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Vosberg, S
Vidana Gamage, D.N
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Herrmann, I
Vosberg, S
Ravindran, P
Singh, A
Townsend, P
Conley, S
Biswas, A
Vidana Gamage, D.N
Strachan, I.B
Precision Agriculture and Global Food Security
Drainage Optimization and Variable Rate Irrigation
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Exploring Tractor Mounted Hyperspectral System Ability to Detect Sudden Death Syndrome Infection and Assess Yield in Soybean

Pre-visual detection of crop disease is critical for both food and economic security. The sudden death syndrome (SDS) in soybeans, caused by Fusarium virguliforme (Fv), induces 100 million US$ crop loss, per year, in the US alone. Field-based spectroscopic remote sensing offers a method to enable timely detection, but still requires appropriate instrumentation and testing. Soybean plants were measured at canopy level over a course of a growing season to assess the capacity of spectral measurements... I. Herrmann, S. Vosberg, P. Ravindran, A. Singh, P. Townsend, S. Conley

2. High Resolution Soil Moisture Monitoring Using Active Heat Pulse Method with Fiber Optic Temperature Sensing at Field Scale

Knowledge of spatial and temporal variability of soil moisture is critical for site specific irrigation management at field scale. However, installation feasibility, cost and between-sensor variability restrict the use of many point–based sensors at field scale. Active heat pulse method with fiber optic temperature sensing (AHFO) has shown a potential to provide soil moisture data at sub-meter intervals along a fiber optic cable to a distance >10000 meters. Despite the limited number... A. Biswas, D.N. Vidana gamage, I.B. Strachan