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Mishra, A
McGary, S.D
Bruce, A.E
Demattê, J.M
Bhansali, S
Moreda, E.A
Midtiby, H.S
Balboa, G
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J�??�?�¸rgensen, R.N
Midtiby, H.S
Giselsson, T.M
Williams, J.D
McGary, S.D
Waits, M
Sankaran, S
Ehsani, R
Mishra, A
Dima, C
Varela, S
Balboa, G
Prasad, V
Griffin, T
Ciampitti, I
Ferguson, A
Varela, S
Balboa, G
Prasad, V
Griffin, T
Ciampitti, I
Ferguson, A
Balboa, G
Varela, S
Ciampitti, I
Duncan, S
Maxwell, T
Shoups, D
Sharda, A
Hunt, E
Rondon, S.I
Bruce, A.E
Turner, R.W
Brungardt, J.J
Tardaguila, J
Diago, M
Gutierrez, S
Fernandez-Novales, J
Moreda, E.A
Tardaguila, J
Palacios, F
Diago, M
Moreda , E.A
Burton, L
Jayachandran, K
Bhansali, S
Mekonnen, Y
Sarwat, A
Balboa, G
Puntel, L
Melchiori, R
Ortega, R
Tiscornia, G
Bolfe, E
Roel, A
Scaramuzza, F
Best, S
Berger, A
Hansel, D
Palacios, D
Cesario Pereira Pinto, J
Thompson, L
Mueller, N
Mieno, T
Balboa, G
Puntel, L
Balboa, G
Degioanni, A
Bongiovanni, R
Melchiori, R
Cerliani, C
Scaramuzza, F
Bongiovanni, M
Gonzalez, J
Balzarini, M
Videla, H
Amin, S
Esposito, G
Cesario Pinto, J
Thompson, L
Mueller, N
Mieno, T
Puntel, L
Paccioretti, P
Balboa, G
Amaral, L.R
Oldoni, H
Melo, D.D
Rosin, N.A
Alves, M.R
Demattê, J.M
Balboa, G
Puntel, L
Thompson, L
Paccioretti, P
Norquest, S
Puntel, L
Balboa, G
Thompson, L
Puntel, L
Thompson, L
Balboa, G
Mieno, T
Paccioretti, P
Balboa, G
Masnello, J.C
De Oliveira Moreira, F
Canal Filho, R
Da Silva, E.R
Molin, J.P
Balboa, G
Tobaldo, B
Lexow, T
Luck, J.D
Precision Crop Protection
Education and Training in Precision Agriculture
Precision Horticulture
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Decision Support Systems in Precision Agriculture
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Education and Outreach in Precision Agriculture
ISPA Community: Latin America
In-Season Nitrogen Management
Education and Outreach in Precision Agriculture
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
Geospatial Data
Drivers and Barriers to Adoption of Precision Ag Technologies or Digital Agriculture
Site-Specific Nutrient, Lime and Seed Management
In-Season Nitrogen Management
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Filter results20 paper(s) found.

1. Revisited: A Case Study Approach For Teaching And Applying Precision Agriculture

Current agricultural students understand and are excited about new technologies, but often do not understand how precision agriculture can be applied to farming operations. A case-study approach that requires students to develop precision agriculture management practices which includes selecting equipment and assessing the financial feasibility could help students understand and apply precision agriculture. This paper revisits a case-study approach to teaching precision agriculture and describes... J.D. Williams, S.D. Mcgary, M. Waits

2. Development Of Ground-based Sensor System For Automated Agricultural Vehicle To Detect Diseases In Citrus Plantations

An integrated USDA-funded project involving Carnegie Mellon University, University of Florida, Cornell University and John Deere is ongoing, to develop an autonomous tractors for sustainable specialty crop farming. The research teams have come together to develop an automated system for detecting plant stress, estimating yields, and reducing chemical usage through precision spraying for specialty crops. The goals of the automation process are to reduce the tractor-related labor costs, reduce... S. Sankaran, R. Ehsani, A. Mishra, C. Dima

3. BrainWeed - Teach-In System for Adaptive High Speed Crop / Weed Classification and Targeting

Conducting inter row mechanical weeding requires the precise location of each individual crop plant is known. One technique is to record the global position of each seed when sown using  RTK-GPS systems. Another... R.N. JÃ???Ã??Ã?¸rgensen, H.S. Midtiby, T.M. Giselsson

4. Spatial-temporal Evaluation of Plant Phenotypic Traits Via Imagery Collected by Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)

Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and a stereovision approach were implemented to generate a 3D reconstruction of the top of the canopy. The 3D reconstruction or CSM (crop surface model) was utilized to evaluate biophysical parameters for both spatial- and temporal-scales. The main goal of the project was to evaluate sUAVs technology to assist plant height and biomass estimation. The main outcome of this process was to utilize CSMs to gain insights in the spatial-temporal dynamic of plants within... S. Varela, G. Balboa, V. Prasad, T. Griffin, I. Ciampitti, A. Ferguson

