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R, C
Rabello, L.M
Ransom, C.J
Robson, A
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de Oliveira, R.P
Bernardi, A.C
Benites, V.D
Rabello, L.M
Inamassu, R.Y
R, C
Rumpf, T
B, K
Hunsche, M
Pl, L
Noga, G
Kitchen, N.R
Yost, M.A
Ransom, C.J
Bean, G
Camberato, J
Carter, P
Ferguson, R
Fernandez, F
Franzen, D
Laboski, C
Nafziger, E
Sawyer, J
Kitchen, N.R
Ransom, C.J
Schepters, J.S
Hatfield, J.L
Massey, R
Rahman, M.M
Robson, A
Brinkhoff, J
Bazzi, C.L
Rauber, L.A
Oliveira, W.K
Sobjak, R
Schenatto, K
Gebler, L
Rabello, L.M
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Modeling and Geo-statistics
In-Season Nitrogen Management
In-Season Nitrogen Management
Precision Horticulture
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soils and Crops (including Phenotyping)
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Filter results6 paper(s) found.

1. Early Identification Of Leaf Rust On Wheat Leaves With Robust Fitting Of Hyperspectral Signatures

Early recognition of pathogen infection is of great relevance in precision plant protection. Disease detection before the occurrence of visual symptoms is of particular interest. By use of a laserfluoroscope, UV-light induced fluorescence data were collected from healthy and with leaf rust infected wheat leaves of the susceptible cv. Ritmo 2-4 days after inoculation under controlled conditions. In order to evaluate disease impact on spectral characteristics 215 wavelengths in the range of 370-800... C. R, T. Rumpf, K. B, M. Hunsche, L. Pl, G. Noga

2. Spatial Variability Index Based On Soil Properties for Notill and Pasture Site-Specific Management in Brazil.

 Quantitative characterization of soil properties spatial variation has first been applied... R.P. De oliveira, A.C. Bernardi, V.D. Benites, L.M. Rabello, R.Y. Inamassu

3. Utilizing Weather, Soil, and Plant Condition for Predicting Corn Yield and Nitrogen Fertilizer Response

Improving corn (Zea mays L.) nitrogen (N) fertilizer rate recommendation tools should increase farmer’s profits and help mitigate N pollution. Weather and soil properties have repeatedly been shown to influence crop N need. The objective of this research was to improve publicly-available N recommendation tools by adjusting them with additional soil and weather information. Four N recommendation tools were evaluated across 49 N response trials conducted in eight U.S. states over three growing... N.R. Kitchen, M.A. Yost, C.J. Ransom, G. Bean, J. Camberato, P. Carter, R. Ferguson, F. Fernandez, D. Franzen, C. Laboski, E. Nafziger, J. Sawyer

4. Spatial and Temporal Factors Impacting Incremental Corn Nitrogen Fertilier Use Efficiency

Current tools for making crop N fertilizer recommendations are primarily based on plot and field studies that relate the recommendation to the economic optional N rate (EONR).  Some tools rely entirely on localized EONR (e.g., MRTN). In recent years, tools have been developed or adapted to  account for within-field variation in crop N need or variable within season factors. Separately, attention continues to elevate for how N fertilizer recommendations might account for environmental... N.R. Kitchen, C.J. Ransom, J.S. Schepters, J.L. Hatfield, R. Massey

5. Assessing the Potential of Sentinel-1 in Retrieving Mango Phenology and Investigating Its Relation to Weather in Southern Ghana

The rise in global production of horticultural tree crops over the past few decades is driving technology-based innovation and research to promote productivity and efficiency. Although mango production is on the rise, application of the remote sensing technology is generally limited and the available study on retrieving mango phenology stages specifically, was focused on the application of optical data. We therefore sought to answer the questions; (1) can key phenology stages of mango be retrieved... B.A. Torgbor, M.M. Rahman, A. Robson, J. Brinkhoff

6. Portable Soil EC - Development of an Electronic Device for Determining Soil Electrical Conductivity

Decision-making in agriculture demands continuous monitoring, a factor that propels the advancement of tools within Agriculture 4.0. In this context, understanding soil characteristics is essential. Electrical conductivity (EC) sensors play a pivotal role in this comprehension. Given this backdrop, the core motivation of this research was developing an accessible and effective electronic device to measure the apparent EC of the soil. It provides features like geolocation, recording of the date... C.L. Bazzi, L.A. Rauber, W.K. Oliveira, R. Sobjak, K. Schenatto, L. Gebler, L.M. Rabello