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Norwood, S.H
Neményi, M
Neupane, J
Valentini, G
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Mullenix, D
Troesch, A.M
Fulton, J.P
Winstead, A.T
Norwood, S.H
Winstead, A.T
Norwood, S.H
Griffin, T
Adrian, A.M
Runge, M
Fulton, J.P
Winstead, A.T
Norwood, S.H
Fulton, J.P
Adrian, A.M
Norwood, S.H
Fulton, J.P
Winstead, A.T
Shaw, J.N
Rodekohr, D
Brodbeck, C.J
Macy, T
Kovács, A.J
Nyéki, A
Milics, G
Neményi, M
Allegro, G
Martelli, R
Valentini, G
Pastore, C
Mazzoleni, R
Pezzi, F
Filippetti, I
Ali, A
Neupane, J
Joshi, N
Fulton, J.P
Khanal, S
B K, A
Bhattarai, B
Nugent, P
Neupane, J
Profitability, Sustainability, and Adoption
Precision A-Z for Practitioners
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Emerging Issues in Precision Agriculture (Energy, Biofuels, Climate Change, Standards)
Precision Horticulture
Site-Specific Nutrient, Lime and Seed Management
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Agriculture
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Filter results8 paper(s) found.

1. Economic Analysis Of Auto-swath Control For Alabama Crop Production

With the rising costs of fertilizer and pesticides and a push towards increasing environmental stewardship, farmers are seeking means to save money while preserving the environment and wildlife habitat. One technology that aids in remedying these concerns is auto-swath control. This investigation evaluates overlap savings using this technology on different application equipment and resulting in economic savings for those adopting it. Several field boundaries were obtained from across the state... D. Mullenix, A.M. Troesch, J.P. Fulton, A.T. Winstead, S.H. Norwood

2. Adoption And Use Of Precision Agriculture Technologies By Practitioners

A survey of farmers and farm service providers were initiated to ascertain the adoption and use of precision agriculture technologies as well as the barriers to and incentives for adoption. Farm-level data were collected via audience response system at the 2009 Alabama Precision Ag and Field Crops Conference and local winter production meetings across the six crop reporting districts in Alabama. Service provider data were collected using an online survey. Questions common to farmers and service... A.T. Winstead, S.H. Norwood, T. Griffin, A.M. Adrian, M. Runge, J.P. Fulton

3. PA Education: Using Social Media

Social media and web-based applications are gaining in popularity for disseminating information and communicating with others. The traditional method of transferring information through print and face-to-face meetings is now often supplemented and/or replaced by web-based outlets. The Alabama Precision Agriculture Program initiated a social media and web campaign as a method of distributing educational information while gaining recognition as a source for precision... A.T. Winstead, S.H. Norwood, J.P. Fulton, A.M. Adrian

4. A Case Study For Variable-rate Seeding Of Corn And Cotton In The Tennessee Valley Of Alabama

      Farmers have recently become more interested in implementing variable-rate seeding of corn and cotton in Alabama due to increasing seed costs and the potential to maximize yields site-specifically due to inherent field variability.  Therefore, an on-farm case study was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of variable-rate seeding for a corn and cotton rotation. ... S.H. Norwood, J.P. Fulton, A.T. Winstead, J.N. Shaw, D. Rodekohr, C.J. Brodbeck, T. Macy

5. Climate Change And Sustainable Precision Crop Production With Regard To Maize (Zea Mays L.)

Precision crop production research activities were started during the mid-‘90s at the Institute of Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, University of West Hungary. On the basis of the experiences with DSSAT (Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer) the impact of climate change on maize yield (three soil types) was investigated until 2100. DSSAT crop growth model is used worldwide. The coupled model intercomparison project... A.J. Kovács, A. Nyéki, G. Milics, M. Neményi

6. Variable Rate Fertilization in a High-yielding Vineyard of Cv. Trebbiano Romagnolo May Reduce Nitrogen Application and Vigour Variability Without Loss of Crop Load

The site-specific management of vineyard cultural practices may reduce the spatial variability of vine vigor, contributing to achieve the desired yield and grape composition. In this framework, variable rate fertilization may effectively contribute to reduce the different availability of mineral nutrients between different areas of the vineyard, and so achieving the vine’s aforementioned performances. The present study was aimed to apply a variable rate fertilization in a high-yielding... G. Allegro, R. Martelli, G. Valentini, C. Pastore, R. Mazzoleni, F. Pezzi, I. Filippetti, A. Ali

7. Assessing Crop Yield and Profitability with Site-specific Seed Rate Management in Corn and Soybean Cropping Systems

Integrating the information about soil and topographic properties for variable rate seeding is a prerequisite for improved crop production and thus profit. However, limited studies have explored the geospatial and machine learning approaches to understand factors influencing crop yield and profit under site-specific seed rate management. The objectives of this study were to: a) observe the effect of variable seeding rate based on soil and topographic properties on soybean and corn grain yield,... J. Neupane, N. Joshi, J.P. Fulton, S. Khanal, A. B k, B. Bhattarai

8. Using Machine Vision to Build Field Maps of Forage Quality and the Need for Agriculture-specific Machine Vision Networks

Machine vision systems have truly come of age over the past decade. These networks are relatively simple to implement with systems such as YOLOv5 or the more recent YOLOv8. They are also relatively easy and computationally cheap to retrain to a custom data set, allowing for customization of these networks to new object detection and classification tasks. With this ease, it is no surprise that we are seeing an explosion of these networks and their application through all aspects of agriculture.... P. Nugent, J. Neupane