5. Spatial-temporal Evaluation of Plant Phenotypic Traits Via Imagery Collected by Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)

Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and a stereovision approach were implemented to generate a 3D reconstruction of the top of the canopy. The 3D reconstruction or CSM (crop surface model) was utilized to evaluate biophysical parameters for both spatial- and temporal-scales. The main goal of the project was to evaluate sUAVs technology to assist plant height and biomass estimation. The main outcome of this process was to utilize CSMs to gain insights in the spatial-temporal dynamic of plants within... S. Varela, G. Balboa, V. Prasad, T. Griffin, I. Ciampitti, A. Ferguson

6. On Farm Studies to Determine Seeding Rate in Corn

Seeding rate (SDR) is one of the most critical production practices impacting productivity and economic return for corn (Zea mays L.) By changing SDRs in different zones within a field, herein termed as site-specific management, better economic results can be produced as the outcome of reducing SDRs in low productivity areas and increasing SDRs under high-yielding environments, relative to the uniform SDR management performed by the producer. The aim of this study was to analyze yield responses... G. Balboa, S. Varela, I. Ciampitti, S. Duncan, T. Maxwell, D. Shoups, A. Sharda

7. Detection of Potato Beetle Damage Using Remote Sensing from Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Remote sensing with small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) has potential applications in agriculture because low flight altitudes allow image acquisition at very high spatial resolution.  We set up experiments at the Oregon State University Hermiston Agricultural Research and Extension Center (HAREC) to assess advantages and disadvantages of sUAS for precision farming. In 2014, we conducted an experiment in irrigated potatoes with 4 levels of artificial infestation by Colorado Potato Beetles.... E. Hunt, S.I. Rondon, A.E. Bruce, R.W. Turner, J.J. Brungardt

8. On-the-Go Nir Spectroscopy and Thermal Imaging for Assessing and Mapping Vineyard Water Status in Precision Viticulture

New proximal sensing technologies are desirable in viticulture to assess and map vineyard spatial variability. Towards this end, high-spatial resolution information can be obtained using novel, non-invasive sensors on-the-go. In order to improve yield, grape quality and water management, the vineyard water status should be determined. The goal of this work was to assess and map vineyard water status using two different proximal sensing technologies on-the-go: near infrared (NIR) reflectance spectroscopy... J. Tardaguila, M. Diago, S. Gutierrez, J. Fernandez-novales, E.A. Moreda

9. Innovative Assessment of Cluster Compactness in Wine Grapes from Automated On-the-Go Proximal Sensing Application

Grape cluster compactness affects berry ripening homogeneity, fungal disease incidence, grape composition and wine quality. Therefore, assessing cluster compactness is crucial for sorting wine grapes for the wine industry. Nowadays, cluster compactness assessing methodology is based either on visual inspection performed by trained evaluators (OIV method) or on morphological features of clusters. The goal of this work was to develop an innovative and automated, non-destructive method to assess... J. Tardaguila, F. Palacios, M. Diago, E.A. Moreda

10. Exploring Wireless Sensor Network Technology in Sustainable Okra Garden: A Comparative Analysis of Okra Grown in Different Fertilizer Treatments

The goal of this project was to explore commercial agricultural and irrigation sensor kits and to discern if the commercial wireless sensor network (WSN) is a viable tool for providing accurate real-time farm data at the nexus of food energy and water. The smart garden consists of two different varieties of Abelmoschus esculentus (okra) planted in raised beds, each grown under two different fertilizer treatments. Soil watermark sensors were programed to evaluate soil moisture and dictate irrigation... L. Burton, K. Jayachandran, S. Bhansali, Y. Mekonnen, A. Sarwat

11. How Digital is Agriculture in South America? Adoption and Limitations

A rapidly growing population in a context of land and water scarcity, and climate change has driven an increase in healthy, nutritious, and affordable food demand while maintaining the current cropping area. Digital agriculture (DA) can contribute solutions to meet the demands in an efficient and sustainable way. South America (SA) is one of the main grain and protein producers in the world but the status of DA in the region is unknown. This article presents the results from a systematic review... G. Balboa, L. Puntel, R. Melchiori, R. Ortega, G. Tiscornia, E. Bolfe, A. Roel, F. Scaramuzza, S. Best, A. Berger, D. Hansel, D. Palacios

12. Evaluation of Nitrogen Recommendation Tools for Winter Wheat in Nebraska

Attaining both high yield and high nitrogen (N) use efficiency (NUE) simultaneously remains a current research challenge in crop production. Digital ag technologies for site-specific N management have been demonstrated to improve NUE. This is due to the ability of digital technologies to account for the spatial and temporal distribution of crop N demand and available soil N in the field which varies greatly according to... J. Cesario pereira pinto, L. Thompson, N. Mueller, T. Mieno, G. Balboa, L. Puntel

