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Luck, J
Lee, W
Lianqing, Z
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Pourreza, A
Lee, W
Lu, J
Roberts, P
Lianqing, Z
Zhou, S
Songchao, C
Yafei, Y
Luck, J
Parrish, J
Thompson, L
Krienke, B
Glewen, K
Ferguson, R.B
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. Development of a Multiband Sensor for Citrus Black Spot Disease Detection

Citrus black spot (CBS), or Guignardia citricarpa, is known as the most destroying citrus fungal disease worldwide. CBS causes yield loss as a result of early fruit drop, and it leaves severely blemished and unmarketable fruit. While leaves usually remain symptomless, CBS generates various forms of lesions on citrus fruits including hard spot, cracked spot, and virulent spot. CBS lesions often appear on maturing fruit, starting two months before maturity. Warm temperature and sunlight exposure... A. Pourreza, W. Lee, J. Lu, P. Roberts

2. Development of Micro-tractor-based Measurement Device of Soil Organic Matter Using On-the-go Visual-near Infrared Spectroscopy in Paddy Fields of South China

Soil organic matter (SOM) is an essential soil property for assessing the fertility of paddy soils in South China. In this study, a set of micro-tractor-based on-the-go device was developed and integrated to measure in-situ soil visible and near infrared (VIS–NIR) spectroscopy and estimate SOM content. This micro-tractor-based on-the-go device is composed of a micro-tractor with toothed-caterpillar band, a USB2000+ VIS–NIR spectroscopy detector, a self-customized steel plow and a self-customized... Z. Lianqing, S. Zhou, C. Songchao, Y. Yafei

3. Liquid Flow Control Requirements for Crop Canopy Sensor-Based N Management in Corn: A Project SENSE Case Study

While on-farm adoption of crop canopy sensors for directing in-season nitrogen (N) application has been slow, research focused on these systems has been significant for decades. Much emphasis has been placed on developing and testing algorithms based on sensor output to predict N needs, but little information has been published regarding liquid flow control requirements on equipment used in conjunction with these sensing systems. Addition of a sensor-based system to a standard spray rate controller... J. Luck, J. Parrish, L. Thompson, B. Krienke, K. Glewen, R.B. Ferguson