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Pham, F.H
Prince Czarnecki, J.M
Patil, V.C
Payn, R
Pires, P.S
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Prince Czarnecki, J.M
Reynolds, D.B
Moorhead, R.J
Reddy, S
Biradar, D.P
Patil, V.C
Desai, B.L
Nargund, V.B
Patil, P
Desai, V
Tulasigeri, V
Channangi, S.M
John, W
Prince Czarnecki, J.M
Wasson, L.L
Irby, J.T
Scholtes, A.B
Carver, S.M
Maxwell, B.D
Bekkerman, A
Silverman, N
Payn, R
Sheppard, J
Izurieta, C
Davis, P
Hegedus, P.B
Bhandari, S
Raheja, A
Chaichi, M.R
Green, R.L
Do, D
Ansari, M
Wolf, J.G
Espinas, A
Pham, F.H
Sherman, T.M
Pomar, C
Andretta, I
Hauschild, L
Kipper, M
Pires, P.S
G, S
Biradar, D.P
Desai, B.L
Patil, V.C
Patil, P
Nargund, V.B
Desai, V
John, W
Channangi, S.M
Tulasigeri, V
Unmanned Aerial Systems
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
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Filter results7 paper(s) found.

1. Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Inform Herbicide Drift Analysis

A primary advantage of unmanned aerial vehicle-based imaging systems is responsiveness.  Herbicide drift events require prompt attention from a flexible collection system, making unmanned aerial vehicles a good option for drift analysis.  In April 2015, a drift event was documented on a Mississippi farm.  A combination of corn and rice fields exhibited symptomology consist with non-target injury from a tank mix of glyphosate and clethodim.  An interesting observation was the... J.M. Prince czarnecki, D.B. Reynolds, R.J. Moorhead

2. Prototype Unmanned Aerial Sprayer for Plant Protection in Agricultural and Horticultural Crops

Aerial application of pesticides has the potential to reduce the amount of pesticides required as chemicals are applied where needed. A prototype Unmanned Aerial Sprayer with a payload of 20 kg; a spraying rate of 6 liters per minute; a spraying swathe of 3 meters, coverage rate of 2 to 4 meters per second and 10 minutes of flight time was built using state of the art technologies. The project is a joint development by University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, KLE Technological University,... S. Reddy, D.P. Biradar, V.C. Patil, B.L. Desai, V.B. Nargund, P. Patil, V. Desai, V. Tulasigeri, S.M. Channangi, W. John

3. Soybean Maturity Stage Estimation with Unmanned Aerial Systems

Many agronomic decisions in soybean production systems revolve around crop maturity. The primary objective of this research was to evaluate the ability of UAS to determine when soybeans have reached maturity stage sufficient for harvest aid application. A producer typically applies harvest aid chemicals when he or she perceives the crop has reached a critical level of maturity (R6.5) based on a subjective assessment. A convention is to apply harvest aids when 65% of soybean pods reach a mature... J.M. Prince czarnecki, L.L. Wasson, J.T. Irby, A.B. Scholtes, S.M. Carver

4. Can Optimization Associated with On-Farm Experimentation Using Site-Specific Technologies Improve Producer Management Decisions?

Crop production input decisions have become increasingly difficult due to uncertainty in global markets, input costs, commodity prices, and price premiums. We hypothesize that if producers had better knowledge of market prices, spatial variability in crop response, and weather conditions that drive crop response to inputs, they could more cost-effectively make profit-maximizing input decisions. Understanding the drivers of variability in crop response and designing accompanying management strategies... B.D. Maxwell, A. Bekkerman, N. Silverman, R. Payn, J. Sheppard, C. Izurieta, P. Davis, P.B. Hegedus

5. Effectiveness of UAV-Based Remote Sensing Techniques in Determining Lettuce Nitrogen and Water Stresses

This paper presents the results of the investigation on the effectiveness of UAV-based remote sensing data in determining lettuce nitrogen and water stresses. Multispectral images of the experimental lettuce plot at Cal Poly Pomona’s Spadra farm were collected from a UAV. Different rows of the lettuce plot were subject to different level of water and nitrogen applications. The UAV data were used in the determination of various vegetation indices. Proximal sensors used for ground-truthing... S. Bhandari, A. Raheja, M.R. Chaichi, R.L. Green, D. Do, M. Ansari, J.G. Wolf, A. Espinas, F.H. Pham, T.M. Sherman

6. Environmental Impacts of Precision Feeding Programs Applied in Brazilian Pig Production

This study was undertaken to evaluate the effect that switching from conventional to precision feeding systems during the growing-finishing phase would have on the potential environmental impact of Brazilian pig production. Standard life-cycle assessment procedures were used, with a cradle-to-farm gate boundary. The inputs and outputs of each interface of the life cycle were organized in a model. Grain production was independently characterized in the Central-West and South regions of Brazil,... C. Pomar, I. Andretta, L. Hauschild, M. Kipper, P.S. Pires

7. Prototype Unmanned Aerial Sprayer for Plant Protection in Agricultural and Horticultural Crops

Aerial application of pesticides has the potential to reduce the amount of pesticides required as chemicals are applied where needed. A prototype Unmanned Aerial Sprayer with a payload of 20 kg; a spraying rate of 6 liters per minute; a spraying swathe of 3 meters, coverage rate of 2 to 4 meters per second and 10 minutes of flight time was built using state of the art technologies. The project is a joint development by University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, KLE Technological University,... S. G, D.P. Biradar, B.L. Desai, V.C. Patil, P. Patil, V.B. Nargund, V. Desai, W. John, S.M. Channangi, V. Tulasigeri