13. Overcoming Educational Barriers for Precision Agriculture Adoption: a University Diploma in Precision Agriculture in Argentina

The lack of educational programs in Precision Agriculture (PA) has been reported as one of the barriers for adoption. Our goal was to improve professional competence in PA through education in crop variability, management, and effective practices of PA in real cases. In the last 20 years different efforts has been made in Argentina to increase adoption of PA. The Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto (UNRC) launched in 2021 the first University Diploma in PA, a 9-month program to train agronomist... G. Balboa, A. Degioanni, R. Bongiovanni, R. Melchiori, C. Cerliani, F. Scaramuzza, M. Bongiovanni, J. Gonzalez, M. Balzarini, H. Videla, S. Amin, G. Esposito

14. Site-specific Evaluation of Sensor-based Winter Wheat Nitrogen Tools Via On-farm Research

Crop producers face the challenge of optimizing high yields and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in their agricultural practices. Enhancing NUE has been demonstrated by adopting digital agricultural technologies for site-specific nitrogen (N) management, such as remote-sensing based N recommendations for winter wheat. However, winter wheat fields are often uniformly fertilized, disregarding the inherent variability within the fields. Thus, an on-farm evaluation of sensor-based N tools is needed to... J. Cesario pinto, L. Thompson, N. Mueller, T. Mieno, L. Puntel, P. Paccioretti, G. Balboa

15. Yield Potential Zones and Their Relationship with Soil Taxonomic Classes and Management Zones

The use of management zones (MZ) to subdivide agricultural areas based on the variability of yield potential and production factors is increasingly being explored by scientific research and demanded by farmers. However, there is still much uncertainty about which layers of information and procedures should be adopted for this purpose. Thus, our goal was to demonstrate whether simplistic approaches to creating MZ can satisfactorily address the variability of yield potential and soil classes. For... L.R. Amaral, H. Oldoni, D.D. Melo, N.A. Rosin, M.R. Alves, J.M. Demattê

16. Barriers and Adoption of Precision Ag Tehcnologies for Nitrogen Management Nebraska

A statewide survey of Nebraska farmers shows that they determine the N rate based on soil lab recommendations (82%),  intuition, traditional rate, and own experience (67%). The adoption of dynamic site-specific models (23%), and sensor-based algorithms (11%) remains low. The survey identified the main barriers to the adoption of these N management technologies.  ... G. Balboa, L. Puntel, L. Thompson, P. Paccioretti

17. Site Specific Evaluation of Dynamic Nitrogen Recommendation Tools

Management tools are a potential solution for increased profit and N use efficiency (NUE) in corn production. Most previous studies evaluating these tools used small plot research which does not accurately represent large scale performance and inhibits adoption. Two dynamic model-based N management tools, which were commercially available in 2021 and 2022 (Adapt-N and Granular), were tested at fifteen on-farm research locations in Nebraska. The objective of this study were to evaluate the site-specific... S. Norquest, L. Puntel, G. Balboa, L. Thompson

18. Effect of Terrain and Soil Properties on the Effectiveness of Crop-model Based Variable Rate Nitrogen in Corn

Growers may be reluctant to adopt variable rate nitrogen (VRN) management because of potential loss in profit and yield. This study assessed the influence of terrain attributes and soil characteristics on the effectiveness of crop-model-based variable rate nitrogen (N) for corn. To evaluate the effectiveness of the VRN methods, yield, total N rate, and N use efficiency (NUE) were compared with the grower’s management. As a crop-model-based recommendation tool, Adapt-N was used. Production... L. Puntel, L. Thompson, G. Balboa, T. Mieno, P. Paccioretti

19. Sugarcane Yield Mapping Using an On-board Volumetric Sensor

Few alternatives are available to the sugarcane sector for monitoring crop productivity. However, in recent years, research has been dedicated to developing methods ranging from estimation based on engine parameters to using sensors and artificial intelligence. This study aims to present a new tool for monitoring productivity applied to sugarcane cultivation, which utilizes a volumetric optical sensor, in contrast to other methods already used for this measurement, and is recently being introduced... G. Balboa, J.C. Masnello, F. De oliveira moreira, R. Canal filho, E.R. Da silva, J.P. Molin

20. Driving Growth Through Precision Agriculture: the Evolution of the Nebraska On-farm Research Network

The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network (NOFRN), allows farmers to answer production, profitability and sustainability questions in their own field. The University of Nebraska (USA) sponsors the NOFRN and provides technical support in the experimental design, execution, data analysis and results dissemination. In recent years, precision agriculture technologies have expanded network capabilities through an increasing ​number of experiments and provided new avenues for data analyses. The goal is... G. Balboa, B. Tobaldo, T. Lexow, J.D. Luck