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Aijun, Z
Avemegah, E
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Xiongkui, H
Longlong, L
Jianli, S
Aijun, Z
Yajia, L
Kovacs, P
Clark, J
Schad, J
Avemegah, E
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Drivers and Barriers to Adoption of Precision Ag Technologies or Digital Agriculture
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Design of VAV System of Air Assisted Sprayer in Orchard and Experimental Study in China

One type of new automatic target detecting based on size of canopy with variable chemical dosage and air-flow of fan orchard sprayer was designed and developed to meet the demand of chemical pest control in orchards. Canopy parameter data scanned by infrared sensors and LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) were used to detect the target and to design spraying algorithm and PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) control system. Four integrated five-finger atomizers were equipped on each side of sprayer, independent... H. Xiongkui, L. Longlong, S. Jianli, Z. Aijun, L. Yajia

2. Decision Making Factors of Precision Agricultural Practices in South Dakota

A survey among South Dakota Farmers was conducted to document current nutrient management practices. The survey included questions regarding adoption and use of precision ag technologies in addition to information considered to create prescription maps for variable fertilizer and seeding rates. The survey collected demographic information from the producers. The presentation will also highlight how farm size, farm location, farmer/decision maker’s age and/or education level influences... P. Kovacs, J. Clark, J. Schad, E. Avemegah