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Alheit, K.V
Adrian, A.M
Adesope, M.O
Acosta, L.E
Al-Adawi, S
Ashrafi, Z.Y
Aasen, H
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Asiabaka, C.C
Adesope, M.O
Ifeanyi- Obi, C.C
Nwakwasi, R.N
Nnadi, F
Matthews- Njoku, E.C
Chikaire, J
Acosta, L.E
Jara, L.A
Ortega, R.A
Winstead, A.T
Norwood, S.H
Griffin, T
Adrian, A.M
Runge, M
Fulton, J.P
Winstead, A.T
Norwood, S.H
Fulton, J.P
Adrian, A.M
Ruckelshausen, A
Alheit, K.V
Busemeyer, L
Klose, R
Linz, A
Moeller, K
Rahe, F
Thiel, M
Trautz, D
Weiss, U
Jayasuriya, H.P
Al-Wardy, M
Al-Adawi, S
Al-Hinai, K
Aasen, H
Ashrafi, Z.Y
Mashhadi, H.R
Sadeghi, S
Ashrafi, Z.Y
Alizadeh, H.M
Sadeghi, S
Food Security and Precision Agriculture
Precision Horticulture
Precision A-Z for Practitioners
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Precision Conservation Management
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
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Filter results9 paper(s) found.

1. Adoption And Use Of Precision Agriculture Technologies By Practitioners

A survey of farmers and farm service providers were initiated to ascertain the adoption and use of precision agriculture technologies as well as the barriers to and incentives for adoption. Farm-level data were collected via audience response system at the 2009 Alabama Precision Ag and Field Crops Conference and local winter production meetings across the six crop reporting districts in Alabama. Service provider data were collected using an online survey. Questions common to farmers and service... A.T. Winstead, S.H. Norwood, T. Griffin, A.M. Adrian, M. Runge, J.P. Fulton

2. PA Education: Using Social Media

Social media and web-based applications are gaining in popularity for disseminating information and communicating with others. The traditional method of transferring information through print and face-to-face meetings is now often supplemented and/or replaced by web-based outlets. The Alabama Precision Agriculture Program initiated a social media and web campaign as a method of distributing educational information while gaining recognition as a source for precision... A.T. Winstead, S.H. Norwood, J.P. Fulton, A.M. Adrian

3. Sensor And System Technology For Individual Plant Crop Scouting

Sensor and system technologies are key components for automatic treatment of individual plants as well as for plant phenotyping in field trials. Based on experiences in research and application of sensors in agriculture the authors have developed phenotyping platforms for field applications including sensors, system and software development and application-specific mountings.   Sensor and data fusion have a high potential by compensating varying selectivities... A. Ruckelshausen, K.V. Alheit, L. Busemeyer, R. Klose, A. Linz, K. Moeller, F. Rahe, M. Thiel, D. Trautz, U. Weiss

4. Enhancing Farmers' Indigenous Knowledge Management in Cassava Varietal Trial Using Agro Ecosystem Analysis, Farmers' Drama Group and Animations in Eastern part of Nigeria.

Researchers continue to come up with new varieties but farmer perspectives and preferences are very important factors for new varieties to spread in farmers’ communities. Researcher priorities alone are not enough. A variety may be ‘scientifically perfect... C.C. Asiabaka, M.O. Adesope, C.C. Ifeanyi- obi, R.N. Nwakwasi, F. Nnadi, E.C. Matthews- njoku, J. Chikaire

5. Use of Cluster Regression for Yield Prediction in Wine Grape

@font-face { font-family: "Cambria"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0cm 0cm 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1;... L.E. Acosta, L.A. Jara, R.A. Ortega

6. GIS Mapping of Soil Compaction and Moisture Distribution for Precision Tillage and Irrigation Management

Soil compaction is one of the forms of physical change of soil structure which has positive and negative effects, in agriculture considered to make soil degradation. The undisciplined use of heavy load traffic or machinery in modern agriculture causes substantial soil compaction, counteracted by soil tillage that loosens the soil. Higher soil bulk densities affect resistance to root penetration, soil pore volume and permeability to air, and thus, finally the pore space habitable... H.P. Jayasuriya, M. Al-wardy, S. Al-adawi, K. Al-hinai

7. High Resolution 3D Hyperspectral Digital Surface Models from Lightweight UAV Snapshot Cameras – Potentials for Precision Agriculture Applications

Precision agriculture applications need timely information about the plant status to apply the right management at the right place and the right time. Additionally, high-resolution field phenotyping can support crop breeding by providing reliable information for crop rating. Flexible remote sensing systems like unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can gather high-resolution information when and where needed. When combined with specialized sensors they become powerful sensing systems. Hyperspectral... H. Aasen

8. Allelopathic Effects of Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus) on Germination and Growth of Wild Barley (Hordeum Spontaneum)

Sunflower [Helianthus annuus (L.) Koch.] contains watersoluble allelochemicals that inhibit the ermination and growth of other species. This characteristic could be used in weed management programmes. Greenhouse and laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the effects on wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum Koch.) germination and seedling growth of(i) preceding crops, (ii) fresh sunflower residue incorporation, and (iii) sunflower leaf, stem, flower and root water extract concentrations.... Z.Y. Ashrafi, H.R. Mashhadi, S. Sadeghi

9. Effect of Soil Solarization, a Nonchemical Method, on the Control of Egyptian Boomrape (Orobanche Aegyptiaca) and Yield Improvement in Greenhouse Grown Cucumber

Cucumber cultivation in the Mediterranean region is susceptible to infestation by the parasitic weed egyptian broomrape (Orobanche aegyptiaca), and severe yield losses can result. The effectiveness of solarization, a soil disinfection technique that uses passive solar heating, to control the incidence of broomrape under greenhouse conditions was studied over two growing seasons. Solarization was accomplished by the application of clear polyethylene sheets to moist soil for 50 to 65 d... Z.Y. Ashrafi, H.M. Alizadeh, S. Sadeghi