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Arnall, B
Asiabaka, C.C
Adolwa, I
Armstrong, P
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Asiabaka, C.C
Adesope, M.O
Ifeanyi- Obi, C.C
Nwakwasi, R.N
Nnadi, F
Matthews- Njoku, E.C
Chikaire, J
Arnall, B
Weckler, P
Morris, C
Arnall, B
Alderman, P
Kidd, J
Sutherland, A
Moulay, H
Arnall, B
Phillips, S
Arnall, B
Maatougui, M
Han, M
Zhang, N
Armstrong, P
Adolwa, I
Phillips, S
Akorede, B.A
Suleiman, A.A
Murrell, T
Zingore, S
Muthamia, J
Adolwa, I
Mutegi, J
Zingore, S
Phillips, S
Akin, S
Arnall, B
Derrick, J
Akin, S
Sharry, R
Arnall, B
Food Security and Precision Agriculture
Precision A to Z for Practitioners
Unmanned Aerial Systems
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soils and Crops (including Phenotyping)
Wireless Sensor Networks and Farm Connectivity
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
Precision Agriculture and Global Food Security
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Filter results10 paper(s) found.

1. Enhancing Farmers' Indigenous Knowledge Management in Cassava Varietal Trial Using Agro Ecosystem Analysis, Farmers' Drama Group and Animations in Eastern part of Nigeria.

Researchers continue to come up with new varieties but farmer perspectives and preferences are very important factors for new varieties to spread in farmers’ communities. Researcher priorities alone are not enough. A variety may be ‘scientifically perfect... C.C. Asiabaka, M.O. Adesope, C.C. Ifeanyi- obi, R.N. Nwakwasi, F. Nnadi, E.C. Matthews- njoku, J. Chikaire

2. Sensor Algorithms 101

This presentation will break down the algorithms used for Optical Sensor Based Nitrogen rate recommendations. The group will walk through the mechanics and agronomics behind the most commonly used equations, in order to turn the black boxes into slightly muddied waters. ... B. Arnall

3. Weather Impacts on UAV Flight Availability for Agricultural Purposes in Oklahoma

This research project analyzed 21 years of historical weather data from the Oklahoma Mesonet system.  The data examined the practicality of flying unmanned aircraft for various agricultural purposes in Oklahoma.  Fixed-wing and rotary wing (quad copter, octocopter) flight parameters were determined and their performance envelope was verified as a function of weather conditions.  The project explored Oklahoma’s Mesonet data in order to find days that are acceptable for flying... P. Weckler, C. Morris, B. Arnall, P. Alderman, J. Kidd, A. Sutherland

4. Comparative Analysis of Different On-the-go Soil Sensor Systems

This study is part of the field of precision agriculture. This management mode is one of the great revolutions in the agriculture field, and it means better management of farm inputs such as fertilizers, herbicides, and seeds by applying the right amount at the right place and at the right time. To succeed in this, we should dispose of a tool that allows a precise assessment of the soil’s physical state. Thus, on-the-go soil sensors can be used as a creative tool to gain better... H. Moulay, B. Arnall, S. Phillips

5. The Evaluation of NDVI Response Index Consistency Using Proximal Sensors, UAV and Satellites

The Response Index NDVI (RINDVI) is described as the response of crops to additional nitrogen (N) fertilizer. It is calculated by dividing the NDVI of the high-N plot (N-rich strip) by the NDVI of the zero-N plot or farmer's practice where less pre-plant N was applied (Arnall and al., 2016). RI values are used to predict yield and monitor top dress N fertilization. Many research has been carried out to determine the difference... S. Phillips, B. Arnall, M. Maatougui

6. Optimizing the Connectivity of Wireless Underground Sensor Networks

In the rapidly evolving field of wireless communication, extending this technology into subterranean realms presents a frontier replete with unique challenges and opportunities. This study explores the intricate dynamics of establishing reliable connectivity in underground environments, a critical component for applications in diverse fields including precision agriculture and environmental monitoring. The distinct characteristics of underground settings impose significant obstacles for wireless... M. Han, N. Zhang, P. Armstrong

7. Operationalization of On-farm Experimentation in African Cereal Smallholder Farming Systems

Past efforts have concentrated on linear or top-down approaches in delivering precision nutrient management (PNM) practices to smallholder farmers. These deliberate attempts at increasing adoption of PNM practices have not yielded the expected outcomes, that is, increased productivity and nutrient use efficiency, at scale. This is because technologies generated by scientists with minimal farmer involvement often are not well tailored to the attendant agro-ecological, socio-economic, and cultural... I. Adolwa, S. Phillips, B.A. Akorede, A.A. Suleiman, T. Murrell, S. Zingore

8. Harnessing Farmers’, Researchers’ and Other Stakeholders’ Knowledge and Experiences to Create Shared Value from On-farm Experimentation: Lessons from Kenya

Achieving greater sustainability in farm productivity is a major challenge facing smallholder farmers in Kenya. Existing technologies have not solved the challenges around declining productivity because they are one-size-fits-all that doesn’t account for the diverse smallholder contexts. A study was carried out in Kenya by a multi-disciplinary team to assess the value of On-Farm Experimentation (OFE) to tailor technologies to local conditions. The OFE process begun with identification of... J. Muthamia, I. Adolwa, J. Mutegi, S. Zingore, S. Phillips

9. The Evaluation of Spatial Response to Potassium in Soybeans

In agriculture, the nutrients that are in the largest demand are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), as product demand increases  so does demand for fertilizers. In the case of potassium, most soils can provide potassium in amounts that exceed crop demand; however the potassium within the soil is not always readily available to the crop, this leads to producers apply potassium to their crops even though soil tests suggests otherwise. One such crop where potassium is in demand... S. Akin, B. Arnall

10. Influence of Potassium Variability on Soybean Yield

Due to its role as a plant essential nutrient, Potassium (K) serves as a fundamental component for plant growth. Soybeans are heavily reliant upon this nutrient for root growth and the production of pods, so much so that after nitrogen, potassium is the second most in-demand nutrient. Much of the overall soybean crop grown in Oklahoma is not managed with the fertility of K directly in mind. However, as the potential and expectation for greater yield increases, so does interest from producers... J. Derrick, S. Akin, R. Sharry, B. Arnall