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Al-Gaadi, K.A
Asci, S
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Patil, V.C
Al-Gaadi, K.A
Al-Gaadi, K.A
Patil, V.C
Al-Gaadi, K.A
Patil, V
Madugundu, R
Tola, E
Marey, S
Mulla, D.J
Upadhyaya, S.K
Al-Gaadi, K.A
Kulhandjian, H
Asci, S
Precision Nutrient Management
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Pros and Cons of Reflectance and Fluorescence-based Remote Sensing of Crop
Precision Nutrient Management
Data Analytics for Production Ag
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Filter results5 paper(s) found.

1. Comparative Performance Of Different Remote Sensing (RS) And Geographic Information System (GIS) Techniques Of Wheat Area And Production Estimates

  The major wheat producing countries in the world are India, China, USA, France, Russia, Canada and Australia. Global demand for wheat is growing @ 1% per year. Crop growth and productivity are determined by a large number of factors such as genetic potential of crop cultivar, soil, weather and management variables, which vary significantly across time and space. Early prediction of crop yield is important for planning and taking various policy decisions. Many countries use the... V.C. Patil, K.A. Al-gaadi

2. Precision Fertigation in Wheat for Sustainable Agriculture in Saudi Arabia

Wheat is an important cereal crop of Saudi Arabia grown on an area of 250,000 ha with an annual production of 1,260,000 metric tons. The crop is cultivated on sandy soils using sprinkler irrigation under center pivots. The crop is sown in November... V.C. Patil, K.A. Al-gaadi

3. Assessment of Land Use Changes in Dirab Region of Saudi Arabia Using Remotely Sensed Imageries

A thorough knowledge of land use changes is important for planning and management activities of land resources.  Moreover, it is considered as... K.A. Al-gaadi

4. Response Of Rhodes Grass (Chloris Gayana Kunth) To Variable Rate Application Of Irrigation Water And Fertilizer Nitrogen

Rhodes grass is cultivated extensively in Saudi Arabia under center pivot sprinkler irrigation system. The research work was carried out to optimize irrigation water and fertilizer nitrogen levels for the crop. The objectives of the study were: 1. To delineate the field in to management zones, 2. To study the effects of variable rate application (VRA) of irrigation water and fertilizer nitrogen on the yield of Rhodes grass. A field experiment was carried out from... V. Patil, R. Madugundu, E. Tola, S. Marey, D.J. Mulla, S.K. Upadhyaya, K.A. Al-gaadi

5. Almonds and Pistachios: Sustaining Legacy, Innovations, and Nutritional Advancements in California

California's unique Mediterranean climate has made it the global epicenter for tree nut production, providing nearly 99 percent of the nation’s almond and pistachio supply. The California tree nut industry is characterized by its deep-rooted heritage, with 90% of its farms being family-owned and operated, often spanning multiple generations. These farmers have been at the forefront of agricultural innovation, investing approximately millions of dollars annually in scientific research... H. Kulhandjian, S. Asci