a Future World - Quantifying Information on Plant Structure and Function for Precision Agriculture and Climate Change

Phenotyping in the field is an essential step in the phenotyping chain. Phenotyping begins in the well-defined, controlled conditions in laboratories and greenhouses and extends to heterogeneous, fluctuating environments in the field. Field measurements represent a significant reference point for the relevance of the laboratory and greenhouse approaches and an important source of information on potential mechanisms and constraints for plant performance tested at controlled conditions. In this... O. Muller, M.P. Cendrero mateo, H. Albrecht, F. Pinto, M. Mueller-linow, R. Pieruschka, U. Schurr, U. Rascher, A. Schickling, B. Keller

5. Comparative Analysis of Spray Nozzles on Drones: Volumetric Distribution at Different Heights

Agricultural drones are emerging as a revolutionary tool in modern agriculture, aiming to enhance precision and efficiency in crop management. One of their main advantages is the ability to operate in adverse soil and canopy height conditions, making them a valuable instrument for the application of agrochemicals. In this context, the optimization of spraying systems plays a critical role, with the goal of ensuring the effective application of agrochemicals, aiming to maximize productivity and... A. Felipe dos santos, J.E. Silva, O.P. Costa, F.D. Inácio , R. Oliveira, W. Silva, L. Lacerda, T. Orlando costa barboza

6. Spectral Response of Six Treatments of Soil Fertilization in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Var. Diacol Capiro with UAS

In Colombia, potato cultivation occupies the third place among the transient crops in the country, covering approximately 160,000 hectares. It holds the first place in terms of production value, reaching US $500 million, and ranks as the second crop with the highest demand for fertilizers, constituting 20% of production costs. The departments of Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Nariño, and Antioquia are the primary potato producers, accounting for 87.8% of the total production. Traditional... S.A. Rubaino sosa, O.Y. Cristancho rojas, W.A. Leon rueda, O.G. Montero pinilla, J.C. Roa bello, I.A. Lizarazo salcedo