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Shaw, J.N
Ji, Z
Swamy, S
Sheppard, J
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Sun, C
Ji, Z
Qian, J
Li, M
Zhao, L
Li, W
Zhou, C
Du, X
Xie, J
Wu, T
Qu, L
Hao, L
Yang, X
Yang, X
Sun, C
Qian, J
Ji, Z
Qiao, S
Chen, M
Zhao, C
Li, M
Shanwad, U
H, V
N.L., R
Kanannnavar, P.S
Swamy, S
Patil, M.B
Norwood, S.H
Fulton, J.P
Winstead, A.T
Shaw, J.N
Rodekohr, D
Brodbeck, C.J
Macy, T
Yang, X
Li, M
Sun, C
Qian, J
Ji, Z
Maxwell, B.D
Bekkerman, A
Silverman, N
Payn, R
Sheppard, J
Izurieta, C
Davis, P
Hegedus, P.B
Sheppard, J
Peerlinck, A
Maxwell, B
Peerlinck, A
Sheppard, J
Morales Luna, G.L
Hegedus, P
Maxwell, B
Information Management and Traceability
Precision Crop Protection
Precision Nutrient Management
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Information Management and Traceability
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
Decision Support Systems
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Filter results8 paper(s) found.

1. A Case Study For Variable-rate Seeding Of Corn And Cotton In The Tennessee Valley Of Alabama

      Farmers have recently become more interested in implementing variable-rate seeding of corn and cotton in Alabama due to increasing seed costs and the potential to maximize yields site-specifically due to inherent field variability.  Therefore, an on-farm case study was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of variable-rate seeding for a corn and cotton rotation. ... S.H. Norwood, J.P. Fulton, A.T. Winstead, J.N. Shaw, D. Rodekohr, C.J. Brodbeck, T. Macy

2. Traceability And Management Information System Of Agricultural Product Quality Safety In China

Agricultural product quality safety is the hot topic in the world. From the technical view, the agricultural production management and traceability are the key measurement for insuring the quality safety. From 2005 until now, we have been investigating... X. Yang, M. Li, C. Sun, J. Qian, Z. Ji

3. Towards a Multi-Source Record Keeping System for Agricultural Product Traceability

Agricultural production record keeping is the basis of traceability system. To resolve the problem including single method of information acquisition, weak ability of real-time monitoring and low credibility of history information in agricultural production process, the... C. Sun, Z. Ji, J. Qian, M. Li, L. Zhao, W. Li, C. Zhou, X. Du, J. Xie, T. Wu, L. Qu, L. Hao, X. Yang

4. Modeling and Decision Support System for Precision Cucumber Protection in Greenhouses

The plant disease... X. Yang, C. Sun, J. Qian, Z. Ji, S. Qiao, M. Chen, C. Zhao, M. Li

5. Precision Nutrient Management in Cotton- A Case Study from India

Cotton is being one of the important commercial crops in India, farmers have adopted cultivating hybrid cotton to achieve higher yield. In this context, cotton is becoming input intensive crop... U. Shanwad, V. H, R. N.l., P.S. Kanannnavar, S. Swamy, M.B. Patil

6. Can Optimization Associated with On-Farm Experimentation Using Site-Specific Technologies Improve Producer Management Decisions?

Crop production input decisions have become increasingly difficult due to uncertainty in global markets, input costs, commodity prices, and price premiums. We hypothesize that if producers had better knowledge of market prices, spatial variability in crop response, and weather conditions that drive crop response to inputs, they could more cost-effectively make profit-maximizing input decisions. Understanding the drivers of variability in crop response and designing accompanying management strategies... B.D. Maxwell, A. Bekkerman, N. Silverman, R. Payn, J. Sheppard, C. Izurieta, P. Davis, P.B. Hegedus

7. Using Deep Learning in Yield and Protein Prediction of Winter Wheat Based on Fertilization Prescriptions in Precision Agriculture

Precision Agriculture has been gaining interest due to the significant growth in the fields of engineering and computer science, hence leading to more sophisticated methods and tools to improve agricultural techniques. One approach to Precision Agriculture involves the application of mathematical models and machine learning to fertilization optimization and yield prediction, which is what this research focuses on. Specifically, in this work we report the results of predicting yield and protein... J. Sheppard, A. Peerlinck, B. Maxwell

8. Optimizing Nitrogen Application to Maximize Yield and Reduce Environmental Impact in Winter Wheat Production

Field-specific fertilizer rate optimization is known to be beneficial for improving farming profit, and profits can be further improved by dividing the field into smaller plots and applying site-specific rates across the field. Finding optimal rates for these plots is often based on data gathered from said plots, which is used to determine a yield response curve, telling us how much fertilizer needs to be applied to maximize yield. In related work, we use a Convolutional Neural Network, known... A. Peerlinck, J. Sheppard, G.L. Morales luna, P. Hegedus, B. Maxwell