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Andrade, R.G
Anderson, V
Ali, U
Abdelghafour, F
Arif, M
Alexandroff, V
Arzani, H
Abney, M
Arzani, H.P
Attanayake, A
Adu-Gyamfi, Y
Archila-Diaz, J.F
Amaral, L.R
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Arzani, H.P
Azimi, M.S
Kaboli, S.D
Mirdavodi, H.M
Borhani, M.M
Abdollahi, J.M
Farahpour, M.D
Bernardi, A.C
Grego, C.R
Andrade, R.G
Vaz, C.M
Rabello, L.M
Inamasu, R.Y
Bajwa, S
Nowatzki, J
Harnisch, W
Schatz, B
Anderson, V
Archila-Diaz, J.F
Becker, M
Arzani, H
Alizadeh, E
Keresztes, B
Da Costa, J
Randriamanga, D
Germain, C
Abdelghafour, F
Ali, K
Jones, D.L
Arif, M
Ali, U
Esau, T.J
Farooque, A
Zaman, Q
Krys, K
Shirtliffe, S
Duddu, H
Ha, T
Attanayake, A
Johnson, E
Andvaag, E
Stavness, I
Pereira, F.R
Dos Reis, A.A
Freitas, R.G
Oliveira, S.R
Amaral, L.R
Figueiredo, G.K
Antunes, J.F
Lamparelli, R.A
Moro, E
Pereira, N.D
Magalhães, P.S
Pereira, F.R
Lima, J.P
Freitas, R.G
Dos Reis, A.A
Amaral, L.R
Figueiredo, G.K
Lamparelli, R.A
Pereira, J.C
Magalhães, P.S
Lee, J
song, S
Oh, S
Krishnaswamy, K
Sun, C
Adu-Gyamfi, Y
da Cunha, I.A
Oldoni, H
Melo, D.D
Amaral, L.R
Amaral, L.R
Oldoni, H
Melo, D.D
Rosin, N.A
Alves, M.R
Demattê, J.M
Paz Kagan, T
Alexandroff, V
Ungar, E.D
Melo, D.D
da Cunha, I.A
Brasco, T.L
Oldoni, H
Amaral, L.R
Vellidis, G
Abney, M
Burlai, T
Fountain, J
Kemerait, R.C
Kukal, S
Lacerda, L
Maktabi, S
Peduzzi, A
Pilcon, C
Sysskind, M
Melo, D.D
Brasco, T.L
da Cunha, I.A
Castro, S.G
Amaral, L.R
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Precision Nutrient Management
Applications of UAVs (unmanned aircraft vehicle systems) in precision agriculture
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Site-Specific Pasture Management
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Land Improvement and Conservation Practices
Decision Support Systems
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
In-Season Nitrogen Management
Precision Agriculture and Global Food Security
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soils and Crops (including Phenotyping)
Geospatial Data
Site-Specific Pasture Management
Site-Specific Nutrient, Lime and Seed Management
Decision Support Systems
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Filter results18 paper(s) found.

1. Spatial Variability Of Crop And Soil Properties In A Crop-livestock Integrated System

The knowledge of spatial variability soil properties is useful in the rational use of inputs, as in the site specific application of lime and fertilizer. The objective of this work was to map and evaluate the spatial variability of the crop, soil chemical and physical properties. The study was conducted in 2 areas of 6.9 and 11.7 ha of a Typic Haplustox in Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil. The summer crops corn and sorghum were sowed together to the forage crop Brachiaria brizantha in the system of crop-pasture... A.C. Bernardi, C.R. Grego, R.G. Andrade, C.M. Vaz, L.M. Rabello, R.Y. Inamasu

2. Application of RS, GPS & GIS in a National Monitoring System for Accurate Range Assessment

Sustainable use of rangelands requires information on vegetation cover and its changes through time, condition trend and the effect of climate as well as management practices. The main objective of this research was showing variation of vegetation parameters,... H.P. Arzani, M.S. Azimi, S.D. kaboli, H.M. mirdavodi, M.M. Borhani, J.M. Abdollahi, M.D. farahpour

3. Verify The Effectiveness Of UAS-Mounted Sensors In Field Crop And Livestock Production Management Issues

This research project is a “proof-of-concept” demonstrating specific UAS applications in production agriculture. Project personnel will use UAS-mounted sensors to collect data of ongoing crop and livestock research projects during the 2014 crop season at the North Dakota State University (NDSU) Carrington Research Extension Center (CREC). Project personnel will collaborate with NDSU research scientists conducting research at the CREC. During the first year of the project... S. Bajwa, J. Nowatzki, W. Harnisch, B. Schatz, V. Anderson

