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Sorensen, C
Sherrod, L.A
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Fountas, S
Bochtis, D
Sorensen, C
Green, O
J, R
Bartzanas, T
Peterson, G
Westfall, D
Sherrod, L.A
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Precision Carbon Management
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Spatial-temporal Management Zones For Biomass Moisture

 Biomass handling operations (harvesting, raking, collection, and transportation) are critical operations within the agricultural production system since they constitute the first link in the biomass supply chain, a fact of substantial importance considering the increasingly involvement of biomass in bio-refinery and bio-energy procedures. Nevertheless, the inherent uncertainty, imposed by the interaction between environmental, biological, and machinery factors, makes the available scheduling... S. Fountas, D. Bochtis, C. Sorensen, O. Green, R. J, T. Bartzanas

2. Landscape Position And Climatic Gradient Impacts On Carbon Turnover in Dryland Cropping Systems in Colorado

  Soil organic carbon has decreased in cultivated wheat-fallow systems due to increased carbon oxidation, low carbon input and soil erosion.  Implementation of more intensive cropping with no-till management has reversed the trend in soil carbon loss.  Our objective in this presentation is to review the effects of landscape position on soil carbon status as related to intensification of cropping system.  Our analysis will... G. Peterson, D. Westfall, L.A. Sherrod