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Schumann, A.W
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Zaman, Q
Esau, T.J
Farooque, A.A
Schumann, A.W
Percival, D.C
Chang, Y.K
Khan, F.S
Zaman, Q.U
Schumann, A.W
Madani, A
Percival, D.C
Farooque, A.A
Saleem, S.R
Khan, F.S
Farooque, A.A
Zaman, Q.U
Groulx, D
Schumann, A.W
Esau, T.J
Chang, Y.K
Zaman, Q
Schumann, A.W
Percival, D.C
Esau, T.J
Read, S.M
Farooque, A.A
Zaman, Q
Schumann, A.W
Percival, D.C
Esau, T.J
Stauffer, T
Hennessy, P.J
Esau, T.J
Schumann, A.W
Farooque, A.A
Zaman, Q.U
White, S.N
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
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Filter results7 paper(s) found.

1. Performance Evaluation Of A Prototype Variable Rate Sprayer For Spot- Application Of Agrochemicals In Wild Blueberry Fields

  Wild blueberry yields are highly dependent on agrochemicals for adequate weed control. The excessive use of agrochemicals with uniform application in significant bare spots and plant areas has resulted in increased cost of production. A cost-effective automated prototype variable rate (VR) sprayer was developed for spot-application (SA) of agrochemicals in a specific section of the sprayer boom where the weeds have been detected. The weed patches were mapped with an RTK-GPS... Q. Zaman, A.W. Schumann, D.C. Percival, T.J. Esau, S.M. Read

2. Estimating Soil Moisture And Organic Matter Content Variabality Using Electromagnatic Induction Metod

  Abstract: Electromagnetic induction (EMI) methods are gaining popularity due to their non-destructive nature, rapid response and ease of integration into mobile platforms for assessment of the soil moisture content, water table depth, and salinity etc. The objective of this study was to estimate and map soil moisture content and organic matter content using DualEM.... A. Farooque, Q. Zaman, A.W. Schumann, D.C. Percival, T.J. Esau, T. Stauffer

3. Design And Construction Of A Computer Aided Control And Monitoring System For Greenhouses

ABSTRACT High expenditure is one the major disadvantages of using human or labor work force in agriculture division. Lack of accurate and precise processing, low working speed and the effect of physical tiredness on their efficiency are same other disadvantages. Using modern technology and replacing human work force with the automated mechanisms and instruments or intelligent machinery leads to the reduction of these expenses, enhancement of precision, accuracy and work speed and... A. Sanaei

4. Development of Sensing System Using Digital Photography Technique for Spot-Application of Herbicide in Wild Blueberry Fields

An automated sensing system, hardware and software, was developed for spot-application of herbicide with 6.1 m boom automated prototype sprayer.... Q. Zaman, T.J. Esau, A.A. Farooque, A.W. Schumann, D.C. Percival, Y.K. Chang

5. Relationship of Soil Properties to Apparent Ground Conductivity in Wild Blueberry Fields

  One of the fundamental deficiencies in high value crops is the lack of detailed, up-to-date and pertinent geo-referenced soil information for site-specific crop management to improve productivity. This experiment was designed to estimate and map soil properties rapidly and reliably using an electromagnetic induction (EMI) method. Two wild blueberry... F.S. Khan, Q.U. Zaman, A.W. Schumann, A. Madani, D.C. Percival, A.A. Farooque, S.R. Saleem, F.S. Khan

6. Sensor Fusion on a Wild Blueberry Harvester for Fruit Yield, Plant Height and Topographic Features Mapping to Improve Crop Productivity

  Site-specific crop management can improve profitability and environmental risks of wild blueberry crop having large spatial variation in soil/plant characteristics, topographic features which may affect fruit yield. An integrated automated sensor fusion system including an ultrasonic sensor, a digital color camera, a slope sensor,... A.A. Farooque, Q.U. Zaman, D. Groulx, A.W. Schumann, T.J. Esau, Y.K. Chang

7. Meta Deep Learning Using Minimal Training Images for Weed Classification in Wild Blueberry

Deep learning convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have gained popularity in recent years for their ability to classify images with high levels of accuracy. In agriculture, they have been applied for disease identification, crop growth monitoring, animal behaviour tracking, and weed classification. Datasets traditionally consisting of thousands of images of each desired target are required to train CNNs. A recent survey of Nova Scotia wild blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) fields,... P.J. Hennessy, T.J. Esau, A.W. Schumann, A.A. Farooque, Q.U. Zaman, S.N. White