4. Simulation of Curiosity and Exo Mars Rovers on Agriculture Terrain

Improving agricultural productivity is one of the biggest challenges Agriculture and Engineering face. A possible solution is the creation of soil databases and/or maps to apply precision agriculture techniques, aiming to produce more in the same land, using less agricultural supplies. This practice may be developed with the help of rovers applied to e.g. agricultural data collect, mapping, scouting and supply tasks. However, the rover needs to move and adapt to the terrain to obtain a real appropriate... J.F. Archila-diaz, M. Becker

5. Grazing System and Solar Fences, Innovation and Opportunity in Rangeland of Developing Countries

The future of the development and management of pasture resources depends on increasing the use of scientific innovations. In some countries rangeland livestock production majority relies on natural ecological processes of plant and animal production, despite the progress in all of the infrastructure, rangeland management have a little growth and base on traditional ranching management, grazing livestock is based on a free grazing system. In this study grazing system was applied and electric fence... H. Arzani, E. Alizadeh

6. Real-Time Fruit Detection Using Deep Neural Networks

Proximal imaging using tractor-mounted cameras is a simple and cost-effective method to acquire large quantities of data in orchards and vineyards. It can be used for the monitoring of vegetation and for the management of field operations such as the guidance of smart spraying systems for instance. One of the most prolific research subjects in arboriculture is fruit detection during the growing season. Estimations of fruit-load can be used for early yield assessments and for the monitoring of... B. Keresztes, J. Da costa, D. Randriamanga, C. Germain, F. Abdelghafour

7. Organic Nitrogen Uptake: A Novel Pathway to Improve Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Crop Productivity

Formulation of amino acid N fertilizer and uptake of organic N by plants has the ability not only to ensure N availability to plants particularly in N-limiting environments but also can manipulate the environmental hazards associated with over inorganic N fertilization. To support this view, clear experimental evidence is still lacking. In addition, the current experiments aimed to evaluate the uptake of organic N (Amino acid based N fertilizer) by plants in comparison with inorganic fertilizer... K. Ali, D.L. Jones, M. Arif

8. Integration of High Resolution Multitemporal Satellite Imagery for Improving Agricultural Crop Classification: a Case Study

Timely and accurate agriculture information is vital for ensuring global food security. Satellite imagery has already been proved as a reliable tool for remote crop mapping. Planet satellite imagery provides high cadence, global satellite coverage with higher temporal and spatial resolution than the Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2. This study examined the potential of utilizing high-resolution multitemporal imagery along with and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to map the agricultural crops... U. Ali, T. Esau, A. Farooque, Q. Zaman

9. Establishment of a Canola Emergence Assessment Methodology Using Image-based Plant Count and Ground Cover Analysis

Manual assessment of emergence is a time-consuming practice that must occur within a short time-frame of the emergence stage in canola (Brassica napus). Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) may allow for a more thorough assessment of canola emergence by covering a wider scope of the field and in a more timely manner than in-person evaluations. This research aims to calibrate the relationship between emerging plant population count and the ground cover. The field trial took place at the University... K. Krys, S. Shirtliffe, H. Duddu, T. Ha, A. Attanayake, E. Johnson, E. Andvaag, I. Stavness

10. A Framework for Imputation of Missing Parts in UAV Orthomosaics Using Planetscope and Sentinel-2 Data

In recent years, the emergence of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), also known as drones, with high spatial resolution, has broadened the application of remote sensing in agriculture. However, UAV images commonly have specific problems with missing areas due to drone flight restrictions. Data mining techniques for imputing missing data is an activity often demanded in several fields of science. In this context, this research used the same approach to predict missing parts on orthomosaics obtained... F.R. Pereira, A.A. Dos reis, R.G. Freitas, S.R. Oliveira, L.R. Amaral, G.K. Figueiredo, J.F. Antunes, R.A. Lamparelli, E. Moro, N.D. Pereira, P.S. Magalhães

11. Nitrogen Status Prediction on Pasture Fields Can Be Reached Using Visible Light UAV Data Combined with Sentinel-2 Imagery

