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Ruckelshausen, A
Ritenour, M.A
Raheja, A
Ryu, S
Rontani, F
Add filter to result:
Ruckelshausen, A
Dzinaj, T
Kinder, T
Bosse, D
Klose, R
Ruckelshausen, A
Alheit, K.V
Busemeyer, L
Klose, R
Linz, A
Moeller, K
Rahe, F
Thiel, M
Trautz, D
Weiss, U
Hertzberg, J
Ruckelshausen, A
Wunder, E
Linz, A
Göttinger, M
Hinck, S
Möller, K
Ruckelshausen, A
Scholz, C
Choi, D
Lee, W
Schueller, J.K
Ehsani, R
Roka, F.M
Ritenour, M.A
Bhandari, S
Raheja, A
Chaichi, M.R
Green, R.L
Do, D
Ansari, M
Wolf, J.G
Espinas, A
Pham, F.H
Sherman, T.M
Tsukor, V
Scholz, C
Nietfeld, W
Heinrich, T
Mosler , T
Lorenz, F
Najdenko, E
Möller, A
Mentrup, D
Ruckelshausen, A
Hinck, S
Ha, T
Aldridge, K
Johnson, E
Shirtliffe, S.J
Ryu, S
Bhandari, S
Raheja, A
Barbosa, M
Duron, D
Rontani, F
Bortolon, G
Moreira, B
Oliveira, L
Setiyono, T
Shiratsuchi, L
Silva, R.P
Holland, K.H
Bhandari, S
Acosta, M
Cordova Gonzalez, C
Raheja, A
Sherafat, A
Education and Training in Precision Agriculture
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Precision Horticulture
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Site-Specific Nutrient, Lime and Seed Management
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Agriculture
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Filter results11 paper(s) found.

1. Isobus Demonstrator And Working Environment For Agricultural Engineering Education

ISOBUS is the international standard for communication on agricultural equipment. In practice, however, a manufacturer independent tractor-implement communication is still a significant problem. This aspect has been identified as a major hindrance for the transfer of research results into products for precision farming.  As a consequence the ISOBUS standard should strongly be included in education and research, which is the focus of this work.   In... A. Ruckelshausen, T. Dzinaj, T. Kinder, D. Bosse, R. Klose

2. Sensor And System Technology For Individual Plant Crop Scouting

Sensor and system technologies are key components for automatic treatment of individual plants as well as for plant phenotyping in field trials. Based on experiences in research and application of sensors in agriculture the authors have developed phenotyping platforms for field applications including sensors, system and software development and application-specific mountings.   Sensor and data fusion have a high potential by compensating varying selectivities... A. Ruckelshausen, K.V. Alheit, L. Busemeyer, R. Klose, A. Linz, K. Moeller, F. Rahe, M. Thiel, D. Trautz, U. Weiss

3. Autonomous Service Robots For Orchards And Vineyards: 3D Simulation Environment Of Multi Sensor-Based Navigation And Applications

In order to fulfill economical as well as ecological boundary conditions information technologies and sensor are increasingly gaining importance in horticulture.  In combination with the reduced availability of human workers automation technologies thus play a key role in the international competition in vinicultures and orchards and have the potential to reduce the costs as well as environmental impacts.   The authors are working in the... J. Hertzberg, A. Ruckelshausen, E. Wunder, A. Linz

4. Automatic Soil Penetrometer Measurements And GIS-Based Documentation With The Autonomous Field Robot Platform BoniRob

For a sustainable agriculture, reliable measurements of soil properties and its interpretation are of highest relevance. Until today most of the measurements are carried out manually or by integrating off-line laboratories. Moreover, the number and density of measurement points is always an important aspect with respect to the statistical significance of the results. In this work a fully automatic measurement system has been developed and applied for the first time with free selectable... M. Göttinger, S. Hinck, K. Möller, A. Ruckelshausen, C. Scholz

5. A Precise Fruit Inspection System for Huanglongbing and Other Common Citrus Defects Using GPU and Deep Learning Technologies

