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Abbasi, E
Andrew, J
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Evans, F.H
Andrew, J
Scanlan, C
Cook, S
Aliloo, J
Abbasi, E
Karamidehkordi , E
Ghanbari Parmehr, E
Canavari, M
Vitali, G.-
Site-Specific Nutrient, Lime and Seed Management
Drivers and Barriers to Adoption of Precision Ag Technologies or Digital Agriculture
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Modifying Agro-Economic Models to Predict Effects of Spatially Varying Nitrogen on Wheat Yields for a Farm in Western Australia

Agricultural research in broadacre farming in Western Australia has a strong history, resulting in a significant public resource of knowledge about biophysical processes affecting crop performance. However, translation of this knowledge into improved on-farm decision making remains a challenge to the industry. Online and mobile decision support tools to assist tactical farm management decisions are not widely adopted, for reasons including: (1) they take too much time and training to learn; and... F.H. Evans, J. Andrew, C. Scanlan, S. Cook

2. Content Analysis of the Challenges of Using Drones in Paddy Fields in the Haraz Plain Watershed, Iran

Drone technology has gained popularity in recent years as a sustainable solution to changing agricultural conditions. Using drones in agriculture provides many advantages in farm management. However, the use of drones in paddy fields in Iran is a new phenomenon facing numerous challenges. This study aims to explore the challenges for using drones in paddy fields and provide practical guidelines to solve the challenges facing the their application. This research was conducted with a qualitative... J. Aliloo, E. Abbasi, E. Karamidehkordi , E. Ghanbari parmehr, M. Canavari, G.-. Vitali