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Singh, G
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Viator, R.P
Johnson, R.M
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Johnson, R.M
Viator, R.P
Johnson, R.M
Ramachandran, B
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Geospatial Data
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
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Filter results8 paper(s) found.

1. Optical Based Sugarcane Yield Monitors

Several different optical sensors were investigated to detect sugarcane yield on a billet type sugarcane harvester. These sensors included an over-head optical sensor and a below-the-conveyor sensor. Both sensors indicated mass flow rate from a volume measurement of the cane on the conveyor slats. Both systems gave good results with linear line calibration equations and adjusted R-square values from 0.96 to 0.97. Weight wagon weights in the 0.6 to 1.6 metric ton range were estimated to 7.5% on... R. Price, R.M. Johnson, R.P. Viator

2. The Use Of A Ground Based Remote Sensor For Winter Wheat Grain Yield Prediction In Northern Poland

  The aim of the research was to investigate if algorithms developed for winter wheat, cv. Trend, yield predictions, based on ground measured GNDVI, differ significantly between 2 sequent years. The research was conducted in Pomerania, northern Poland (54° 31' N 17° 18' E) on sandy loam soils. The strip-trial design was used to compare the effect of 6 N treatments: 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 kg ha-1, applied as one dose at the beginning... S.M. Samborski, D. Gozdowski, S.E. Dobers

3. Tools For Evaluating The Potential Of Automatic Section Control

One of the newest technologies in precision agriculture is automatic section control on application equipment. This technology has tremendous potential to reduce wasted inputs, especially on irregularly shaped fields. Paybacks are not necessarily as great on rectangular fields. Producers considering adoption of the technology need to decide whether they will receive sufficient payback for their field shapes. They must also decide... T. Stombaugh, R.S. Zandonadi, J.D. Luck, T.P. Mcdonald, T. Mcgraw

4. Development Of Batch Type Yield Monitor For Small Fields

 Abstract The yield monitor is intended to give the user an accurate assessment of yield variations y within a field. A yield monitor can assist grain producers in many aspects of crop management. A yield monitor by itself can provide useful information and enhance on-farm research. Yield data can... M. Singh, A. Sharma, G. Singh, P. Fixen

5. Spatial Variability of Sugarcane Yields in Relation to Soil Salinity in Louisiana

High soil salinity levels have been documented to negatively impact sugarcane yields.  Tests were conducted in commercial sugarcane fields in South Louisiana in 2009-2010 to determine if elevated soil salinity levels... R.P. Viator, R.M. Johnson

6. Assessing the Variability of Red Stripe Disease in Louisiana Sugarcane Using Precision Agriculture Methods

Symptoms of red stripe disease caused by Acidovorax avenae subsp. avenae in Louisiana between 1985 and 2010 were limited to the leaf stripe form which caused no apparent yield loss.  During 2010, the more severe top rot form was observed, and a study was initiated to investigate the distribution of red stripe in the field and determine its effects on cane and sugar yields. Two fields of cultivar HoCP 00-950, one plant-cane (PC) crop and one first-ratoon (FR) crop, affected by top rot were... R.M. Johnson, M.P. Grisham

7. Development of an Overhead Optical Yield Monitor for a Sugarcane Harvester in Louisiana

A yield monitor is a device used to measure harvested crop weight per unit area for a specific location within a field.  The device documents yield variability in harvested fields and ultimately can be used to create a geographical-referenced yield map. Yield maps can be used to identify low yielding areas where poor soil fertility, disease, or pests may adversely affect yield.  Management practices can then be adjusted to correct these issues, resulting in an increase in yields and... R.R. Price, R.M. Johnson, R.P. Viator

8. Utilization of UASs to Predict Sugarcane Yields in Louisiana Prior to Harvest

One of the most difficult tasks that both sugarcane producers and processors face every year is estimating the yields of sugarcane fields prior to the start of harvest. This information is needed by processors to determine when the harvest season is to be initiated each year and by producers to decide when each field should be harvested. This is particularly important in Louisiana because the end of the harvest season is often affected by freeze events. These events can severely damage the crop... R.M. Johnson, B. Ramachandran