World climate change and extreme weather conditions can generate uncertainties in crop production by increasing plant diseases and having significant impacts on crop yield loss. To enable precision agriculture technology in Florida’s citrus industry, a machine vision system was developed to identify common citrus production problems such as Huanglongbing (HLB), rust mite and wind scar. Objectives of this article were 1) to develop a simultaneous image acquisition system using multiple cameras... D. Choi, W. Lee, J.K. Schueller, R. Ehsani, F.M. Roka, M.A. Ritenour

6. Effectiveness of UAV-Based Remote Sensing Techniques in Determining Lettuce Nitrogen and Water Stresses

This paper presents the results of the investigation on the effectiveness of UAV-based remote sensing data in determining lettuce nitrogen and water stresses. Multispectral images of the experimental lettuce plot at Cal Poly Pomona’s Spadra farm were collected from a UAV. Different rows of the lettuce plot were subject to different level of water and nitrogen applications. The UAV data were used in the determination of various vegetation indices. Proximal sensors used for ground-truthing... S. Bhandari, A. Raheja, M.R. Chaichi, R.L. Green, D. Do, M. Ansari, J.G. Wolf, A. Espinas, F.H. Pham, T.M. Sherman

7. soil2data: Concept for a Mobile Field Laboratory for Nutrient Analysis

Knowledge of the small-scale nutrient status of arable land is an important basis for optimizing fertilizer use in crop production. A mobile field laboratory opens up the possibility of carrying out soil sampling and nutrient analysis directly on the field. In addition to the benefits of fast data availability and the avoidance of soil material transport to the laboratory, it provides a future foundation for advanced application options, e.g. a high sampling density, sampling of small sub-fields... V. Tsukor, C. Scholz, W. Nietfeld, T. Heinrich, T. Mosler , F. Lorenz, E. Najdenko, A. Möller, D. Mentrup, A. Ruckelshausen, S. Hinck

8. Knowledge-based Approach for Weed Detection Using RGB Imagery

A workflow was developed to explore the potential use of Phase One RGB for weed mapping in a herbicide efficacy trial in wheat. Images with spatial resolution of 0.8 mm were collected in July 2020 over an area of nearly 2000 square meters (66 plots). The study site was on a research farm at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. Wheat was seeded on June 29, 2020, at a rate of 75 seeds per square meter with a row spacing of 30.5 cm. The weed species seeded in the trial were kochia, wild oat, wild... T. Ha, K. Aldridge, E. Johnson, S.J. Shirtliffe, S. Ryu

9. Increasing the Accuracy of UAV-Based Remote Sensing Data for Strawberry Nitrogen and Water Stress Detection

This paper presents the methods to increase the accuracy of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)-based remote sensing data for the determination of plant nitrogen and water stresses with increased accuracy. As the demand for agricultural products is significantly increasing to keep up with the growing population, it is important to investigate methods to reduce the use of water and chemicals for water conservation, reduction in the production cost, and reduction in environmental impact. UAV-based remote... S. Bhandari, A. Raheja

10. Multi-sensor Remote Sensing: an AI-driven Framework for Predicting Sugarcane Feedstock

Predicting saccharine and bioenergy feedstocks in sugarcane enables stakeholders to determine the precise time and location for harvesting a better product in the field. Consequently, it can streamline workflows while enhancing the cost-effectiveness of full-scale production. On one hand, Brix, Purity, and total reducing sugars (TRS) can provide meaningful and reliable indicators of high-quality raw materials for industrial food and fuel processing. On the other hand, Cellulose, Hemicellulose,... M. Barbosa, D. Duron, F. Rontani, G. Bortolon, B. Moreira, L. Oliveira, T. Setiyono, L. Shiratsuchi, R.P. Silva, K.H. Holland

11. Leveraging UAV-based Hyperspectral Data and Machine Learning Techniques for the Detection of Powderly Mildew in Vineyards

This paper presents the development and validation of machine learning models for the detection of powdery mildew in vineyards. The models are trained and validated using custom datasets obtained from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with a hyperspectral sensor that can collect images in visible/near-infrared (VNIR) and shortwave infrared (SWIR) wavelengths. The dataset consists of the images of vineyards with marked regions for powdery mildew, meticulously annotated using LabelImg. ... S. Bhandari, M. Acosta, C. Cordova gonzalez, A. Raheja, A. Sherafat