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Pitla, S.K
Paz, L
Pinto, F
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Luck, J.D
Sharda, A
Pitla, S.K
Fulton, J.P
Shearer, S.A
Muller, O
Cendrero Mateo, M.P
Albrecht, H
Pinto, F
Mueller-Linow, M
Pieruschka, R
Schurr, U
Rascher, U
Schickling, A
Keller, B
Rydahl, P
Boejer, O
Jensen, N
Hartmann, B
Jorgensen, R
Soerensen, M
Andersen, P
Paz, L
Nielsen, M.B
Precision Weed Management
Precision Agriculture and Climate Change
Precision Crop Protection
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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. Generating Herbicide Effective Application Rate Maps Based On GPS Position, Nozzle Pressure, And Boom Section Actuation Data Collected From Sprayer Control Systems

The application of pre- and post- emergence burn-down herbicides (i.e., glyphosate) continues to increase as producers attempt to reduce both negative environmental impacts from tillage and input costs from labor, machinery and materials.  The use of precision agriculture technologies such as automatic boom section control allows producers to reduce off-target application when applying herbicides.  While automatic boom section control has provided benefits, pressure differences across... J.D. Luck, A. Sharda, S.K. Pitla, J.P. Fulton, S.A. Shearer

2. Field Phenotyping Infrastructure in a Future World - Quantifying Information on Plant Structure and Function for Precision Agriculture and Climate Change

Phenotyping in the field is an essential step in the phenotyping chain. Phenotyping begins in the well-defined, controlled conditions in laboratories and greenhouses and extends to heterogeneous, fluctuating environments in the field. Field measurements represent a significant reference point for the relevance of the laboratory and greenhouse approaches and an important source of information on potential mechanisms and constraints for plant performance tested at controlled conditions. In this... O. Muller, M.P. Cendrero mateo, H. Albrecht, F. Pinto, M. Mueller-linow, R. Pieruschka, U. Schurr, U. Rascher, A. Schickling, B. Keller

3. Economic Potential of RoboWeedMaps - Use of Deep Learning for Production of Weed Maps and Herbicide Application Maps

In Denmark, a new IPM ‘product chain’ has been constructed, which starts with systematic photographing of fields and ends up with field- or site-specific herbicide application. A special high-speed camera, mounted on an ATV took sufficiently good pictures of small weed plants, while driving up to 50 km/h. Pictures were uploaded to the RoboWeedMaps online platform, where appointed internal- and external persons with agro-botanical experience executed ‘virtual field inspection’... P. Rydahl, O. Boejer, N. Jensen, B. Hartmann, R. Jorgensen, M. Soerensen, P. Andersen, L. Paz, M.B. Nielsen