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Lukach, J
Lopez Lozano, R
Lacey, R
Lare, M
Eriksen, J
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Franzen, D.W
Endres, G
Ashley, R
Staricka, J
Lukach, J
McKay, K
de Solan, B
Lopez Lozano, R
Ma, K
Baret, F
Tisseyre, B
Zhang, H
Lan, Y
Westbrook, J
Suh, C
Hoffmann, C
Lacey, R
Skovsen, S
Dyrmann, M
Eriksen, J
Gislum, R
Karstoft, H
Jørgensen, R.N
Larsen, D
Skovsen, S
Steen, K.A
Grooters, K
Green, O
Jørgensen, R.N
Eriksen, J
Sogbedji, J.M
Lare, M
Lotsi, A.K
Amouzou, K.A
Agneroh, T
Precision A-Z for Practitioners
Pros and Cons of Reflectance and Fluorescence-based Remote Sensing of Crop
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Precision Agriculture and Global Food Security
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Filter results6 paper(s) found.

1. Revising Nitrogen Recommendations For Wheat In Response To The Need For Support Of Variable-rate Nitrogen Application

Sampling studies in North Dakota conducted from 1994 to 2003 showed that variable-rate N application could be practically directed with zone soil sampling. Results from variable-rate N studies using zone soil sampling were often less than rewarding due in part to the use of a whole-field predicted yield-based formula for developing the N recommendation in each zone. Nitrogen rate studies on spring wheat and durum were established in 2005 through 2009 to reexamine N recommendations. The results... D. Franzen, G. Endres, R. Ashley, J. Staricka, J. Lukach, K. Mckay

2. Interest Of 3D Modeling For Lai Retrieval From Canopy Transmittance Measurements: The Cases Of Wheat And Vineyard

Remote sensing techniques are now widely used in agriculture, for cultivar screening as well as for decision making tools. Empirical methods relate directly the remote sensing measured values to crop characteristics. These methods are limited by the important amount of ground data necessary for their calibration. Their validity domain is generally not very well defined as well as the associated uncertainties. Conversely, radiative transfer models allow simulating a wide range of conditions, and... B. De solan, R. Lopez lozano, K. Ma, F. Baret, B. Tisseyre

3. Investigation Of Crop Varieties At Different Growth Stages Using Optical Sensor Data

Cotton, soybean and sorghum are economically important crops in Texas. Knowing the growing status of crops at different stages of growth is crucial to apply site-specific management and increase crop yield for farmers. Field experiments were initiated to measure cotton, soybean and sorghum plants growth status and spatial variability through the whole growing cycle. A ground-based active optical sensor, Greenseeker®, was used to collect the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data... H. Zhang, Y. Lan, J. Westbrook, C. Suh, C. Hoffmann, R. Lacey

4. Predicting Dry Matter Composition of Grass Clover Leys Using Data Simulation and Camera-Based Segmentation of Field Canopies into White Clover, Red Clover, Grass and Weeds

Targeted fertilization of grass clover leys shows high financial and environmental potentials leading to higher yields of increased quality, while reducing nitrate leaching. To realize the gains, an accurate fertilization map is required, which is closely related to the local composition of plant species in the biomass. In our setup, we utilize a top-down canopy view of the grass clover ley to estimate the composition of the vegetation, and predict the composition of the dry matter of the forage.... S. Skovsen, M. Dyrmann, J. Eriksen, R. Gislum, H. Karstoft, R.N. Jørgensen

5. Autonomous Mapping of Grass-Clover Ratio Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Convolutional Neural Networks

This paper presents a method which can provide support in determining the grass-clover ratio, in grass-clover fields, based on images from an unmanned aerial vehicle. Automated estimation of the grass-clover ratio can serve as a tool for optimizing fertilization of grass-clover fields. A higher clover content gives a higher performance of the cows, when the harvested material is used for fodder, and thereby this has a direct impact on the dairy industry. An android application... D. Larsen, S. Skovsen, K.A. Steen, K. Grooters, O. Green, R.N. Jørgensen, J. Eriksen

6. Variability in Yield Response of Maize to N, P and K Fertilization Towards Site-specific Nutrient Recommendations in Two Maize Belts in Togo

Savannah and central regions are the major maize production zones in Togo, but with maize grain yields at a threshold of only 1.5 Mg ha-1. We use a participatory approach to assess the importance of the major three macro elements (N, P and K) for maize cropping in the two regions in order to further allow for site-specific and scalable fertilizer recommendations. Thirty farmers’ fields served as pilot sites, allocated within the two regions to account for spatial variability in... J.M. Sogbedji, M. Lare, A.K. Lotsi, K.A. Amouzou, T. Agneroh