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Raupp, M
Roel, A
Roa Bello, J.C
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Balboa, G
Puntel, L
Melchiori, R
Ortega, R
Tiscornia, G
Bolfe, E
Roel, A
Scaramuzza, F
Best, S
Berger, A
Hansel, D
Palacios, D
Weinmann, M
Nkebiwe, M
Weber, N
Bradacova, K
Morad-Talab, N
Ludewig, U
Müller, T
Neumann, G
Raupp, M
Bradacova, K
Rubaino Sosa, S.A
Cristancho Rojas, O.Y
Leon Rueda, W.A
Montero Pinilla, O.G
Roa Bello, J.C
Lizarazo Salcedo, I.A
Martinez Martinez, L.J
ISPA Community: Latin America
Drivers and Barriers to Adoption of Precision Ag Technologies or Digital Agriculture
Scouting and Field Data collection with Unmanned Aerial Systems
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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. How Digital is Agriculture in South America? Adoption and Limitations

A rapidly growing population in a context of land and water scarcity, and climate change has driven an increase in healthy, nutritious, and affordable food demand while maintaining the current cropping area. Digital agriculture (DA) can contribute solutions to meet the demands in an efficient and sustainable way. South America (SA) is one of the main grain and protein producers in the world but the status of DA in the region is unknown. This article presents the results from a systematic review... G. Balboa, L. Puntel, R. Melchiori, R. Ortega, G. Tiscornia, E. Bolfe, A. Roel, F. Scaramuzza, S. Best, A. Berger, D. Hansel, D. Palacios

2. Bio-Effectors As a Promising Tool for Precision Agriculture and Integrated Plant Nutrition

Bio-effectors, such as microorganisms and active natural compounds, are of increasing interest as promising alternatives or substitutes to precarious agrochemicals. European and global markets (valued at 14.6 billion US$ in 2023) for agricultural biologicals (bio-pesticides, bio-fertilizers, and bio-stimulants) are predicted to grow at rates of more than 13.5 % per year. Improved availability and use efficiency of mineral nutrients, tolerance to abiotic stresses, yield and quality traits, as well... M. Weinmann, M. Nkebiwe, N. Weber, K. Bradacova, N. Morad-talab, U. Ludewig, T. Müller, G. Neumann, M. Raupp, K. Bradacova

3. Spectral Response of Six Treatments of Soil Fertilization in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Var. Diacol Capiro with UAS

In Colombia, potato cultivation occupies the third place among the transient crops in the country, covering approximately 160,000 hectares. It holds the first place in terms of production value, reaching US $500 million, and ranks as the second crop with the highest demand for fertilizers, constituting 20% of production costs. The departments of Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Nariño, and Antioquia are the primary potato producers, accounting for 87.8% of the total production. Traditional... S.A. Rubaino sosa, O.Y. Cristancho rojas, W.A. Leon rueda, O.G. Montero pinilla, J.C. Roa bello, I.A. Lizarazo salcedo