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Lacey, R
Esquivel, W
Eivazi, F
Leenen, M
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Eivazi, F
Lan, Y
Zhang, H
Yang, C
Martin, D
Lacey, R
Huang, Y
Hoffmann, W.C
Moulton, P
Ortega, R.A
Reyes, J.F
Esquivel, W
Orellana, J
Gebbers, R
Dworak, V
Mahns, B
Weltzien, C
Büchele, D
Gornushkin, I
Mailwald, M
Ostermann, M
Rühlmann, M
Schmid, T
Maiwald, M
Sumpf, B
Rühlmann, J
Bourouah, M
Scheithauer, H
Heil, K
Heggemann, T
Leenen, M
Pätzold, S
Welp, G
Chudy, T
Mizgirev, A
Wagner, P
Beitz, T
Kumke, M
Riebe, D
Kersebaum, C
Wallor, E
Leenen, M
Pätzold, S
Heggemann, T
Welp, G
Pätzold, S
Heggemann, T
Leenen, M
Koszinski, S
Schmidt, K
Welp, G
Precision Conservation
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Precision Nutrient Management
Precision Nutrient Management
Site-Specific Nutrient, Lime and Seed Management
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
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Filter results6 paper(s) found.

1. Minimizing On-farm Point Source Contamination Of Pesticides Using The “Biobed” Method

  Microorganisms play a vital role in maintaining the environmental quality through their metabolic activities. The highly versatile metabolic capabilities of fungi and bacteria can be used to reclaim polluted ecosystems. A variety of biological, chemical, and physical methods have been used for degradation and detoxification of pesticides. However, conventional clean- up methods are costly and not always effective. Agrochemical storage and handling practices have been targeted... F. Eivazi

2. Multisensor Data Fusion Of Remotely Sensed Imagery For Crop Field Mapping

  A wide variety of remote sensing data from airborne hyperspectral and multispectral images is available for site-specific management in agricultural application and production. Aerial imaging system may offer less expensive and high spatial resolution imagery with Near Infra-Red, Red, Green and Blue spectral wavebands. Hyperspectral sensor provides hundreds of spectral bands. Multisensor data fusion provides an effective paradigm for remote sensing applications by synthesizing... Y. Lan, H. Zhang, C. Yang, D. Martin, R. Lacey, Y. Huang, W.C. Hoffmann, P. Moulton

3. Evaluation Of A Controlled Release N-P Fertilizer Using A Modified Drill For Variable Rate Fertilization

Base NP or NPK fertilization is a common practice in cereal production in Chile. Usually, a physical NPK blend is band applied with the seed at planting with the drill. Normal fertilizer rates vary from 400 to 500 kg ha-1; however, there is a tendency in the market to move from physical blend towards chemical blends (monogranule) and, more recently, to controlled release fertilizers (CRF). The CRF are usually recommended at very low rates, varying from 70 to 120 kg ha-1, however this rates are... R.A. Ortega, J.F. Reyes, W. Esquivel, J. Orellana

4. Integrated Approach to Site-specific Soil Fertility Management

In precision agriculture the lack of affordable methods for mapping relevant soil attributes is a funda­mental problem. It restricts the development and application of advanced models and algorithms for decision making. The project “I4S - Integrated System for Site-Specific Soil Fertility Management” combines new sensing technologies with dynamic soil-crop models and decision support systems. Using sensors with different measurement principles improves the estimation of soil fertility... R. Gebbers, V. Dworak, B. Mahns, C. Weltzien, D. Büchele, I. Gornushkin, M. Mailwald, M. Ostermann, M. Rühlmann, T. Schmid, M. Maiwald, B. Sumpf, J. Rühlmann, M. Bourouah, H. Scheithauer, K. Heil, T. Heggemann, M. Leenen, S. Pätzold, G. Welp, T. Chudy, A. Mizgirev, P. Wagner, T. Beitz, M. Kumke, D. Riebe, C. Kersebaum, E. Wallor

5. Rapid Acquisition of Site Specific Lime Requirement with Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy

In Germany, the lime requirement of arable topsoils is derived from the organic matter content, clay content, and pH(CaCl2). For this purpose, it is common practice to determine the lime requirement of a field size up to three hectares from only one composite soil sample, whereby site heterogeneity is regularly not taken into account. To consider site heterogeneity, a measurement technique is required which allows a rapid and high resolution data acquisition. Mid-infrared... M. Leenen, S. Pätzold, T. Heggemann, G. Welp

6. Towards Universal Applicability of On-the-Go Gamma-Spectrometry for Soil Texture Estimation in Precision Farming by Using Machine Learning Applications

High resolution soil data are an essential prerequisite for the application of precision farming techniques. Sensor-based evaluation of soil properties may replace or at least reduce laborious, time-consuming and expensive soil sampling with subsequent measurements in the lab. Gamma spectrometry usually provides information that can be translated into topsoil texture data after calibration. This is because the natural content of the radioactive isotopes 40-K, 232-Th, and 238-U as well... S. Pätzold, T. heggemann, M. Leenen, S. Koszinski, K. Schmidt, G. Welp