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Nazrul, F
Nielsen, D.C
Nadagouda, D
Noack, P
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Kumar R, M
Kumar R, M
Nadagouda, D
Ahuja, L.R
Saseendran, S.A
Ma, L
Nielsen, D.C
Trout, T.J
Andales, A.A
Hansen, N.C
Weule, M
Hufnagel, E
Claussen, J
Berghaus, A
Burkhart, S
Noack, P
Gerth, S
Jha, G
Nazrul, F
Nocco, M
Pagé Fortin, M
Whitaker, B
Diaz, D
Gal, A
Schmidt, R
Dey, S
Gilson, A
Meyer, L
Killer, A
Keil, F
Scholz, O
Kittemann, D
Noack, P
Pietrzyk, P
Paglia, C
Nazrul, F
Kim, J
Dey, S
Palla, S
Sihi, D
Whitaker, B
Jha, G
Precision Nutrient Management
Modelling and Geo-Statistics
Precision Agriculture and Global Food Security
Weather and Models for Precision Agriculture
Precision Horticulture
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Filter results6 paper(s) found.

1. Studies on Soil Spatial Variability and Its Impact on Cane Yield Under Precision Nutrient Management System

In present investigation an attempt was made to quantify the soil variability of 30 grids of 10 m x 10 m dimension at research farm of Nandi Sahakari Sakkare Karkhane (NSSK), Krishna Nagar, District. Bijapur. Each grid (10 m x 10 m) showed variation with available nitrogen as low as 140 kg ha-1 to as high as 245 kg/ha with a range of 105 kg/ha, phosphorus as low as 53 kg P2O5 ha-1 and as high as 89.3 kg P2O5 ha-1 with... M. Kumar r, M. Kumar r, D. Nadagouda

2. Use of a Cropping System Model for Soil-specific Optimization of Limited Water

In the arena of modern agriculture, system models capable of simulating the complex interactions of all the relevant processes in the soil-water-plant- atmosphere continuum are widely accepted as potential tools for decision support to optimize crop inputs of water to achieve location specific yield potential while minimizing environmental (soil and water resources) impacts. In a recent study, we calibrated, validated, and applied the CERES-Maize v4.0 model for simulating limited-water irrigation... L.R. Ahuja, S.A. Saseendran, L. Ma, D.C. Nielsen, T.J. Trout, A.A. Andales, N.C. Hansen

3. X-ray Imaging in Breeding and Harvesting Processes

The application of X-ray technology has a long tradition in different medical and technical fields. Compared to other sensor systems, its advantages lie in the capability to reveal structures within objects non-destructively. The analysis of X-ray images with image processing methods is applied for quality control, the detection of foreign objects or damages and other anomalies (e.g. in organs or bones). Until recently, the application of X-ray was mainly constrained to stationary applications... M. Weule, E. Hufnagel, J. Claussen, A. Berghaus, S. Burkhart, P. Noack, S. Gerth

4. Prediction of Field-scale Evapotranspiration Using Process Based Modeling and Geostatistical Time-series Interpolation

Irrigation scheduling depends on the combination of evaporative demand from the atmosphere, spatial and temporal heterogeneity in soil properties and changes in crop canopy during a growing season. This on-farm trial is based on data collected in 72-acre processing tomato field in Central Valley of California. The Multiband Spectrometric Arable Mark 2 sensors at three different locations in the field. Multispectral and thermal imagery provided by Ceres Imaging were collected eight times during... G. Jha, F. Nazrul, M. Nocco, M. Pagé fortin, B. Whitaker, D. Diaz, A. Gal, R. Schmidt

5. Cherry Yield Forecast: Harvest Prediction for Individual Sweet Cherry Trees

Digitalization continues to transform the agricultural sector as a whole and also affects specific niches like horticulture. Particularly in fruit and wine production, the focus is on the application of sensor systems and data analysis aiming at automated detection of drought stress or pests in vineyards or orchards.  As part of the  “For5G” project, we are developing an end-to-end methodology for the creation of digital twins of fruit trees, with a strong focus... A. Gilson, L. Meyer, A. Killer, F. Keil, O. Scholz, D. Kittemann, P. Noack, P. Pietrzyk, C. Paglia

6. Machine Learning Algorithms in Detecting Long-term Effect of Climatic Factors for Alfalfa Production in Kansas

The water levels of the Ogallala Aquifer are depleting so much that agricultural land returns in Kansas are expected to drop by $34.1 million by 2050. It is imperative to understand how frequent droughts and the contrasting rates of groundwater withdrawal and recharge are affected by climate shifts in Kansas. Alfalfa, the ‘Queen of Forages’, is a water demanding crop which supplies high nutritional feed for beef industry that offered Kansas producers a $500 million production value... F. Nazrul, J. Kim, S. Dey, S. Palla, D. Sihi, B. Whitaker, G. Jha