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Pecker, K
Paccioretti, P
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Pecker, K
Botsali, F.M
Topal, A
Zengin, M
Cesario Pinto, J
Thompson, L
Mueller, N
Mieno, T
Puntel, L
Paccioretti, P
Balboa, G
Balboa, G
Puntel, L
Thompson, L
Paccioretti, P
Adoption of Precision Agriculture
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
Drivers and Barriers to Adoption of Precision Ag Technologies or Digital Agriculture
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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. The Review of Studying and Using Advanced Technologies for Site Specific Management in Konya, Turkey

Using advanced (information) technologies in agriculture is increasing rapidly especially in the developed countries such as USA, Japan, and some members of EU. Advanced technologies in agriculture are mostly based on sensors. Site specific management is a form of agricultural management, which is governed by optimum use of variables. Input such as chemical, water, and seed in agricultural production can be managed by using the technologies. Geographic information systems (GIS), Global Position... K. Pecker, F.M. Botsali, A. Topal, M. Zengin

2. Site-specific Evaluation of Sensor-based Winter Wheat Nitrogen Tools Via On-farm Research

Crop producers face the challenge of optimizing high yields and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in their agricultural practices. Enhancing NUE has been demonstrated by adopting digital agricultural technologies for site-specific nitrogen (N) management, such as remote-sensing based N recommendations for winter wheat. However, winter wheat fields are often uniformly fertilized, disregarding the inherent variability within the fields. Thus, an on-farm evaluation of sensor-based N tools is needed to... J. Cesario pinto, L. Thompson, N. Mueller, T. Mieno, L. Puntel, P. Paccioretti, G. Balboa

3. Barriers and Adoption of Precision Ag Tehcnologies for Nitrogen Management Nebraska

A statewide survey of Nebraska farmers shows that they determine the N rate based on soil lab recommendations (82%),  intuition, traditional rate, and own experience (67%). The adoption of dynamic site-specific models (23%), and sensor-based algorithms (11%) remains low. The survey identified the main barriers to the adoption of these N management technologies.  ... G. Balboa, L. Puntel, L. Thompson, P. Paccioretti