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Mishra, A
McGary, S.D
Bruce, A.E
Demattê, J.M
Bhansali, S
Moreda, E.A
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Williams, J.D
McGary, S.D
Waits, M
Sankaran, S
Ehsani, R
Mishra, A
Dima, C
Hunt, E
Rondon, S.I
Bruce, A.E
Turner, R.W
Brungardt, J.J
Tardaguila, J
Diago, M
Gutierrez, S
Fernandez-Novales, J
Moreda, E.A
Tardaguila, J
Palacios, F
Diago, M
Moreda , E.A
Burton, L
Jayachandran, K
Bhansali, S
Mekonnen, Y
Sarwat, A
Amaral, L.R
Oldoni, H
Melo, D.D
Rosin, N.A
Alves, M.R
Demattê, J.M
Education and Training in Precision Agriculture
Precision Horticulture
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Education and Outreach in Precision Agriculture
Geospatial Data
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Filter results7 paper(s) found.

1. Revisited: A Case Study Approach For Teaching And Applying Precision Agriculture

Current agricultural students understand and are excited about new technologies, but often do not understand how precision agriculture can be applied to farming operations. A case-study approach that requires students to develop precision agriculture management practices which includes selecting equipment and assessing the financial feasibility could help students understand and apply precision agriculture. This paper revisits a case-study approach to teaching precision agriculture and describes... J.D. Williams, S.D. Mcgary, M. Waits

2. Development Of Ground-based Sensor System For Automated Agricultural Vehicle To Detect Diseases In Citrus Plantations

An integrated USDA-funded project involving Carnegie Mellon University, University of Florida, Cornell University and John Deere is ongoing, to develop an autonomous tractors for sustainable specialty crop farming. The research teams have come together to develop an automated system for detecting plant stress, estimating yields, and reducing chemical usage through precision spraying for specialty crops. The goals of the automation process are to reduce the tractor-related labor costs, reduce... S. Sankaran, R. Ehsani, A. Mishra, C. Dima

3. Detection of Potato Beetle Damage Using Remote Sensing from Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Remote sensing with small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) has potential applications in agriculture because low flight altitudes allow image acquisition at very high spatial resolution.  We set up experiments at the Oregon State University Hermiston Agricultural Research and Extension Center (HAREC) to assess advantages and disadvantages of sUAS for precision farming. In 2014, we conducted an experiment in irrigated potatoes with 4 levels of artificial infestation by Colorado Potato Beetles.... E. Hunt, S.I. Rondon, A.E. Bruce, R.W. Turner, J.J. Brungardt

4. On-the-Go Nir Spectroscopy and Thermal Imaging for Assessing and Mapping Vineyard Water Status in Precision Viticulture

New proximal sensing technologies are desirable in viticulture to assess and map vineyard spatial variability. Towards this end, high-spatial resolution information can be obtained using novel, non-invasive sensors on-the-go. In order to improve yield, grape quality and water management, the vineyard water status should be determined. The goal of this work was to assess and map vineyard water status using two different proximal sensing technologies on-the-go: near infrared (NIR) reflectance spectroscopy... J. Tardaguila, M. Diago, S. Gutierrez, J. Fernandez-novales, E.A. Moreda

5. Innovative Assessment of Cluster Compactness in Wine Grapes from Automated On-the-Go Proximal Sensing Application

Grape cluster compactness affects berry ripening homogeneity, fungal disease incidence, grape composition and wine quality. Therefore, assessing cluster compactness is crucial for sorting wine grapes for the wine industry. Nowadays, cluster compactness assessing methodology is based either on visual inspection performed by trained evaluators (OIV method) or on morphological features of clusters. The goal of this work was to develop an innovative and automated, non-destructive method to assess... J. Tardaguila, F. Palacios, M. Diago, E.A. Moreda

6. Exploring Wireless Sensor Network Technology in Sustainable Okra Garden: A Comparative Analysis of Okra Grown in Different Fertilizer Treatments

The goal of this project was to explore commercial agricultural and irrigation sensor kits and to discern if the commercial wireless sensor network (WSN) is a viable tool for providing accurate real-time farm data at the nexus of food energy and water. The smart garden consists of two different varieties of Abelmoschus esculentus (okra) planted in raised beds, each grown under two different fertilizer treatments. Soil watermark sensors were programed to evaluate soil moisture and dictate irrigation... L. Burton, K. Jayachandran, S. Bhansali, Y. Mekonnen, A. Sarwat

7. Yield Potential Zones and Their Relationship with Soil Taxonomic Classes and Management Zones

The use of management zones (MZ) to subdivide agricultural areas based on the variability of yield potential and production factors is increasingly being explored by scientific research and demanded by farmers. However, there is still much uncertainty about which layers of information and procedures should be adopted for this purpose. Thus, our goal was to demonstrate whether simplistic approaches to creating MZ can satisfactorily address the variability of yield potential and soil classes. For... L.R. Amaral, H. Oldoni, D.D. Melo, N.A. Rosin, M.R. Alves, J.M. Demattê