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Fajardo, M
Zaier, R
White, J.W
Thies, S
Taylor, R
Taberner, A
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Jayasuriya, H.P
Zekri, S
Zaier, R
Al-buasidi, H
Teirab, A
Hamza, N
Thorp, K.R
White, J.W
Conley, M.M
Mon, J
Bronson, K.F
Weckler, P
Wang, N
Zhai, C
Zhang, L
Luo, B
Long, J
Taylor, R
Filippi, P
Jones, E.J
Fajardo, M
Whelan, B.M
Bishop, T.F
Whelan, B
Fajardo, M
Thies, S
Clay, D.E
Bruggeman, S
Joshi, D
Clay, S
Miller, J
Rydahl, P
Boejer, O
Torresen, K
Montull, J.M
Taberner, A
Bückmann, H
Verschwele, A
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
Decision Support Systems
Precision Agriculture and Global Food Security
Decision Support Systems
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Filter results7 paper(s) found.

1. Evaluation Of A Sensor-Based Precision Irrigation System For Efficiency And To Monitor And Control Groundwater Over-Pumping In Oman

Oman is a country with a total area of 309,500 km2. However, cultivable land in Oman is estimated to be less than 2%, which amounts to about 6100 km2. More than 50 percent of the arable lands located in the northern coastal belt of Al Batinah region. The country with average annual rainfall around 100 mm, has limited natural fresh water resources and has been facing the serious problem of sea water intrusion into the scarce groundwater reserves due to undisciplined... H.P. Jayasuriya, S. Zekri, R. Zaier, H. Al-buasidi, A. Teirab, N. Hamza

2. Use Of Active Radiometers To Estimate Biomass, Leaf Area Index, And Plant Height In Cotton

Active radiometers have been tested extensively as tools to assess in-season nitrogen (N) status of crops like wheat (Triticum aestivum), corn (Zea mays), and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum).  Fewer studies target in-season plant growth parameters such as biomass, plant height or leaf area index (LAI).  Uses of this plant data include simulation modeling, total N uptake measurements, evapotranspiration (ET) estimates and irrigation... K.R. Thorp, J.W. White, M.M. Conley, J. Mon, K.F. Bronson

3. Evaluation of a Seed-fertilizer Application System Using a Laser Scanner

The system evaluated is a design that combines planter and sprayer technologies to allow clients to plant crops while simultaneously spraying initial fertilizer on or in close proximity to the seed.  The system is an idea Capstan Ag Systems has been pursuing for around 15 years, and has recently been revived in a partnership with Great Plains Manufacturing Company.  Great Plains Manufacturing released the final product under the name AccushotTM at the 2015... P. Weckler, N. Wang, C. Zhai, L. Zhang, B. Luo, J. Long, R. Taylor

4. Forecasting Crop Yield Using Multi-Layered, Whole-Farm Data Sets and Machine Learning

The ultimate goal of Precision Agriculture is to improve decision making in the business of farming. Many broadacre farmers now have a number of years of crop yield data for their fields which are often augmented with additional spatial data, such as apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa), soil gamma radiometrics, terrain attributes and soil sample information. In addition there are now freely available public datasets, such as rainfall, digital soil maps and archives of satellite remote... P. Filippi, E.J. Jones, M. Fajardo, B.M. Whelan, T.F. Bishop

5. Optimising Nitrogen Use in Cereal Crops Using Site-Specific Management Classes and Crop Reflectance Sensors

The relative cost of Nitrogen (N) fertilisers in a cropping input budget, the 33% Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) seen in global cereal grain production and the potential environmental costs of over-application are leading to changes in the application rates and timing of N fertiliser. Precision agriculture (PA) provides tools for producers to achieve greater synchrony between N supply and crop N demand. To help achieve these goals this research has explored the use of management classes derived... B. Whelan, M. Fajardo

6. Precision Fall Urea Fertilizer Applications: Timing Impact on Carbon Dioxide, Ammonia Volatilization and Nitrous Oxide Emissions

To minimize ammonia (NH3) volatilization and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from fall applied fertilizer, it is generally recommended to not apply the fertilizer until the soil temperature decreases below 10 C. However, this recommendation is not based on detailed measurements of NH3and N2O emissions. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of fertilizer application timing on nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, and ammonia volatilization emissions.  Nitrogen fertilizer was... S. Thies, D.E. Clay, S. Bruggeman, D. Joshi, S. Clay, J. Miller

7. Economic Potential of IPMwise – a Generic Decision Support System for Integrated Weed Management in 4 Countries

Reducing use and dependency on pesticides in Denmark has been driven by political action plans since the 1980ies, and a series of nationally funded accompanying R&D programs were completed in the period 1989-2006. One result of these programs was a decision support system (DSS) for integrated weed management. The 4th generation (2016) of the agro-biological models and IT-tools in this DSS, named IPMwise. The concept of IPMwise is to systematically exploit that: occurrence... P. Rydahl, O. Boejer, K. Torresen, J.M. Montull, A. Taberner, H. Bückmann, A. Verschwele