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Cerri, D.G
Ghinassi, G.P
Cunha, T.F
Cosby, A.M
Green, S
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Cerri, D.G
Magalh, P.S
Rodrigues Jr, F
Maglh, P.S
Cerri, D.G
Coelho, A
Cunha, T.F
Cunha, T.F
Pagni, P
Ghinassi, G.P
Vieri, M.P
Trotter, M.G
Cosby , A.M
Cosby, A.M
Falzon, G
Trotter, M
Stanley, J
Powell, K
Schneider, D
Lamb, D
Trotter, M
Gregory, S
Trotter, T
Acuna, T
Swain, D
Fasso, W
Roberts, J
Zikan, A
Cosby, A.M
Larbi, P.A
Green, S
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Precision Nutrient Management
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Profitability, Sustainability and Adoption
Precision Crop Protection
Agricultural Education
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
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Filter results8 paper(s) found.

1. Developing Of A Monitoring System Of Cutting, Carrying, And Transportation Of Sugar Cane In Order To Manage Fleet

In the productive process for obtaining sugar cane products, the costs associated to the activities of harvesting (cut), carrying and transport (CCT), represent great part of the final cost of the product. In order to reduce this costs new technologies should be adopted in the agricultural mechanization using precision agriculture methods. The use of the information technology combined with the use of intelligent components can help to improve the performance of machines and equipments and... D.G. Cerri, P.S. Magalh

2. Spatial Variability Analyse And Correlation Between Physical Chemical Soil Attributes And Sugarcane Quality Parameters

With the high increment in the ethanol demand, the trend is that the planted area with sugar cane in Brazil will increase from the actual 7 million ha up to 12 million ha in 15 years. The sugar cane expansion demands, beyond the enlargement of the boundaries with the installation of new industrial units, better use of the production areas and improvement of the yield and quality, together with production costs reduction. In such a way, the adoption of Precision Agriculture... F. Rodrigues jr, P.S. Maglh, D.G. Cerri

3. Site Specific Management Of An Oxisol Cultivated With Corn For Application Of Lime And Gypsum

Due to the necessity to improve soil fertility diagnostic, the researchers have been searched for more efficient technologies on agronomic, economic and environmental aspects. One of these technologies is the use of the concept of site-specific for soil fertility management. This research was conducted in a farm field (100 ha) located in Corinto, Minas Gerais state. The soil is classified as clayey Oxisol, cropped with corn (Zea mays L.) and irrigated with a center-pivot sprinkler irrigation system.... A. Coelho, T.F. Cunha, T.F. Cunha

4. Optimizing Vineyard Irrigation Through The Automatic Resistivity Profiling (arp) Technology. The Proposal Of A Methodological Approach

 In Tuscany, central Italy, grape cultivation and wine production (i.e., Chianti DOCG, Brunello di Montalcino) are farming activities appreciated worldwide. Differently from the past, irrigation is allowed to meet the intense physiological stress that may occur during seasons affected by the increasing climate variability, in order to guarantee quality product and hence high market profitability in many vines areas. Most vineyards... P. Pagni, G.P. Ghinassi, M.P. Vieri

5. Introducing Precision Agriculture To High School Students In Australia

There is a growing need for tertiary qualified graduates in the Australian agricultural industry with only 7% of those employed in the sector holding a tertiary qualification compared to over 25% for the national workforce. With the need to greatly increase food and fibre production to feed and clothe a growing global population, and the adoption of precision agriculture technologies playing a huge part in this task, it is worrying that the demand for tertiary courses in agriculture in Australia... M.G. Trotter, A.M. Cosby

6. Using A Decision Tree To Predict The Population Density Of Redheaded Cockchafer (Adoryphorus Couloni) In Dairy Fields

A native soil dwelling insect pest, the redheaded cockchafer (Adoryphorus couloni) (Burmeister) (RHC) is an important pest in the higher rainfall regions of south-eastern Australia. Due to the majority of its lifecycle spent underground feeding on the roots and soil organic matter the redheaded cockchafer is difficult to detect and control. The ability to predict the level of infestation and location of redheaded cockchafers in a field may give producers the option to use an endophyte containing... A. Cosby, G. Falzon, M. Trotter, J. Stanley, K. Powell, D. Schneider, D. Lamb

7. SMARTfarm Learning Hub: Next Generation Precision Agriculture Technologies for Agricultural Education

The industry demands on higher education agricultural students are rapidly changing. New precision agriculture technologies are revolutionizing the farming industry but the education sector is failing to keep pace. This paper reports on the development of a key resource, the SMARTfarm Learning Hub (www.smartfarmhub.com) that will increase the skill base of higher education students using a range of new agricultural technologies and innovations. The Hub is a world first; it links real industry... M. Trotter, S. Gregory, T. Trotter, T. Acuna, D. Swain, W. Fasso, J. Roberts, A. Zikan, A. Cosby

8. Time Series Study of Soybean Response Based on Adjusted Green Red Index

Four time-lapse cameras, Bushnell Nature View HD Camera (Bushnell, Overland Park, KS) were installed in a soybean field to track the response of soybean plants to solar radiation, air temperature, relative humidity, soil surface temperature, and soil temperature at 5-cm depth. The purpose was to confirm if visible spectroscopy can provide useful data for tracking the condition of crops and, if so, whether game and trail time-lapse cameras can serve as reliable crop sensing and monitoring devices.... P.A. Larbi, S. Green