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Robinette , M
Rosin, N.A
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Amaral, L.R
Oldoni, H
Melo, D.D
Rosin, N.A
Alves, M.R
Demattê, J.M
Nunes, L
Francisco, E
Prasad, R
Ortiz, B.V
Abban-Baidoo , E
Worosz, M
Robinette , M
O'Connor, C
Gamble, A
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Extension or Outreach Education of Precision Agriculture
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Yield Potential Zones and Their Relationship with Soil Taxonomic Classes and Management Zones

The use of management zones (MZ) to subdivide agricultural areas based on the variability of yield potential and production factors is increasingly being explored by scientific research and demanded by farmers. However, there is still much uncertainty about which layers of information and procedures should be adopted for this purpose. Thus, our goal was to demonstrate whether simplistic approaches to creating MZ can satisfactorily address the variability of yield potential and soil classes. For... L.R. Amaral, H. Oldoni, D.D. Melo, N.A. Rosin, M.R. Alves, J.M. Demattê

2. Participatory Irrigation Extension Programs to Increasing Adoption of Best Irrigation Strategies

Farmers in Alabama, Tennessee, and other US southeastern states lack experience in irrigation water management and adoption of the state-of-the-art technologies and practices to increase irrigation water use efficiency. Several federal and state-funded projects are being implemented to demonstrate and train farmers and consultants on irrigation scheduling strategies and variable rate irritation. Half a dozen on-farm demonstration sites are selected every year to evaluate, demonstrate, and train... L. Nunes, E. Francisco, R. Prasad, B.V. Ortiz, E. Abban-baidoo , M. Worosz, M. Robinette , C. O'connor, A. Gamble