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Tomer, M
Williams, C.M
Watkins, K
Weltzien, C
Fox, C.W
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Tomer, M
Isenhart, T.M
James, D.E
Gebbers, R
Dworak, V
Mahns, B
Weltzien, C
Büchele, D
Gornushkin, I
Mailwald, M
Ostermann, M
Rühlmann, M
Schmid, T
Maiwald, M
Sumpf, B
Rühlmann, J
Bourouah, M
Scheithauer, H
Heil, K
Heggemann, T
Leenen, M
Pätzold, S
Welp, G
Chudy, T
Mizgirev, A
Wagner, P
Beitz, T
Kumke, M
Riebe, D
Kersebaum, C
Wallor, E
Binch, A
Cooke, N
Fox, C.W
Straw, C
Wyatt, B
Smith, A.P
Watkins, K
Hong, S
Floyd, W
Williams, D
Garza, C
Jansky, T
Vincent, G
Kudenov, M
Balint-Kurti, P
Dean, R
Williams, C.M
Precision Conservation
Precision Nutrient Management
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Geospatial Data
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Agriculture
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Filter results5 paper(s) found.

1. Extending The Concept Of Precision Conservation To Restoration Of Rivers And Streams

Comprehensive water quality management in watersheds involves management of upland and riparian environments. Efforts to optimize environmental performance of agriculture through field-scale precision conservation should be complemented with riparian restorations to enhance capacities to assimilate... M. Tomer, T.M. Isenhart, D.E. James

2. Integrated Approach to Site-specific Soil Fertility Management

In precision agriculture the lack of affordable methods for mapping relevant soil attributes is a funda­mental problem. It restricts the development and application of advanced models and algorithms for decision making. The project “I4S - Integrated System for Site-Specific Soil Fertility Management” combines new sensing technologies with dynamic soil-crop models and decision support systems. Using sensors with different measurement principles improves the estimation of soil fertility... R. Gebbers, V. Dworak, B. Mahns, C. Weltzien, D. Büchele, I. Gornushkin, M. Mailwald, M. Ostermann, M. Rühlmann, T. Schmid, M. Maiwald, B. Sumpf, J. Rühlmann, M. Bourouah, H. Scheithauer, K. Heil, T. Heggemann, M. Leenen, S. Pätzold, G. Welp, T. Chudy, A. Mizgirev, P. Wagner, T. Beitz, M. Kumke, D. Riebe, C. Kersebaum, E. Wallor

3. Rumex and Urtica Detection in Grassland by UAV

Previous work (Binch & Fox, 2017) used autonomous ground robotic platforms to successfully detect Urtica (nettle) and Rumex (dock) weeds in grassland, to improve farm productivity and the environment through precision herbicide spraying. It assumed that ground robots swathe entire fields to both detect and spray weeds, but this is a slow process as the slow ground platform must drive over every square meter of the field even where there are no weeds. The present study examines a complimentary... A. Binch, N. Cooke, C.W. Fox

4. Investigating Spatial Relationship of Apparent Electrical Conductivity with Turfgrass and Soil Characteristics in Sand-capped Golf Course Fairways

Turfgrass quality decreases when grown on fine textured soils that are irrigated with poor quality water. As a result, sand-capping (i.e., a sand layer above existing native soil) is now considered during golf course fairway renovation and construction. Mapping spatial variability of soil apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) has recently been suggested to have applications for precision turfgrass management (PTM) in native soil fairways, but sand-capped fairways have received less... C. Straw, B. Wyatt, A.P. Smith, K. Watkins, S. Hong, W. Floyd, D. Williams, C. Garza, T. Jansky

5. Utilizing Hyperspectral Field Imagery for Accurate Southern Leaf Blight Severity Grading in Corn

Crop disease detection using traditional scouting and visual inspection approaches can be laborious and time-consuming. Timely detection of disease and its severity over large spatial regions is critical for minimizing significant yield losses. Hyperspectral imagery has been demonstrated as a useful tool for a broad assessment of crop health.  The use of spectral bands from hyperspectral data to predict disease severity and progression has been shown to have the capability of enhancing early... G. Vincent, M. Kudenov, P. Balint-kurti, R. Dean, C.M. Williams