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Duval, C
Miteran, J
Draganova, I
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Draganova, I
Yule, I
Stevenson, M
Bourgain, O
Duval, C
Llorens, J
Draganova, I
Yule, I.J
Betteridge, K
Hedley, M.J
Stafford, K.J
Martinon, V
Duval, C
Fumery, J
Duval, C
Llorens, J
Duval, C
Duval, C
Ta, S
Cointault, F
Marin, A
Journaux, L
Miteran, J
Martin, R
Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
Profitability, Sustainability, and Adoption
Precision Livestock Management
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Precision Nutrient Management
Modeling and Geo-statistics
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Filter results6 paper(s) found.

1. Economic Profitability Of Site-specific Pesticide Management At The Farm Scale For Crop Systems In Haute-Normandie (France)

 Modern agriculture requires decision making criteria applicable to different scales of territory in order to reconcile productivity and respect of the environment, particularly for pest management. Taking into account the recent environmental... O. Bourgain, C. Duval, J. Llorens

2. Monitoring Dairy Cow Activity With GPS-tracking And Supporting Technologies

  Nutrient loss from dairy farms is an issue of serious concern to most dairy farmers around the world. On grazed systems such as those practiced in New Zealand animal excreta has been identified as a major source of nutrient loss, which for nitrogen (N) relates to cattle urine in particular.  A study was commissioned to examine nutrient transfer around dairy farms associated with the cows with a view to developing improved precision nutrient application... I. Draganova, I.J. Yule, K. Betteridge, M.J. Hedley, K.J. Stafford

3. Innovative Optical Sensors For Diagnosis, Mapping And Real-time Management Of Row Crops: The Use Of Polyphenolics And Fluorescence

Force-A’s Dualex® leaf-clips and Multiplex® proximal optical sensors give rapid and quantitative estimations of chlorophyll and polyphenolics of crops by measuring the fluorescence and absorption properties of these molecules. The in vivo and real-time assessments of these plant compounds allow us to define new indicators of crop nitrogen status, health and quality. The measurements of these indicators allow consultants and farmers to monitor the nitrogen status of row crops,... V. Martinon, , C. Duval, J. Fumery

4. Site-specific Fertilization Management: Influence Of The Past History Of The Addition Of Fertilizers On The Intra Field Variability Of The Rate Of P And K In The Soil.

 Site specific crop management adapts the fertilizer amount applied in relation to the intra field crop needs. In this context, tries were carried out under field conditions. The aim of the trials was to develop technico-economic baseline data and methodology of soil sampling for precision agriculture in Upper-Normandy. ... C. Duval, J. Llorens, C. Duval, C. Duval, S. Ta

5. Wheat Growth Stages Discrimination Using Generalized Fourier Descriptors In Pattern Recognition Context

... F. Cointault, A. Marin, L. Journaux, J. Miteran, R. Martin

6. The Use of Sensing Technologies to Monitor and Track the Behavior of Cows on a Commercial Dairy Farm

New Zealand farmers are facing rapidly increasing pressure to reduce nutrient losses from their farming enterprises to the environment caused by grazing ruminants. Research... I. Draganova, I. Yule, M. Stevenson