Pasture fields under integrated crop-livestock system usually receive low or no nitrogen fertilization rates, since the expectation is that nitrogen demand will be provided by the soybean remaining straw cropped previously. However, keeping nitrogen at suitable levels in the entire field is the key to achieving sustainability in agricultural production systems. In this sense, remote sensing technologies play an essential role in nitrogen monitoring in pastures and crops. With the launch of the... F.R. Pereira, J.P. Lima, R.G. Freitas, A.A. Dos reis, L.R. Amaral, G.K. Figueiredo, R.A. Lamparelli, J.C. Pereira, P.S. Magalhães

12. Smart Food Oases: Development of a Distributed Point-to-point Urban Food Ecosystem in Food Desert Areas

Urban agriculture has been getting much attention in the past decade as a solution to overcome food insecurity and accessibility of food for urban residents and to have better green environments in cities. Urban agriculture is expected to provide better nutrients to residents, reduce transportation and environmental costs, and help urban dwellers access food efficiently. The present study is to build a collaborative ecosystem among urban growers/producers and create bridges from these farmers... J. Lee, S. Song, S. Oh, K. Krishnaswamy, C. Sun, Y. Adu-gyamfi

13. Delineation of Yield Zones Using Optical and Radar Remote Sensing

Identifying yield zones in agricultural areas is essential for efficient resource allocation, operational optimization, and decision-making. While optical remote sensing is widely used in precision agriculture, the interest in radar remote sensing data, notably from the Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), has increased due to its operation in the C-band frequency, capturing data through cloud cover and the availability of free data. The main objective of this study was to evaluate whether... I.A. Da cunha, H. Oldoni, D.D. Melo, L.R. Amaral

14. Yield Potential Zones and Their Relationship with Soil Taxonomic Classes and Management Zones

The use of management zones (MZ) to subdivide agricultural areas based on the variability of yield potential and production factors is increasingly being explored by scientific research and demanded by farmers. However, there is still much uncertainty about which layers of information and procedures should be adopted for this purpose. Thus, our goal was to demonstrate whether simplistic approaches to creating MZ can satisfactorily address the variability of yield potential and soil classes. For... L.R. Amaral, H. Oldoni, D.D. Melo, N.A. Rosin, M.R. Alves, J.M. Demattê

15. Detection of Goat Herding Impact on Vegetation Cover Change Using Multi-season, Multi-herd Tracking and Satellite Imagery

The frequency and severity of Mediterranean forest fires are expected to worsen as climate change progresses, heightening the need to evaluate understory fuel management strategies as rigorously as possible. Prescribed small-ruminant foraging is considered a sustainable, cost-effective strategy, but demonstrating a link between animal presence and vegetation change is challenging. This study tested whether the effect of small-ruminant herd presence in Mediterranean woodlands can be detected by... T. Paz kagan, V. Alexandroff, E.D. Ungar

16. Hierarchical Zoning: Targeted Sampling for Soil Attribute Mapping

The mapping of soil attributes for fertilizer recommendation remains challenging in precision agriculture. Traditionally, this mapping is done through soil sampling in a regular grid, which generally yields good results when done in denser grids. However, due to the high costs associated with sampling and analysis, sparser grids have been adopted, which has not produced good prediction results. Some studies with directed sampling points to obtain more accurate soil maps have been adopted to address... D.D. Melo, I.A. Da cunha, T.L. Brasco, H. Oldoni, L.R. Amaral

17. Decision Support Tools for Developing Aflatoxin Risk Maps in Peanut Fields

Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus hereafter referred to jointly as A. flavus, are soil fungi that infect and contaminate preharvest and postharvest peanuts with the carcinogenic secondary metabolite aflatoxin. A. flavus can cause extensive economic losses to peanut growers and shellers by contaminating peanut kernels with aflatoxins. In the southeastern U.S., contamination from aflatoxin continues to be a major threat to the peanut industry and... G. Vellidis, M. Abney, T. Burlai, J. Fountain, R.C. Kemerait, S. Kukal, L. Lacerda, S. Maktabi, A. Peduzzi, C. Pilcon, M. Sysskind

18. Sampling-based on Plant Vigor Zones As a Strategy for Creating Soil Attribute Maps

Mapping agronomically relevant soil properties for fertilizer recommendation remains challenging in precision agriculture. Traditionally, this mapping is conducted through soil sampling on a regular grid basis, where points are equally spaced primarily to ensure spatial coverage. However, directing soil sampling points based on plant vigor may be more efficient in capturing soil variability that directly affects plant development. Several commercial platforms offer solutions for defining management... D.D. Melo, T.L. Brasco, I.A. Da cunha, S.G. Castro, L.R. Amaral