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Göttinger, M
Gendron, L
Company, J
Cisdeli Magalhães, P
Constas, K
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Arno, J
Escolà, A
Company, J
Göttinger, M
Hinck, S
Möller, K
Ruckelshausen, A
Scholz, C
Sela, S
van-Es, H
McLellan, E
Melkonian, J
Marjerison , R
Constas, K
Caron, J
Anderson, L
Sauvageau, G
Gendron, L
Nocera Santiago, G.N
Cisdeli Magalhães, P
Ciampitti, I
Marziotte, L
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Precision Nutrient Management
Precision Horticulture
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Agriculture
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Filter results5 paper(s) found.

1. Mapping the Leaf Area Index In Vineyard Using a Ground-Based LIDAR Scanner

The leaf area index (LAI) is defined as the one-sided leaf area per unit ground area and is probably the most widely used index to characterize grapevine vigour. However, direct LAI measurement requires the use of destructive leaves sampling methods which are costly and time-consuming and so are other indirect methods. Faced with these techniques, vineyard leaf area can be indirectly estimated using ground-based LIDAR sensors that scan the vines and get information about the geometry and/or structure... J. Arno, I. Del moral, A. Escolà, J. Company, J.A. MartÍnez-casasnovas, J. Masip, R. Sanz, J.R. Rosell

2. Automatic Soil Penetrometer Measurements And GIS-Based Documentation With The Autonomous Field Robot Platform BoniRob

For a sustainable agriculture, reliable measurements of soil properties and its interpretation are of highest relevance. Until today most of the measurements are carried out manually or by integrating off-line laboratories. Moreover, the number and density of measurement points is always an important aspect with respect to the statistical significance of the results. In this work a fully automatic measurement system has been developed and applied for the first time with free selectable... M. Göttinger, S. Hinck, K. Möller, A. Ruckelshausen, C. Scholz

3. Using the Adapt-N Model to Inform Policies Promoting the Sustainability of US Maize Production

Maize (Zea mays L.) production accounts for the largest share of crop land area in the U.S. It is the largest consumer of nitrogen (N) fertilizers but has low N Recovery Efficiency (NRE, the proportion of applied N taken up by the crop). This has resulted in well-documented environmental problems and social costs associated with high reactive N losses associated with maize production. There is a potential to reduce these costs through precision management, i.e., better application timing, use... S. Sela, H. Van-es, E. Mclellan, J. Melkonian, R. Marjerison , K. Constas

4. Real Time Precision Irrigation with Variable Setpoint for Strawberry to Generate Water Savings

Water is a precious resource that is becoming increasingly scarce as the population grows and water resources are depleted in some locations or under increased control elsewhere, due to local availability or groundwater contamination issues. It obviously affects strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) production in populated areas and water cuts are being imposed to many strawberry growers to save water, with limited information on the impact on crop yield. Precision irrigation technologies are... J. Caron, L. Anderson, G. Sauvageau, L. Gendron

5. Algorithm to Estimate Sorghum Grain Number from Panicles Using Images Collected with a Smartphone at Field-scale

An estimation of on-farm yield before harvest is important to assist farmers on deciding additional input use, time to harvest, and options for end uses of the harvestable product. However, obtaining a rapid assessment of on-farm yield can be challenging, even more for sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) crop due to the complexity for accounting for the grain number at field-scale. One alternative to reduce labor is to develop a rapid assessment method employing computer vision and artificial intelligence... G.N. Nocera santiago, P. Cisdeli magalhães, I. Ciampitti, L. Marziotte