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Larkin, S.L
Liaghat, S
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Liaghat, S
Mansor, S
Shafri, H
Meon, S
Ehsani, R
Azam, S
Noh, N
Liaghat, S
Balasundram, S.K
Velandia, M
Mooney, D.F
Roberts, R.K
English, B.C
Larson, J.A
Lambert, D.M
Larkin, S.L
Marra, M.C
Rejesus, R
Martin, S.W
Paxton, K.W
Mishra, A
Wang, C
Segarra, E
Reeves, J.M
Harper, D.C
Lambert, D.M
English, B.C
Larson, J.A
Roberts, R.K
Velandia, M
Mooney, D.F
Larkin, S.L
Precision Horticulture
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Profitability, Sustainability, and Adoption
Precision Nutrient Management
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Filter results4 paper(s) found.

1. Artificial Neural Network Techniques To Predict Orange Spotting Disease In Oil Palm

       Large-Scale oil palm plantations require timely detection of disease symptoms to enable effective intervention. Orange spotting is an emerging disease that significantly reduces oil palm productivity. Remote sensing technology offers the means to detect crop biophysical properties, including crop stress, in a cost effective and non destructive manner. In this study, different portable sensors were used to measure spectral reflectance and chlorophyll... S. Liaghat, S.K. Balasundram

2. Cotton Precision Farming Adoption In The Southern United States: Findings From A 2009 Survey

The objectives of this study were 1) to determine the status of precision farming technology adoption by cotton producers in 12 states and 2) to evaluate changes in cotton precision farming technology adoption between 2000 and 2008. A mail survey of cotton producers located in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia was conducted in February and March of 2009 to establish the use of precision farming technologies... M. Velandia, D.F. Mooney, R.K. Roberts, B.C. English, J.A. Larson, D.M. Lambert, S.L. Larkin, M.C. Marra, R. Rejesus, S.W. Martin, K.W. Paxton, A. Mishra, C. Wang, E. Segarra, J.M. Reeves

3. Adoption And Perceived Usefulness Of Precision Soil Sampling Information In Cotton Production

  Soil testing assists farmers in identifying nutrient variability to optimize input placement and timing. Anecdotal evidence suggests that soil test information has a useful life of 3–4 years. However, perceived usefulness may depend on a variety of factors, including field variability, farmer experience and education, farm size, Extension, and factors indirectly related to farming. In 2009, a survey of cotton farmers in 12 Southeastern states collected information... D.C. Harper, D.M. Lambert, B.C. English, J.A. Larson, R.K. Roberts, M. Velandia, D.F. Mooney, S.L. Larkin

4. Early Detection of Oil Palm Fungal Disease Infestation Using A Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy Technique

Basal stem rot (BSR) caused by Ganoderma boninense is known as the most destructive disease of oil palm plantations in Southeast Asia. Ganoderma could potentially reduce the market share of palm oil for Malaysia. Currently Malaysia produces about 50% of the world’s supply of palm oil. Early, accurate, and non-destructive diagnosis of Ganoderma fungal infection is critical for management of this disease. Early disease management of Ganoderma could also prevent great losses in production and... S. Liaghat, S. Mansor, H. Shafri, S. Meon, R. Ehsani, S. Azam, N. Noh