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Anken, T
Abukmeil, R
Armstrong, S
Anderson, L
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Holpp, M
Anken, T
Seatovic, D
Grueninger, R
Hueppi, R
Caron, J
Anderson, L
Sauvageau, G
Gendron, L
Abukmeil, R
Almallahi, A
Spatial and Temporal Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Precision Horticulture
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. 3d Object Recognition, Localization and Treatment of Rumex Obtusifolius in Its Natural Environment

Rumex obtusifolius is one of the most highly competitive and persistent sorts of weed in agriculture. An automatic recognition and plant-treatment system is currently under development as an alternative treatment technique. An infrared-laser triangulation sensor and a high-resolution smart camera are used to generate 3D images of the weeds and their natural environment. In a segmentation process, contiguous surface patches are separated from one other. These 3D surface patches... M. Holpp, T. Anken, D. Seatovic, R. Grueninger, R. Hueppi

2. Real Time Precision Irrigation with Variable Setpoint for Strawberry to Generate Water Savings

Water is a precious resource that is becoming increasingly scarce as the population grows and water resources are depleted in some locations or under increased control elsewhere, due to local availability or groundwater contamination issues. It obviously affects strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) production in populated areas and water cuts are being imposed to many strawberry growers to save water, with limited information on the impact on crop yield. Precision irrigation technologies are... J. Caron, L. Anderson, G. Sauvageau, L. Gendron

3. Developing Empirical Method to Estimate Phosphorous in Potato Plants Using Spectroscopy-based Approach

Application of non-destructive sensors opens a promising opportunity to provide efficient information on nutrient contents based on leaf or canopy reflectance in different crops. In potatoes, nutrient levels are estimated by conducting chemical tests for the petioles. In thinking of deploying sensors for potato nutrient estimation, it is necessary to study the spectrum based on petiole chemical testing rather than leaf chemical testing. Thus, this study aimed to investigate whether there is a... R. Abukmeil, A. Almallahi